Note, I put "superior" in quotations, meaning there is a nuance explanation, which I provide. I will further expand on it.
In human terms, a Father is "superior" to the Son as far as relationship. But since they are of the same essence, both are Divine, we cannot say one is "superior" to the other. The difference is merely in relationship of origin. The Father was not begotten from the Son. But if the Son has all of the Divine charecteristics, which are infinite, how can we say that one is "superior" to the other? In human terms, we consider a Father superior to the Son in chronological order. However, there IS NO CHRONOLOGY for God!!!
Jesus is speaking about His role as One who took on the form of a slave, willingly humbling Himself. When comparing God to a perfect man, naturally, there is an idea of superiority. However, Jesus is ALSO GOD, so there is no superiority, ontologically. The Word is of the same essence and IS God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our Fathers.