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Are we scared or just stupid?

I live in one of the inundated Border States but this issue of Illegal Immigration is not exclusive to the Southwest. No, MS 13 and other criminals from the Middle East, Asia, South and primarily Central America have run away and hidden all over these United States of America, making this flood of unskilled people undesirable.

Do you continue to sit there and drink from the Poison Tea served with force by the Socialist Democrat Party or will you join or begin the Local Republican Quest for the salvation of the Democratic Republic Government Style established by the Founding Fathers and nourished by the Citizen Army that preceded us in our efforts
I can't comment on the policies of our old colony.
I can comment on the attitude expressed towards immigrates.

They like you are made in the image of God, insult them and you are insulting Jesus.
They like you need Gods mercy and grace to find salvation.

Just because a mans skin is black, brown, yellow or white does not make him less of a human being, your brother.

Biologicaly there is only one race. The human race.

Yes those who look dsifferent, speak other languages, eat strange smelling foods wear odd cloths can be frightening.
Have some compassion how strange are you to them.

The majority only want a chance to work and raise their families.

How is your church and you reaching out to those Jesus reached out to, the dispised, the outcast and the alien?
Are we scared or just stupid?
"Betrayed" would be more accurate. Both the Democrats and the Republicans, as well as Mr. Trump, have betrayed America.

There would have been no southern border crises, nor a flood of illegal immigrants, if that border wall was already in place, and all other measures taken to ensure that illegal immigration has been halted.
The majority only want a chance to work and raise their families.
That may be so. However the facts remain that:
1. Nowhere in all the world are people allowed to breach national borders illegally. Legal immigration is the proper way to enter another country. Illegal immigration is an act of war.
2. Those migrant caravans were organized and paid for by enemies of America to deliberately flood the country with non-citizens and destroy the country.
3. The migrant invasion has brought many diseases into the country which were absent before this violation of the border. Not to mention MS-13 gangsters, drug cartel gangsters, Islamic terrorists, and a who spectrum of criminals including human traffickers.
4. The beneficiaries of open borders are the evil extreme Leftist Democrats, who wish to put their own selfish ambitions above the welfare of the country. Illegal immigration and voter fraud go hand in hand, and this has already been proved.
5. Illegal immigrants are taking advantage of the weakness and treasonous attitude of American politicians. And adding to the tax burden and the national debt of the USA. Not to mention taking away jobs from low income citizens.
6. Mexico and Central America are controlled by the evil drug cartels and there are multiple billions of dollars which could provide these migrant invaders with proper jobs, adequate housing and health care, proper infrastructure, etc. in their own countries.
7. Since you have mentioned God's mercy and grace, you should have also mentioned His righteousness. God hates lawlessness, and migrant invasion is a blatant breach of immigration laws.
Are we scared or just stupid?

I live in one of the inundated Border States but this issue of Illegal Immigration is not exclusive to the Southwest. No, MS 13 and other criminals from the Middle East, Asia, South and primarily Central America have run away and hidden all over these United States of America, making this flood of unskilled people undesirable.

Do you continue to sit there and drink from the Poison Tea served with force by the Socialist Democrat Party or will you join or begin the Local Republican Quest for the salvation of the Democratic Republic Government Style established by the Founding Fathers and nourished by the Citizen Army that preceded us in our efforts
it's good to be aware and take action

fake news makes it hard for people to know what is really going on - too many people are misinformed and therefore do nothing

trump recently said that he is changing the immigration policies and then he is coming for the illegals and will deport them all

he is also working on replacing the activist judges that block his executive policies

praying for trump and the people who love america to prosper and those who want a socialist state to be exposed and fail
There would have been no southern border crises, nor a flood of illegal immigrants, if that border wall was already in place, and all other measures taken to ensure that illegal immigration has been halted.
true - wall being built now in california - pentagon is doing what states like california have been trying to block
I can't comment on the policies of our old colony.
I can comment on the attitude expressed towards immigrates.

They like you are made in the image of God, insult them and you are insulting Jesus.
They like you need Gods mercy and grace to find salvation.

Just because a mans skin is black, brown, yellow or white does not make him less of a human being, your brother.

Biologicaly there is only one race. The human race.

Yes those who look dsifferent, speak other languages, eat strange smelling foods wear odd cloths can be frightening.
Have some compassion how strange are you to them.

The majority only want a chance to work and raise their families.

How is your church and you reaching out to those Jesus reached out to, the dispised, the outcast and the alien?

There is a difference between anti illegal immigration and anti-immigration.
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The hypocrisy of some people is amazing. If you say some countries are better than others and are dump holes your a racist, and the person who calls you a racist says immigrants who enter the country illegally just want a better life. Are they saying some countries are better than others?
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Are they saying some countries are better than others?
Absolutely. And "dump holes" is a euphemism since one cannot mention the correct term (which is politically incorrect).

But the whole conspiracy of migrant invasion (not legal migration which is totally different) is to make the Western nations all into "dump holes". This conspiracy has originated with the globalists elites of the world (such as Angela Merkel of Germany) as well as a few very evil billionaires such as George Soros etc. (who will not be personally affected).

When you add to this the fact that in Europe the migrant invasion is primarily a Muslim Migrant Invasion, then you understand that Radical Islam is being supported by the globalist elites. In France, these invaders are already telling the French that France does not belong to them any more.
But it's never been about racism. Only a very very small minority are racists. It's about legally entering a country and protecting a countries boarder. You want a system to try and weed out the people who are trouble makers, criminals, terrorists, drugs, gangs, and the people who have no respect for the nations values. Not the people who just want a better life.

It's a check point, not racist, and just like any police check point if you try run it you get chased and arrested.

The problem I see is what you have said is being used against anyone who wants a boarder to be called a racist and inti-immigrant right wing extremist when it's not true.

Entering a country is a check point. Not racist. Enter legally no problem.

That may be so. However the facts remain that:
1. Nowhere in all the world are people allowed to breach national borders illegally. Legal immigration is the proper way to enter another country. Illegal immigration is an act of war.
2. Those migrant caravans were organized and paid for by enemies of America to deliberately flood the country with non-citizens and destroy the country.
3. The migrant invasion has brought many diseases into the country which were absent before this violation of the border. Not to mention MS-13 gangsters, drug cartel gangsters, Islamic terrorists, and a who spectrum of criminals including human traffickers.
4. The beneficiaries of open borders are the evil extreme Leftist Democrats, who wish to put their own selfish ambitions above the welfare of the country. Illegal immigration and voter fraud go hand in hand, and this has already been proved.
5. Illegal immigrants are taking advantage of the weakness and treasonous attitude of American politicians. And adding to the tax burden and the national debt of the USA. Not to mention taking away jobs from low income citizens.
6. Mexico and Central America are controlled by the evil drug cartels and there are multiple billions of dollars which could provide these migrant invaders with proper jobs, adequate housing and health care, proper infrastructure, etc. in their own countries.
7. Since you have mentioned God's mercy and grace, you should have also mentioned His righteousness. God hates lawlessness, and migrant invasion is a blatant breach of immigration laws.
Illegal immigration is a problem for all western nations and one that politians of the west are not resbonding to.

The question that they need to look at is.
'Why are people from third world countries flooding in to the western countries?'

There are two answers.
1, for a better life, a job that lets them raise families.
2. freedom whether political, liberal or religous.

It takes courage for a politian to point out that we have to loose something of our living standard in order to help people in other countries.

It takes even more courage to state the culture here is Christian, we are supporting a Christian culture, teaching it in schools etc, basing policies on Christian morality, that imigrants will seek to be Christian.

It won't happen so attempts have to bemade to stop them drowning in the Med or the Channel etc and scheems set up to deal with them fairly and justly.
That may be so. However the facts remain that:
1. Nowhere in all the world are people allowed to breach national borders illegally. Legal immigration is the proper way to enter another country. Illegal immigration is an act of war.
2. Those migrant caravans were organized and paid for by enemies of America to deliberately flood the country with non-citizens and destroy the country.
3. The migrant invasion has brought many diseases into the country which were absent before this violation of the border. Not to mention MS-13 gangsters, drug cartel gangsters, Islamic terrorists, and a who spectrum of criminals including human traffickers.
4. The beneficiaries of open borders are the evil extreme Leftist Democrats, who wish to put their own selfish ambitions above the welfare of the country. Illegal immigration and voter fraud go hand in hand, and this has already been proved.
5. Illegal immigrants are taking advantage of the weakness and treasonous attitude of American politicians. And adding to the tax burden and the national debt of the USA. Not to mention taking away jobs from low income citizens.
6. Mexico and Central America are controlled by the evil drug cartels and there are multiple billions of dollars which could provide these migrant invaders with proper jobs, adequate housing and health care, proper infrastructure, etc. in their own countries.
7. Since you have mentioned God's mercy and grace, you should have also mentioned His righteousness. God hates lawlessness, and migrant invasion is a blatant breach of immigration laws.

I'll deal with no 2. imigration is paid for by enemies of America.

Imigration is paid for by the migrants, often paying extortionet amount to criminal gangs who see them as a way of getting money.
Terrorist groups make money out of imigration and yes use it as a way of getting agents into the west, but these terroist groups are not in favour of people escaping their control into the west.
They want people to dominate or heritics to punish.
The question that they need to look at is.
'Why are people from third world countries flooding in to the western countries?'

There are two answers.
1, for a better life, a job that lets them raise families.
2. freedom whether political, liberal or religous.
you don't know that for sure

good people probably want in for those good reasons you mentioned but good people come in legally

people who break laws to enter a country illegally are probably criminals who want to sneak in

i know many LEGAL immigrants - they did the right thing because they don't believe in breaking the law - those are the kinds of immigrants we want
people who break laws to enter a country illegally are probably criminals who want to sneak in
And when massive waves of illegals attempt to breach a border, it is an act of war (minus the bullets). It is an invasion. If Chinese soldiers -- for example -- violated the southern border, everyone would suddenly wake up. But it is the very same thing through "asymmetrical warfare" when hordes invade a country to take advantage of its weakness.

This issue was never addressed by previous administrations (and it goes back for decades). The hope was that Mr. Trump would do what he said he would. But he too failed to keep his promise.
The only excuse people can come up with for illegal immigrants is they just want a better life, so they must be saying the USA is greater. They agree with Trump.
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And when massive waves of illegals attempt to breach a border, it is an act of war (minus the bullets). It is an invasion. If Chinese soldiers -- for example -- violated the southern border, everyone would suddenly wake up. But it is the very same thing through "asymmetrical warfare" when hordes invade a country to take advantage of its weakness.
Be careful Nathan, it is not Christian to twist the truth until it is patently false. Our Seated President has completed hundreds of his promises and in spite of the Party of Obstruct, a.k.a. the Democratic Socialists, the same Party Name and ideas that introduced our fathers to the Nazis, Italian Fascist and the Russian Communists.

President and Free Market proponent Donald Trump is actively working against the Block Voting Democratic Socialists to make the lot of every American Citizen, born and/or Legal Immigrant. better while the Soros/DNC led Socialist work to remake us into the multiple failed Communist Nations.

President Trump is not earning a paycheck from his family's companies and gives each of his paychecks as President over to different charities, even as Chucky and Nanna lie and block, without logical reason, his efforts to improve the Highways, Bridges and to finish the Border Wall.

Did you vote for the Democrats?
I think that the USA should welcome all peaceful and honest Christians as legal immigrants with open arms. We could use the reinforcements.

Keep out anyone who is dishonest, violent, or wants to persecute Christians.