Rate the Avatar


You're the Captain of your ship

Hi Blev,

It took me some time, and you beat me to the punch. I was thinking, 'sailing the storms of life.'

Some of these are making me laugh. Made in kindergarten, Made in China. lol

- Davies
My perm sure is frizzy this time.

Hi Blev,

It took me some time, and you beat me to the punch. I was thinking, 'sailing the storms of life.'

I changed it, and started to say ''sailing the wild blue yonder''

We're only as strong as our weakest link.

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You missed the toothbrush and the toothpaste squirted in your eyes

( Hey would someone swap that fly? He's running all over my screen! :lol )
:clap2:guitar"...I've got looks, I've got brains, and I'm breaking these chains...":clap2:guitar

(google it if you're wondering)

Keep posting. I've missed avatars that I want to rate because I wasn't next in line.

(And, yes, my avatar does look like a picture of a bearded Muslim woman drawn by a kid in kindergarten, lol.)
Rate the avatar? You people are DESCRIBING avatars, not RATING them.

The one above, I'd give a 6 out of 10.
Rate the avatar? You people are DESCRIBING avatars, not RATING them.

The one above, I'd give a 6 out of 10.

Rating, describing, tomato, tomahto. It is all the same thing, really.
Rate, describe...why not both? 8D

I'll rate and describe both of your's.
Pizzaguy: 7/10. Pretty much speaks for itself.
Knotical: 7.5/10 Looks like a logo for a seafood restaurant. (And that's making me hungry. xD)
Knotical: Gilligan's Island wannabe

Pizzaguy: My first tattoo

Sparrowhawke: Freudian inkspot

Davies: It's what women see first

(it's the hair, for those of you who haven't seen the commercial)
Hi Jethro,

You're killing me. lol. Ever since I chose my avatar, it has grown on me, so when I saw the episode of Sponge Bob where he wore a wig, I said, 'Sponge Bob gets it.'

Your avatar: A contemplative, 'I like puppy dogs and ice cream.'
One of the men in the picture of:
The first prayer of Congress

( Yes they prayed in Congress and still do, but seem to think we shouldn't have prayer in school (a government building)
a quiet place where you can relax, breathe fresh air and contemplate a beautiful scenery.

It's really chilly sitting up on this cloud.

- Davies