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My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets [her] wings.

(Quote was modified. The original was from It's a Wonderful Life).
Since I've described your avatar before, guess I'll rate it this time.
Hmmm...8/10. :thumbsup It looks good.
And you receive a 10/10 for the precious & beautiful baby, Blazin Bones!

(She's gorgeous!)
7/10 Pretty picture, nice contrast between the silhouette of the cross and the pretty sky background.
and you receive a 10/10 for reminding us that God's love never fails. ;)
And you receive a Ten out of Ten also for reminding us of the innocence of children!
Reminds me of a paper we used to have on the wall, which said something like "Stress relief kit: Step 1. Bang head in center of circle Step 2. Repeat until you pass out"
To comment on TND's avatar I had a history teacher in high school that had a bullseye posted above the chalk board in front of class with his picture on it. The idea was if he caught you sleeping in class he would throw an eraser at you. You are then given the opportunity to hit the bullseye, and if you did so you got extra credit. He was my favorite teacher. Great guy.