Hi Malachi,
I'm not meaning to downplay the importance of doctrine, and definitely there needs to be some rationalization form the hearer in order to comprehend. We also do need to have at least some knowledge in order to follow Christ, yet we don't all need to be scholars in order to do the same.
Our faith is what produces works, not our doctrine, the issue is we are not being taught to be disciples, people don't understand the concepts of picking up our cross daily (some people have no clue they are supposed to), dying to self so we can love others, etc.. I just think we have been indoctrinated enough and that is part of the problem, after all true religion is taking care of the widows and the orphans.
Yes, and even not knowing this I will still produce good works.
You will produce good works that are evil in Gods eyes.They may look good to all of us,But you will not produce divine good works without doctrine.
Heb 5:14~~
New American Standard Bible
But solid food[advanced doctrine] is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil....this verse says that good and evil are hard to discern and that only advanced doctrine will help us to discern
The Mormons produce good works. They take care of widows and orphans. And it is evil in Gods sight. They are doing it without the right doctrine and motivation.
Have you ever heard of "moral degeneracy?" Basically, it is the idea that our moral lives and our "good works" is living the spiritual life. When it is so much more than that. And for the christians that think their moral life is the key to their spiritual life, are in fact producing "human good" which is evil in Gods eyes.
Satan knows all doctrine, but is far from God.
This will probably scare ya. But satan is closer to God then most of us give him credit for(he wants to be like the most High).That is why his counterfeits are hard/impossible for the natural man to discern and still hard for most Christians. And the reason why? Because they do not have doctrine resident in their souls.
What is a counterfeit? Some thing that is so close to the original that it can easily deceive. And satan has many counterfeits.
1) Counterfeit doctrine
1 Timothy 4:1
2) Counterfeit ministers
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
3) Counterfeit gospel
2 Corinthians 11:3-4
4) Counterfeit communion table
1 Corinthians 10:20-21
5) Counterfeit spirituality
Galatians 3:2-3
6) Counterfeit righteousness
Matthew 19:16-28
7) Counterfeit power
2 Thessalonians 2:8-10
8) Counterfeit gods
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
9) Counterfeit modus operandi
Matthew 23:1-38
Most people will think of Hitler and satan. Which is true, the Jews are Gods chosen people and satan would love to eradicate His people.
But most people do not see that satan operates the majority of the time like this.......religion and human good is his ace trump.
Without bible doctrine we will be deceived and we will not produce divine good. We will only produce "human good" which is evil to God.