I keep seeing that people confuse the two beasts of Revelation 13+17.
Lets look at some of the differences between the two beasts.
You are correct, they are two different Beasts, and Rev. 12 is a third beast (Satan). The main key in both (all 3) is
the crowns and where the crowns are located or not located in Rev. 17.
Rises up from the sea
7 heads
10 horns
Yes, Rev. 13 is a man (A.C.) who causes the 7 Headed Beast that was over Israel and the
Mediterranean Sea Region (MSR) to be revived after being dead (mortal wound) for roughly 1400 years after the church delivered the mortal wound to Rome, who under Constantine went from a Beast who hindered the church to a conveyor belt of the Gospel where the Latin Vulgate, for over a 1000 years, was the mainline or go to bible in the world.
The 10 horns represent "Complete Europe Reunited" as 10 means completeness, it could be 20, 25 or 30 nations. So, the 10 crowns represent who the Anti-Christ is king over (E.U.) and notice in Rev. 17:12 they freely give their power unto this one man, meaning he is voted in by Parliament, unlike Rome who conquered all Europe. The 7 heads equals Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece (5 had fallen) Rome (who was) and one who has not yet come but rules a short time(3.5 years) when he (A.C.) comes. The 10 equals complete Europe.
horns have crowns
heads have "the name of blasphemy" on
leopard in appearance
bear feet
lion mouth
I explained the Crowns above. He of course will blaspheme God because he desires to be worshiped as the only god. The Leopard, Bear and Lion is John showing us this is a figurative Beast that
stretches from Egypt to Rome, then died off via a Mortal Wound, then is revived only when the Anti-Christ conquers Israel and the MSR once again. After the Lion, notice the mortal wound is mentioned, that is Rome, then the mortal wound is healed, that is the A.C. So, this is jus God showing us Israel's dominators/rulers through the years.
dragon gives power to beast
wounded head
Satan gives him his power is of course referring unto the Rev. 12 Beast. He has CROWNS on the 7 Heads, thus he is over every kingdom who has ever had dominion over Israel and the MSR. In Luke 4 remember, Satan told Jesus every kingdom in this world was given unto him and he did as he so pleased with them.
So, he has a crown over NYC, LA, Rome, London, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong etc. etc. etc. We are just being shown 7 that have dominated or "Beasted over" Israel and the MSR.
Rev 17 Beast
beast is in the wilderness
beast if full of "names of blasphemy" (not just on the heads)
scarlet coloured
Not sure the Beast was in the "Wilderness", John was taken into the wilderness, the Beast is arising from the bottomless pit we see later on. The Prophets went to the wilderness to isolate themselves from mankind, to get into the spirit without getting bogged down by fleshly temptations. His color is Scarlet, not Red like the Dragon/Satan's in Rev. 12, notice Demons are assigned a color, but not the man Beast of Rev. 13. The Red and Scarlet colors are meant to show its a "Demonic Being". But its not Satan. It is a demon that Satan placed over Israel and the MSR, that is why he has NO CROWNS, on this earth he is always under Satan in rank.
was... is not... ascend from the pit... yet is.
Exactly, he is from the bottomless pit. He was over Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia (I think he was the Demon who resisted Michael for 21 days in Daniel 10) and Greece. He then was over Rome when John wrote this, I do not know when God sent him to the bottomless pit, it may have been in 70 AD or when Rome fell as a Beast over the MSR. But he is a Demon.
But who is he? Well, it is Apollyon of course.
5 heads(kings) have fallen
beast is also the 8th head
10 horns are kings without power (so no crowns)
10 horns give power to the beast
10 horns kill the whore
The 5 who were fallen we called Kings who fell in order to show the last beast in this line is a man. He is the 7th Head of Rev. 12 and Rev. 17 under Satan and Apollyon. In Rev. 13 that is why the crowns are on the 10 horns, its speaking about the Little Horn/Anti-Christs kingdom. Thus in Rev. 17 the 7th King is shown in the context of 7 Mountains who arise and 7 Kings who fall, thus only one of them, the Anti-Christ both ARISES & FALLS. He is the only Beast who never passes his kingdom on to another. Thus he is the only Beast who remains a ONE MAN for the Beasts full rule. In Dan. 7:17 four kings arose as Beasts, but they all passed their rule on unto others. This last Beast doesn't, hence he has the number 666 (Mankind).
The E.U. (10) will worship the beast, so they will thus make an edict that says only Beast worship is allowed, thus they kill off the Harlot (All False Religion's save Beast worship) by forbidding Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. etc. They also forbid Christianity which of course is not a False Religion,(SMILE) that's where the Martyrs come in via the 5th Seal.
The reason Apollyon is the 8th King but not an 8th head (there is no 8th head ever mentioned). He is OF THE 7, but is an 8th means he was of Egypt (tried to kill Israel via the Pharaoh at the Red Sea) via Assyria (toted off most of the 10 tribes), via Babylon (took Israel into bondage) via Persia (ruled over Israel, but God moved Cyrus' heart to be merciful) via Greece (Antiochus tried to wipe out the Jews, he killed 60,000 to 90,000 people) and also via Rome (they sacked Israel and destroyed the Temple and the Diaspora happened). Lastly, of course, Apollyon is freed at the first woe and is placed over the Anti-Christ, he again tries to wipe out Israel, but he again will fail.
Thus he is OF THE SEVEN, but is an 8th [ King of the Bottomless Pit]. That is why he has NO CROWNS on anything on this earth, BUT........He has a crown (is an 8th king) via his bottomless pit kingdom.
God loves His riddles.
The first woe in Rev. 9 tells us Apollyon is the king of the bottomless pit, and Rev. 11 tells us he arises and kills the Two-witnesses. Rev. 17 thus gives his story in full detail, he was over all of the "Gov. Beasts" who ruled over Israel and the MSR, and he was always intertwined with False Religion (The Harlot) thus the Harlot rode the back of the Gov. Beasts of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon (where she flourished), Persia, Greece and Rome. The 10 however will kill her off, there will be no room in their world for any worshiping besides Beast Worship or the worship of mankind as their own gods, with the Anti-Christ being their chosen ULTIMATE GOD !!
Good observation on seeing they are different Beasts. Of course I have been called unto Prophecy nigh 40 years now, so I am a little ahead of the game (riddles) on this, but you have a sharp eye it seems spiritually speaking.