CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Smaller,It's problematic to look at any believer in the natural senses and see the entirety of ourselves as saved. The natural person of all of us will not be saved. That will be, essentially, left behind. See 1 Cor. 15:43-49 for the event sequencing. There is a first/natural condition, and within that, the promise of the Gospel, by faith, in latter condition. This means by process of elimination, that the natural man fails or passes in favor of the latter, at the points of departure.
In other words, the hope of our salvation resides in the New Body, not the old one. In the meantime we're stuck with the conditions of the natural person, regardless.
You're right that we're "stuck" with the conditions of the natural man. But not to despair as some might. We can be overcomers if we keep our eye on the cross. We're always open to failure but our spirit is conforming to Christ's spirit.
1 Cor 15 is speaking to the resurrection, but we could begin now. Behold old things are passed away, all things are new.
In Christ we are new creatures. I think that if we can see ourselves this way, it'll go a long way to helping us with our sin nature.
You know, like if we're told we're apes, we'll tend to act like an ape might. If we're told we're children of God and have Christ's spirit in us, we'll tend to act more like what Jesus was teaching in the beatitudes.