- Apr 22, 2011
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Revelation 18
Babylon being revealed the precursor of all those Empires that are her predecessors with the last one being the revived Roman Empire whose deadly wound was healed in 1929 have always come to kill, steal and destroy those who have faith in God and His son Christ Jesus, John 10:10.
God gave warning, Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, to all those who have followed after her and have made themselves rich through her abundance. Many will become even more dependent on her during the timing of Gods great wrath during the seven trumpet judgments that will destroy much of the earth’s resources as they are made rich by the abundance that is stored up by the Jesuit militant priesthood in all nations.
God created every one of us as He breathed life into us making us a living soul, Genesis 2:7, but soon iniquity was found in the hearts of many as they turned away from God to follow after other gods and making themselves their own god. It repented God that He made man, but has always found favor in those who have faith in Him, Genesis 6:6-13.
God says to come out of her and repent of your sin and no longer partake of her sins so ye will not receive the same punishment she is about to be given. During this time of the seventh trumpet there is a greater tribulation of Gods final wrath on those who refuse to repent that has never been seen on such a universal scale and will never be seen again, Matthew 24:21. God is still drawing man unto himself to repent and turn back to Him before the door of Salvation is closed forever when Christ returns for His Bride.
Babylon in the OT rewarded the Israelites with much persecution, even to death as they tried to ware out the saints of God in order to make them bow down to Babylon's dependency and their gods. The revived Roman Empire whose deadly wound came in 1798 and was healed in 1929 carries on the same destruction as her predecessor Babylon unto the end of days before the great and terrible day of the Lords return. She will receive a double portion for her wrath against the saints of God as God destroys her like He did with Sodom and Gomorrah, Daniel 7:24-26, Genesis 19:1-29, Isaiah 14:12-23.
The kings (governing powers) of the earth that have been appointed by the Jesuit militant priesthood that govern over the ten nations will tremble with fear when they see the seat of Vatican City that will move from Rome to its new headquarters in Jerusalem as they sit on the very temple mount of God, Isaiah 14:13; Matthew 24:15, being destroyed with fire as Gods judgment is pronounced on them, Ezekiel 26:16; Jeremiah 50:46; Revelation 19:3.
During the timing of the seven trumpets sounding we see how God destroys much of the earth’s resources in the land and water. Many of these resources are what we need to sustain our life such as fresh drinking water and food and shelter. We as a spiritually born again child of God and sealed by His Spirit, Ephesians 4:30, that are still alive at this time know that God will supply our need, Philippians 4:19.
The merchants now weep and mourn not so much over the fact that God has destroyed their resource being this Jesuit Roman Catholic economic, political and religious system, but that God has destroyed and burned up their merchandise as now no one can buy anything from them and the merchants are no longer fat with the riches they made off this system.
Those merchants from every nation that have made themselves rich by the wealth of this Jesuit Roman Catholic priesthood with their own economic system will now anguish over losing everything they had for God has destroyed it all by fire from heaven that has burned up all the merchandise and the source from where it came from.
That great city being Vatican City that will move its headquarters from Rome to the very temple mount of God in Jerusalem where the Dome of the Rock now sits, 14:13, will be laid in ruins by the very fire of God that comes down from heaven to destroy this Luciferians city.
The merchants and ship masters and all who trade with the Vatican, buying of her merchandise, will flee the city for that of all they will hear of those mourning, weeping and wailing against God who will destroy all those precious things they posses.
Babylon being revealed the precursor of all those Empires that are her predecessors with the last one being the revived Roman Empire whose deadly wound was healed in 1929 have always come to kill, steal and destroy those who have faith in God and His son Christ Jesus, John 10:10.
God gave warning, Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, to all those who have followed after her and have made themselves rich through her abundance. Many will become even more dependent on her during the timing of Gods great wrath during the seven trumpet judgments that will destroy much of the earth’s resources as they are made rich by the abundance that is stored up by the Jesuit militant priesthood in all nations.
God created every one of us as He breathed life into us making us a living soul, Genesis 2:7, but soon iniquity was found in the hearts of many as they turned away from God to follow after other gods and making themselves their own god. It repented God that He made man, but has always found favor in those who have faith in Him, Genesis 6:6-13.
God says to come out of her and repent of your sin and no longer partake of her sins so ye will not receive the same punishment she is about to be given. During this time of the seventh trumpet there is a greater tribulation of Gods final wrath on those who refuse to repent that has never been seen on such a universal scale and will never be seen again, Matthew 24:21. God is still drawing man unto himself to repent and turn back to Him before the door of Salvation is closed forever when Christ returns for His Bride.
Babylon in the OT rewarded the Israelites with much persecution, even to death as they tried to ware out the saints of God in order to make them bow down to Babylon's dependency and their gods. The revived Roman Empire whose deadly wound came in 1798 and was healed in 1929 carries on the same destruction as her predecessor Babylon unto the end of days before the great and terrible day of the Lords return. She will receive a double portion for her wrath against the saints of God as God destroys her like He did with Sodom and Gomorrah, Daniel 7:24-26, Genesis 19:1-29, Isaiah 14:12-23.
The kings (governing powers) of the earth that have been appointed by the Jesuit militant priesthood that govern over the ten nations will tremble with fear when they see the seat of Vatican City that will move from Rome to its new headquarters in Jerusalem as they sit on the very temple mount of God, Isaiah 14:13; Matthew 24:15, being destroyed with fire as Gods judgment is pronounced on them, Ezekiel 26:16; Jeremiah 50:46; Revelation 19:3.
During the timing of the seven trumpets sounding we see how God destroys much of the earth’s resources in the land and water. Many of these resources are what we need to sustain our life such as fresh drinking water and food and shelter. We as a spiritually born again child of God and sealed by His Spirit, Ephesians 4:30, that are still alive at this time know that God will supply our need, Philippians 4:19.
The merchants now weep and mourn not so much over the fact that God has destroyed their resource being this Jesuit Roman Catholic economic, political and religious system, but that God has destroyed and burned up their merchandise as now no one can buy anything from them and the merchants are no longer fat with the riches they made off this system.
Those merchants from every nation that have made themselves rich by the wealth of this Jesuit Roman Catholic priesthood with their own economic system will now anguish over losing everything they had for God has destroyed it all by fire from heaven that has burned up all the merchandise and the source from where it came from.
That great city being Vatican City that will move its headquarters from Rome to the very temple mount of God in Jerusalem where the Dome of the Rock now sits, 14:13, will be laid in ruins by the very fire of God that comes down from heaven to destroy this Luciferians city.
The merchants and ship masters and all who trade with the Vatican, buying of her merchandise, will flee the city for that of all they will hear of those mourning, weeping and wailing against God who will destroy all those precious things they posses.