- Mar 12, 2016
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The verse being John 3:5 "...unless you are born (again) of water and of Spirit..."
Paul's explanation of of what baptism is about at Ro 6:2-7, in which believer is united with Christ's death and resurrection to new life in baptism, is being "born again of water" experiencing death and rebirth to new life in the waters of baptism.
Justin Martyr used the words "born again" with reference to baptism
Justin Martyr (100 – 165 AD Justin was the first apologist of the Church)
From: The First Apology, Chapter LXI, “Christian Baptism”
And for this [rite of baptism] we have learned from the apostles … in order that we … may obtain in the water the remission of sins formerly committed, there is pronounced over him who chooses to be born again, and has repented of his sins, the name of God the Father and Lord of the universe; … (he) is also washed in the name of Jesus Christ, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, who through the prophets foretold everything about Jesus.
The fact that reports of salvation did not include mention of baptism is an argument from silence. The only thing they prove is that there was no mention of baptism. Since they say nothing about baptism, they say nothing about whether it was or was not done.
The key is still Jesus' command at Mat 28 to make disciples and to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The historical documents of the Didache and Justin Martyr verify that to be exactly what was done.
iakov the fool
Let me express it to you once again....if water baptism was a requirement for salvation all the verses that tell us how to confess Christ as Lord, believe in Him..would contain water baptism. The inspired authors would not have left out water baptism.
Your theology tells us John 3:16 isn't enough.