Jim, no one is saying baptism is wrong. You do understand that???
No one is saying baptism is wrong.
That's not the point.
There are those who insist that Baptism is not what the scriptures show it to be and that it is not a necessity for a Christian.
It has been stated here that baptism is being "washed in the word of God." That is false. No where in scripture is that definition to be found.
It has been stated here that baptism is a "good thing to do." That is a half-truth. It is a command of our Lord. Jesus put obedience to His commands in a light quite different from, "It's a good thing to do."
He said: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46)
Scripture and the historic documents of the Church demonstrate that the baptism of which Jesus spoke at Mat. 28 is
(1) baptism in water, not "in the word of God", and
(2) is a command for all believers, not just a "good thing to do."
What is going on is an attempt to subtly undermine the teaching of scripture which specifically tells us that all believers are
commanded to be baptized
in water.
The words used to avoid affirming that scriptural doctrine are consistently couched in guileful language so as to give the appearance of accepting the teaching without actually doing so.
THAT is what I am responding to.
iakov the fool