Jack Hectorman
- May 1, 2013
- 172
- 7
- Thread starter
- #61
"Allow me to complicate it for you."__childeye
I always keep it simple and uncomplicated if I can, and in this case I think I can.
God's word says that the Lord Christ's enemies will be made His footstool.
"Footstool" is a figure of speech to teach the truth that the Lord Jesus will be victorious,
that He will be the Winner-Victor with regard to what He came to accomplish,which was
to "build My church" and to prevent the gates of hell from "prevailing against it."
That's what Christianity is designed to accomplish in this world and this is what the Lord
Christ specifically said that He was going to do. " I will build my church, and the gates of
Hell will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18
In the same gospel, Matthew, the Lord Christ added another great truth about Him building
His Christian Church and we call this truth His Great Commission to His Church, namely for
them to go forth and Christianize the entire world as explained in Matthew 28:16-20
There is another New Testament passage that sheds light on the "footstool" figure
of speech, and its in 1 Cor. 15: 24-25
"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after
he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has
put all his enemies under his feet."
The two figures of speech are very similar and present the same mental picture . . .
• "footstool"
• "under His feet"
. . . and the mental picture is that the Lord Christ is victorious over His enemies,
that it is He that will be the Winner and the Victor, that He will achieve His goals
and will be successful in what He came to do.
So what did the Lord Christ come to accomplish? Answer: He came to build His
church and to prevent the gates of Hell from overcoming His church, and He came
to give His Church His Great Commission and to then empower His church to actually
carry out His Great Commission, as He explained [and I quote word for word], "All
authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
Notice that word "Therefore" up there. It has been rightly said, "Anytime we see
the word "therefore" in Holy Scripture, we need to find out what it is "there for."
We see that the word "Therefore" is connected to the fact that the Lord Christ
right now has ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth, and because He right now
has ALL authority in both Heaven and in earth, His Great Commission will be
Not only does the Lord Christ right now have ALL authority in Heaven and
on Earth, but right now He is also seated at the right hand of God which is
the position of power and authority. These two factual realities . . .
• All authority in Heaven and on Earth right now
• Seated at the right hand of God right now
. . . means that His Christian Church will be successful in carrying out His
Great Commission, and the final results of this slow gradual incremental
carrying out of His Great Commission will be look like this this:
9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the
Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
10 And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb.
Rev. 7:9-10
Rev. 7:9-10 [an enormous multitude so large that "no one could count" them] is what the
Great-Commission-actually-carried-out will look like at the end of human time.
My conclusion:
The figures of speech: His enemies made His "footstool" and His enemies put "under
His feet" teach that it is the Lord Jesus and His Christian Church that will be victorious
through the actual carrying out of His Great Commission. Imo, no other interpretation
makes sense because we know that all His enemies will end up either converted to
Christianity or in Hell. Therefore, if we do not interpret "made His footstool" and put
"under His feet"as the successful carrying out of His Great Commission, then we have
to interpret these two figures of speech to mean that He must reign until all His enemies
are in Hell, and imo that does not make sense.
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But this is too easy an answer. Allow me to complicate it for you. No doubt the Gospel is the power of salvation and Christ's enemies would fight the Gospel. But his enemies eventually become his friends even as he loves his enemies. Saul was an enemy of the Gospel, yet he became Paul, a preacher of the Gospel. This is puzzling. Are the enemies that will be his footstool, those who fight against the Gospel to the bitter end? Or are they his enemies defeated by the Gospel and now are his friends? If they are his enemies that fight the Gospel to the bitter end, what reasoning could possibly convince someone to persevere in the ignorance of God? I would dare call it insanity. However, if his footstool are his enemies made friends, then I am his footstool. And when he puts his feet up on my back, I will shake ever so gently so that he gets a little massage.
"Allow me to complicate it for you."__childeye
I always keep it simple and uncomplicated if I can, and in this case I think I can.
God's word says that the Lord Christ's enemies will be made His footstool.
"Footstool" is a figure of speech to teach the truth that the Lord Jesus will be victorious,
that He will be the Winner-Victor with regard to what He came to accomplish,which was
to "build My church" and to prevent the gates of hell from "prevailing against it."
That's what Christianity is designed to accomplish in this world and this is what the Lord
Christ specifically said that He was going to do. " I will build my church, and the gates of
Hell will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18
In the same gospel, Matthew, the Lord Christ added another great truth about Him building
His Christian Church and we call this truth His Great Commission to His Church, namely for
them to go forth and Christianize the entire world as explained in Matthew 28:16-20
There is another New Testament passage that sheds light on the "footstool" figure
of speech, and its in 1 Cor. 15: 24-25
"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after
he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has
put all his enemies under his feet."
The two figures of speech are very similar and present the same mental picture . . .
• "footstool"
• "under His feet"
. . . and the mental picture is that the Lord Christ is victorious over His enemies,
that it is He that will be the Winner and the Victor, that He will achieve His goals
and will be successful in what He came to do.
So what did the Lord Christ come to accomplish? Answer: He came to build His
church and to prevent the gates of Hell from overcoming His church, and He came
to give His Church His Great Commission and to then empower His church to actually
carry out His Great Commission, as He explained [and I quote word for word], "All
authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
Notice that word "Therefore" up there. It has been rightly said, "Anytime we see
the word "therefore" in Holy Scripture, we need to find out what it is "there for."
We see that the word "Therefore" is connected to the fact that the Lord Christ
right now has ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth, and because He right now
has ALL authority in both Heaven and in earth, His Great Commission will be
Not only does the Lord Christ right now have ALL authority in Heaven and
on Earth, but right now He is also seated at the right hand of God which is
the position of power and authority. These two factual realities . . .
• All authority in Heaven and on Earth right now
• Seated at the right hand of God right now
. . . means that His Christian Church will be successful in carrying out His
Great Commission, and the final results of this slow gradual incremental
carrying out of His Great Commission will be look like this this:
9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the
Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
10 And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb.
Rev. 7:9-10
Rev. 7:9-10 [an enormous multitude so large that "no one could count" them] is what the
Great-Commission-actually-carried-out will look like at the end of human time.
My conclusion:
The figures of speech: His enemies made His "footstool" and His enemies put "under
His feet" teach that it is the Lord Jesus and His Christian Church that will be victorious
through the actual carrying out of His Great Commission. Imo, no other interpretation
makes sense because we know that all His enemies will end up either converted to
Christianity or in Hell. Therefore, if we do not interpret "made His footstool" and put
"under His feet"as the successful carrying out of His Great Commission, then we have
to interpret these two figures of speech to mean that He must reign until all His enemies
are in Hell, and imo that does not make sense.
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