Okay, I'm going to start nit-picking. Beware :wink:
I'm not accusing anybody of being part of a cult here. I'm just trying to clarify things.
Feel free to correct me if you think I need correcting.
Charlette I am with you on this one, i don't like the term CULT.
Well, I can see how the word could be abused, but I don't think that is a good reason for not using it. Its fine if its used correctly. Some of the beliefs that "cults" have deviate from the Word of God quite a bit.
FACT: There are over 13000 so called "CULTS" in America.
As defined by whom?
I'm not really sure why the number of them would matter.
FACT: 99% are harmless ( oppose to violence) and would never hurt anyone.
I think that fact makes them even more dangerous. When its difficult to distinguish the bad from the good is when the worst bad is possible.
It's our souls that are on the line here, and I believe that evil is extremely subtle, sneaky, and devastating. (I've had a bit of experiance with this in the past)
The founding Fathers of the US were mostly PURITANS which by modern standards would be considered a CULT.
By modern standards? Why are we measuring things by modern standards? Modern standards are way off. (I'm thinking of the post-modern relativistic culture we live in now). I think by Christian standards the Puritans are just fine. Maybe at the time they would of been a bit guilty of number 3 on my list, but thats about it.
THE MAINSTREAM IS A PRETTY BROADWAY. IF you reject the Mainstream they label you a cult.
Well, that depends on how you define mainstream.
If you define mainstream as people who:
1.) Accept Christ as their Saviour.
2.) Acknowledge the authority God's Holy Word (the Bible). (Acknowledging the authority of the Bible also means rejecting new revelations, changes, or add-ons)
3.) Spread the good news
4.) Are genuinely honest with their doctrines
5.) Respect the early church
6.) Are basically sound in their biblical and theological ideas.
Then yes, if you reject that, then I do not see a problem labeling them a Cult. They are not Christian. Really, it all comes down the the first two points. You either accept God's Holy Word and the saving grace of the Word incarnate, or you don't.
So, to make it even simpler, there are only two types of people in this world...
Those who believe in Truth, and those who do not.
I've always thought of a Cult as those that have used some ideas from Truth, yet never believe in Truth (who is, of course, Jesus).