I do believe in future end time events that have not yet happened yet. Not everything was fulfilled in 70AD as the Preterist teach. Yes, God did pour out His wrath as we read in the OT, but also as we read in the NT of those things Jesus taught us about that must come first before He returns.
Your position is called Futurism. It has a name. It’s best if we use it.
The coming of Christ is AFTER his wrath was poured out of the Jews who crucified the son of God who actually called the curse down upon themselves “his blood be upon us and our children.” God took them at their word. Anyway, it is afterwards, just not immediately.
The seven trumpets beginning in Revelation 8:6 and ending on the last day when Christ returns are all about Gods wrath being poured out upon all nations and has everything to do with Gods Salvation.
That’s not immediately following. Can you please supply the verse in Revelation that says immediately following those terrible events Christ comes?
Many during this time will repent and turn back to God as they will finally have ears to hear the gospel being preached to them by all those who are still alive at this time and have Gods anointing to preach the Gospel.
Rev 16:9 says that during this time of terrible tribulation they will refuse to repent. I read it no repentance during those events in revelation. I am aware if the theology that teaches a great harvest of souls. I don’t see it in Revelation.
There are no separate trumpets for the saints and sinners as there are only seven that are sounded by the angels as God sends each one out as the soundings brings in all of Gods wrath upon those who refuse to repent and turn back to Him. God said that He would that none should perish, 2 Peter 3:9. Even though God's longsuffering and patience will come to an end as everyone will have an opportunity to repent as the Gospels will have been preached to everyone, but it is only those who will accept Gods free gift of grace, Ephesians 2:8, by faith will be saved. All Christians including those who at this time of the end have finally accepted Jesus will have eternal life with the Father.
I decided to do a Bible search on “accept Jesus” and got no results whatsoever. I suspect this is the modern painless to the pride gospel. The NT gospel is REPENT and believe which is not so painless to the pride. “Believing” means altering your choices accordingly. The trumpets I’ll address shortly.
There are three woes in Revelations as each one is worse than the other. The first one starts with the opening of the seventh seal in Rev 8:1 through Rev 9:12 that include the first five trumpets. The second woe starts in Rev 9:13 with the sixth trumpet and ends in Rev 11:14. The third woe starts with the seventh trumpet in Rev 11:15 ending in Rev 20:15.
It's during the sounding of the seventh trumpet as being the last trumpet mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 that during this last trumpet mystery Babylon being the mother of harlots will be revealed as the the son of perdition will be exposed, 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
The “last trumpet” you have assumed is the 7th. You assume there are only 7 at all. There is no reason to assume that from the text. The description in the letters of Paul does not follow the Revelation of Jesus Christ in timing. That the events will happen is sure. When is not in the text you cite. There is no reason to think the 7th during those terrible days is the last trumpet. Revelation doesn’t say it’s the”last” trumpet and Paul doesn’t say it’s the 7th.
Paul writes of the Resurrection. No mention of terrible events preceding it.
This is the false prophet as he forces all to bow down to him and take the mark of the beast or face persecution even to death as many saints of God at this time will die a martyr's death for their witness and testimony of Christ. Many who are weak in faith will fall away from Christ as they accept this mark as they fear for their own lives as this is the falling away the scriptures speak of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 and Hebrews 6:4-6 as many will be deceived as even now by all the false doctrines that are being taught by man.
This is the Futurist thinking for sure. A weakness in Futurism is that you cannot site Revelation from beginning to end of your position for support. Hence you need bits from elsewhere that aren’t necessarily addressing the same time period.
The passage in Thessalonians does refer to that time although the writing is not in chronological order. His point was to comfort the believers that they haven’t missed anything. We cannot infer that all of that is our future as it was theirs. One can read it either way, futurist or preterist.
It's not until after the seven vial judgements, Rev 16, that mystery Babylon the great is exposed, Rev 17, and then destroyed,
Well what can I say? We think that was Jerusalem and it’s in the past. You think it’s before us.
Rev 18, as Christ returns in the air with His army of angels, Rev 19:11-21, being only the heavenly host (angels) as no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven, John 3:13. At this time on the last day, John 6:40, Christ will destroy the beast and the false prophet, being the son of perdition, casting them into the lake of fire and slaying the remnant, possibly being the leaders of every nation that the beast out of the sea in Rev 13 controls and gives power to as they rule over the nations.
Again, we see these two chapters differently. The futurists see it as literally and physically happening and the preterists as a metaphor, just as real but not as physical events to be observed with the physical eyes. It would take a long time and lots of space to hammer out the differences, although it could be done without malice or breaking ties of fellowship.