Marilyn C
- May 11, 2015
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- #21
Hi Ted,Hi Marilyn C
No, exhort and admonish are two different words. Yes, admonish is to warn or chastise. However, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Jesus and Paul have given several signs that will precede the Lord's return. Those signs have not been seen yet. So you're certainly free to understand the Greek word paraineo as you'd like, but the return of the Lord is not yet and I hope that you won't be disappointed it he doesn't return in your lifetime. That's one of the teachings Paul was working on with the Thessalonians. He wrote to them about this very subject when the believers in his day thought that they had missed Jesus' return, or were expecting it at any moment in their lifetimes: Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,... 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive you by any means regarding this issue of when Jesus will return. I rather imagine that the return of the Lord is more likely in the next 200 years, but that is just a guess based on some rather tenuous activities that are happening now that 'could' tie in to Jesus' prophecies concerning the things that will be going on when he returns. No one knows the hour or day, but the Scriptures do give us some clues as to the season and what will be going on among mankind prior to his return.
Paul says that the lawless one will be revealed. That revelation may likely come when we see the person working towards the treaty, agreement or covenant, as the NKJV mentions it, that Daniel wrote about. The great tribulation like unto has never been seen before nor ever will be again will come upon the saints of God. Those alive in the day of the great tribulation will endure much hardship and suffering for the Lord. However, God has promised to cut short those days and that is when He will send His Son, Jesus. Then what is told in John's writing we know as Revelation 14:14 will come to pass.
Then will come the day when all the unbelievers will be thrown into the winepress of God's wrath, but the believers will be safe with Jesus, the one who comes sitting on the clouds looking like the Son of Man who swings his sharp sickle and harvests the earth of the ripe fruit. For the believers have been given a promise that they are not going to endure the wrath of God upon the earth.
Jesus spoke to his disciples about that day:
"And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."
Nations are certainly distressed. I'm not sure that we have yet seen the sea and waves roaring with perplexity. They seem to be working pretty normally, although we are experiencing more tsunamis. We do see some of what I believe could be termed 'men's hearts failing from fear and expectation of those things which are coming on the earth'. Certainly there is great fear among men concerning the warming of the earth. However, when they happen we are to be looking expectantly because our redemption draws near. But how bad will it get? How long will the nations be distressed and the seas and waves roar with perplexity. Might there be even more earthly calamities that will cause men's hearts to fail in fear and expectation of what we see coming upon the earth. Perhaps a heavenly body rushing to collide with the earth? But these things only tell us that the time is drawing near.
I believe the revealing of the lawless one is the last 'sign' we will get and the 'sign' that will portend the real closeness of Jesus' return. So, I can certainly see Jesus' return in the next 15-30 years, but I can also just as easily see Jesus' return in 200-300 years. There have been many, many saints who have lived and died since Jesus' visitation to us that have expected Jesus to return in their lifetimes. Certainly he will return in some believer's lifetime.
It is my understanding from Paul's writing that when we see the lawless one's rise to power on the earth, then Jesus' return will likely be in the lifetime of those believers who are alive in that day.
God bless,
You have written a lot, but nothing really backed by scripture. You have mixed up what Jesus told the people of Israel concerning their future, and the Lord as Head of the Body has told us concerning ours.
God`s word is NOT all about us, however it is for us to read and learn of the Lord, His character and His purposes for - the Body of Christ, for Israel and for the Nations.
Get those muddled up and you just have - all in one, soup.