I have several friends that I have grown up with who are not believers. I love them, and I believe that we have been true friends to one another over the years. When my husband died, two of them were right there doing whatever they could for me, and my little ones, and even encouraging me to rely on my faith through it all. I will never forget that. When we were younger (teenagers), we got it straight right from the start, that I was a believer and that I would naturally talk about God...He's in me. I also honored their desire to not have me be their conscience (and boy did they need one at times), but I have always had an open door to give my opinion and share in picking up the pieces after the mistakes were made. When they have had troubled times, I went to them, and they have even asked me to please pray for them. Of course, they don't have to ask, because as I said, I love them. I have even had opportunities to naturally examply my faith before them, and tell them of answered prayers...they have been happy for me. I am counting on the Lord to save them some day in His time.
Now, I will say this, I have a sister in Christ who I met not too long ago, and I have become close to her and her family very quickly...we are family. Christ is the heart of our friendship, and I can not tell you what a joy and love we have...I am amazed by it, because it's very new to me. I am closer to her than I have ever been to any friend, because the truth resonates with both of us....I am learning, through her, to see my others brothers and sisters this way and it's a huge blessing.
How can people know of our love for one another, and for them, if we do not reach out in real friendship? It is through the building of relationships with those around us that we have an opportunity to truly follow Christ and show His love to others. I want to show others the friendship that Jesus has shown me, and that He has given me with His people...it's so neat, and it would be nice if all I know could be part of it. Just my thoughts, the Lord bless you all.