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Should Christians Drink, At All ?

TheUnworthyServant said:

While I may understand reasons why you could say no....would you say Jesus was not a Christian because he did drink? After all, it was not uncommon in His day to drink wine. Which is something even Jesus, Himself did.

I drink....but not even once a year....does this make me unchristian?

Please do not think I am trying to attack you. That is not my intent. I just want to try to understand your views a little more whereas you merely responded with a no. So you have peaked my curiousity.
LostLamb said:
TheUnworthyServant said:

While I may understand reasons why you could say no....would you say Jesus was not a Christian because he did drink? After all, it was not uncommon in His day to drink wine. Which is something even Jesus, Himself did.

I drink....but not even once a year....does this make me unchristian?

Please do not think I am trying to attack you. That is not my intent. I just want to try to understand your views a little more whereas you merely responded with a no. So you have peaked my curiosity.

Could you please show me where in the Bible that it says that Jesus drank? Yes he changed water into wine and he told His disciples "take and drink" but no where does it say that He actually drank.

Now let me clarify my position. I do not believe that a Christian should drink because if done to excess, it effects your judgment and makes you susceptible to temptation. Now you may think this is a gray area and that saying that someone would do this to excess is judgmental but is it not better to avoid anything that could cause you to stumble?
The last supper. He said drink the cup wine this is my blood, was it a strong drink no, but it was fermented. One couldnt get drunk of that stuff as it would take alot of drinking of that stuff as the alcohol level was quite low maybe less then 20 proof.
The last supper. He said drink the cup wine this is my blood, was it a strong drink no, but it was fermented. One couldnt get drunk of that stuff as it would take alot of drinking of that stuff as the alcohol level was quite low maybe less then 20 proof.
The last supper. He said drink the cup wine, as this is my blood. Was it a strong drink no, but it was fermented. One couldnt get drunk of that stuff as it would take alot of drinking of that stuff as the alcohol level was quite low maybe less then 20 proof.
Christians should be abstainers: Proof that "wine" often referred to non-alcoholic drinks

Wine Defined

"whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Prov. 20:1

Today we have a serious problem in our society with drinking alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, it even seems to be a perplexing issue in the body of Christ. There is a great deal of ignorance (lack of knowledge) concerning this subject, as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. For this reason, I have compiled the following truths in hopes of eradicating much of the misunderstanding and deception that prevails throughout this country and abroad. The

old saying "Tell a lie long enough, and everyone will eventually believe it" is true with a great number of Bible subjects, and the topic of wine is no exception.

In this compilation, I would like to prove that usage of the word "wine" does NOT always infer a fermented beverage. It is a generic word (meaning fermented or unfermented), not only in the old & new testaments, but also in the secular world. Let's begin by acknowledging just a few reputable sources. The following material is just a portion of a list which comes from F. R. Lees' work, The Bible Wine Question.

Click on the link for more. It's really eye opening information.
Jesus was a Hebrew, so he drank wine during the passover, and sometimes they drank to relax when visiting or when company came over, and it was considered a insult to refuse, because it was customary. Even the New Testament encourages a little wine, and the man who encouraged it was also a Hebrew, and that would be Paul. And the Old Testament encourages it also, it is drunkenness that is hated by God, reason because it opens you up to much trouble. Now there is a principle, in Romans 14, if you think it is a sin, then it is a sin unto you. But if A Christian takes a drink sometimes and he is not a alcoholic, Jesus has no problem with it. I can't do it, because I don't know how to stop.
Lewis W said:
Jesus was a Hebrew, so he drank wine during the passover, and sometimes they drank to relax when visiting or when company came over, and it was considered a insult to refuse, because it was customary. Even the New Testament encourages a little wine, and the man who encouraged it was also a Hebrew, and that would be Paul. And the Old Testament encourages it also, it is drunkenness that is hated by God, reason because it opens you up to much trouble. Now there is a principle, in Romans 14, if you think it is a sin, then it is a sin unto you. But if A Christian takes a drink sometimes and he is not a alcoholic, Jesus has no problem with it. I can't do it, because I don't know how to stop.

Yup. Just like it's not eating that is hated by God but rather overeating---gluttony. Come to think of it, Drunkenness isn't a 7 deadly of course I am not saying, "YAY let's get drunk now!" lol But I think it's funny how we don't hear people arguing, "Well, over-consumption of food can lead to the temptation that leads to gluttony, so why start down that road?" or "Well sitting around on your butt all evening watching TV can start you down the road to Slothfulness, which is another sin, so avoid going down that road". Why all this concern for drinking? Don't the other sins matter and shouldn't you be trying to avoid them, too? (you is general, non-specified)

I think it's wonderful for those that know their limits to avoid it :clap That takes a lot of discipline, and I have a lot of respect for you!
Jesus could not afford to drink wine and thus open the way to the devil to tempt Him knowing that committing one sin would mean that He lost the fight with the devil.
Well krazy_kurly alcoholism and drug addiction is out of control in America, and I know first hand.
Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and then. I love micro brewed beers and drink them with meals and when kicking back every now and then. It's part of experiencing the world and all of the resources that we have on this planet that are God given.

I will go as far to say it is alright to tie one on every now and again as well as long as you have the mental fortitude to retain your judgement and not make a complete idiot out of yourself.
Lewis W said:
Well krazy_kurly alcoholism and drug addiction is out of control in America, and I know first hand.

...I was agreeing with you and telling you that I respect you for knowing your limits...??? I don't understand if you're trying to argue with me or what??? I was just serious in respecting you!

But you are right, alcoholism and drug----legal and illegal---addiction are out of control. As is our greed, envy, pride, gluttony/obesity, sloth/laziness, lust, wrath/anger, lying, deception, taking the Lord's name in vain...

All that being said, I still maintain that 1) if you believe it is a sin, so be it and don't drink but DON'T pass on judgement to those who do 2) there's a difference between seeking out temptation and avoiding it---it is literally, physically impossible to AVOID temptation...unless you live in a bubble or walk around with your ears plugged and eyes blindfolded, however, it is quite possible to know where your areas of temptation are strongest and steer clear as well as you can from them (e.g., don't volunteer to get on "Temptation Island", don't have a drink if you know you can't stop at one, don't watch any movies with bad language if you know you're prone to mimicing and swearing).
Aero_Hudson said:
Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and then. I love micro brewed beers and drink them with meals and when kicking back every now and then.
I also like micro brews (or craft beer). I drink one occasionally, and it's sort of a hobby of mine to try all the different brands and styles. There's so many out there right now. I also enjoy micro brew soda.

Aero_Hudson said:
It's part of experiencing the world and all of the resources that we have on this planet that are God given.
:amen to that.
Aero_Hudson said:
Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and then. I love micro brewed beers and drink them with meals and when kicking back every now and then. It's part of experiencing the world and all of the resources that we have on this planet that are God given.

I will go as far to say it is alright to tie one on every now and again as well as long as you have the mental fortitude to retain your judgement and not make a complete idiot out of yourself.
Aero, my brother if I could drink and tie one on, every now and then, successfully believe me brother I would, but I can't, because I go to far, when I drink, it tells me to do other drugs, and with the drugs comes the loose women, and so on, and so on.
Lewis W said:
[quote="Aero_Hudson":26q3qtpc]Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and then. I love micro brewed beers and drink them with meals and when kicking back every now and then. It's part of experiencing the world and all of the resources that we have on this planet that are God given.

I will go as far to say it is alright to tie one on every now and again as well as long as you have the mental fortitude to retain your judgement and not make a complete idiot out of yourself.
Aero, my brother if I could drink and tie one on, every now and then, successfully believe me brother I would, but I can't, because I go to far, when I drink, it tells me to do other drugs, and with the drugs comes the loose women, and so on, and so on.[/quote:26q3qtpc]
wonderful alcoholism.
"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:19-21)

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:18)

"But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat." (1 Corinthians 5:11)

"Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy." (Romans 13:13)
destiny said:
"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:19-21)

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:18)

"But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat." (1 Corinthians 5:11)

"Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy." (Romans 13:13)

Shouldn't this be in the "Occasional drunkenness" thread? All they say is that we shouldn't get drunk. There's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation.