dadof10 said:
Cornelius said:
I was not asking for the definition to be coy. I was asking for clarification. If you don't want to answer, don't. I don't see how "God's Rest" has anything to do with the OP.
Then I will not tell you what worldly ways means.
I have linked the REST with WORLDLY WAYS for a reason. They are opposites to each other. (Read Hebrews) its called "dead works". So if you cannot see the connection, then that is why you are asking "what are the worldly ways"
1) "Good fruit" has a broad meaning in Scripture.
Not so.The fruit is Christ.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I thought it meant "fruit/walk/works"? The good works that Christians do is one of the meanings. There are others:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. (Galatians (RSV) 5)
"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews (RSV) 12)
"Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. 16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. (Hebrews (RSV) 13)
As you can plainly see, the metaphor "fruit" means almost anything that issues from something else.
No, the fruit is Christ. Its always about Jesus, never about us. If you bring your own good works, you are bringing the offering of Cain and it will be rejected.
[quote:1ez5otql]2) “Good fruit†applies to PROPHETS, not churches. It applies to INDIVIDUALS, not groups, and, in context, has NOTHING to do with discerning Truth revealed by the Church, only the INDIVIDUAL who is prophesying TO OR IN the Church.
Not so: the true church is made up of individuals, who has to bear fruit, thus the church has fruit.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I never claimed the word "fruit" doesn't apply to the church, or individuals. This one verse, which you are attempting to use against the Catholic Church, ONLY APPLIES TO PROPHETS.
Jesus says ""Beware of false
prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits."
He uses the word "prophets" for a reason, otherwise He would have used the word "believer", or "elder" or "hierarchy". There is no reason to stretch the word "prophets" to mean (in your convoluted view) the Catholic Church. "Prophets" means PROPHETS, not "this is how you decide where the true church is".
Answer the question. What is the "fruit" of Prophets? Let me help you out so you will actually learn something from this. Isn't their "fruit" their PROPHESIES???? What Jesus is saying is that if a person's prophesies are accurate, then he is a "true prophet".
No Jesus is saying if their FRUIT shows Christ, they are true prophets. Jesus was speaking to intelligent people who knew that FRUIT would not be limited to "prophets" only. We all carry the words of the gospel and are prophetic in our walk. When you open your mouth to teach, to must speak the oracles of God.
1) The "good fruit" (however you personally define it) that is born by the Catholic Church FAR outweighs the bad.
The true church has no bad fruit.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I'm confused. I thought "fruit" has a narrow definition within Scripture, meaning "Christ"? Do you mean that "true church" members don't commit sin?
The true church walk in the light they have.
[quote:1ez5otql]3) There is not ONE PERSON (including you) or one community of believers (including yours) that is perfect, so if Jesus meant that a "prophet" must be perfect to be a "true" prophet, there is no such thing as one. You are ONLY looking for "bad fruit" and ignoring "good fruit" in order to justify a preconceived notion.
I am only looking for the manifestation of Christ. There is no other "fruit"
Do ALL people in the "true church" manifest Christ at EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY, WITHOUT FAIL AND NEVER SIN? Is this what you mean? If members of the "true church" sin, what does that mean for the "church"?
You are confused because you have not learned what the difference is between faith and manifestation.You cannot tell me what this means: Calling things which are not as if they were. and "Seeing the end from the beginning" Only after you understand this, would we be able to talk more on this subject.
[quote:1ez5otql]4) Jesus said “by their fruit you shall know THEMâ€Â, not THEIR CHURCH.
"THEM" forms the church, .....THEY do not
have A church.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I'm getting dizzy.
This is actually THE point, so you should read it carefully.
[quote:1ez5otql]If "good fruit" is how we determine where the "True Church", which teaches "true doctrine" is, what about the JW's? They are morally upstanding citizens, and as far as I can tell, and bear only "good fruit/works/walk". Do they teach true doctrine? Same thing with the Mormons. What about the Buddhists? I know PLENTY of small Protestant churches who have Godly pastors and members and have only born "good fruit", mainly because they are only a few years old, instead of 400 or 2000. Are they ALL teaching Truth EVEN WHEN THEY DIRECTLY CONTRADICT YOU AND EACH OTHER?
True fruit is manifesting Christ.[/quote:1ez5otql]
So when these churches "manifest Christ", their doctrines are true??? How does that work?
No not plural churcheS ......only church. And cannot manifest Christ with the wrong doctrine. That is impossible.He IS the Word. He IS the TRUTH, so how on earth can anybody with a wrong doctrine manifest the Truth? Its an oxymoron. !!
[quote:1ez5otql]So, when these "good fruit" bearing churches DISAGREE ON A DOCTRINE, which one is right?
The one who agrees with the Bible.[/quote:1ez5otql]
You mean the one who agrees with YOUR INTERPRETATION of the Bible.
No. only the one that agree with the Bible.There is only ONE correct Truth........Jesus Christ. We have to agree with Him
[quote:1ez5otql]Do you see the folly of using Jesus' words "good fruit" in an attempt to recognize which CHURCH teaches Truth?
Yes, that is why I am against the denominations.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I suppose you have completely given up trying to defend your position. Re-read the above and correct the answer, or explain how you can agree that it's folly to use Matt. 7:15ff to recognize the "true church", which is THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU ARE CLAIMING IN YOUR LAST POST. You are making no sense.
My opinion is still the same: Ye shall know them by their fruit.
[quote:1ez5otql]He is telling His disciples that if a PROPHET comes to them, look to HIS PERSONAL "fruit". This verse has NOTHING to do with discerning true PUBLIC doctrine.
Can bad fruit have true doctrine ?[/quote:1ez5otql]
WHAT??? Do you mean can the leaders of the Church that teaches Truth in matters of faith and morals, sin? Of course they can. Contrary to how you view yourself, ALL PEOPLE SIN. That fact has NOTHING to do with discerning Truth. As in the examples I gave above, people within denominations (JW's, Mormons) can be nothing but upstanding citizens, "manifesting Christ", bearing "good fruit" and doing "good works" (again, however you personally define these terms), yet teach major errors. Matt. 7:15ff has NOTHING TO DO with discerning Truth, only discerning who is a TRUE PROPHET.
Your confusion comes from how you see fruit as to sin or not to sin. That is why I asked you about the REST , which you told me, you cannot see the reason for it in this discussion. So again, I must ask you: What does the REST in Hebrews mean ? Once you get insight, you will understand Fruit.
[quote:1ez5otql]When you said the Holy Spirit speaks directly to you in the context of revealed doctrine, in another thread. Why would anyone who is receiving direct revelation from God on doctrinal matters, need to submit to another authority on those same matters?
Because the Bible tells us to do this.[/quote:1ez5otql]
Even when they disagree with the "Holy Spirit" within you?
Yes, if they can show me I am wrong and out of line with the Bible, then I must submit to them[/quote:1ez5otql]
Has this ever happened?
Yes , many times. I use to be totally wrong in my thinking. I love correction.If they can show my how my thinking differs from Scripture, then Scripture wins.
[quote:1ez5otql]What a coincidence. Same relationship I have with the Catholic Church.
No, I do not have this relationship with an institution like you do.I have it with a Biblical eldership.As you say, you have it with the Catholic Church.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I obviously don't have it with an "institution", but the people within it. People can't have a personal relationship with an institution. Are you just trying to be confrontational?
I am never confrontational for the sake of being so, but I cannot change my views to suit others.
Are you JW? Mormon? Baptist? Maybe you are all of them, a Jehovah's Mormon fundamentalist evangelical. You can’t possibly think your group of “believers†is the ONLY one bearing “good fruitâ€Â, and all who disagree with you DOCTRINALLY aren’t?
We do not have a name. We have been here since the time of Jesus and we still do not have a building.We are all over the planet, but we have no leader but Jesus who is the Head. We are the church.[/quote:1ez5otql]
Well...Let's see if you are "the church" according to Acts 15.
You are welcome
[quote:1ez5otql]Your subjective judgment carries no weight and your preconceived notion of “invisible church†is un-Scriptural. I am very curious as to how you handle doctrinal disputes within your concept of “churchâ€Â, though.
We do not have disputes.[/quote:1ez5otql]
Disputes, like the Church at Antioch had? How can you claim to have no doctrinal disputes, yet claim to be the church of Acts 15?
Yes, because the Apostles in the time when the Bible was written, sorted it all out for us. We have no more doctrine to add to what they said. We add nothing and take nothing away.
[quote:1ez5otql]Where are these “apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets and evangelists that I submit to�
They are everywhere.[/quote:1ez5otql]
Humm.... No disputes and no centralized authority...0-2 in the "which church models Acts 15 more closely" competition.
Cannot make you feel better about us not having disputes.We have authority :Jesus is the Head.The we have apostles, pastors, teachers , prophets and evangelists. So the "central" authority is all there.
Are you a member of the hierarchy?
No I am not.[/quote:1ez5otql]
Do you HAVE a hierarchy? If not...0-3
Of course we have leadership: But they serve and they do not lord it over the flock.The lording is called the Nicolaitan error, which Jesus also hated. Adullam posted a very good post on this error a page or two back,
[quote:1ez5otql]When a decision is made, and it is the opposite of the decision of the “spirit†within you, which “spirit†do you submit to?
The one that agrees with the Bible.[/quote:1ez5otql]
How can the "spirit within" you disagree with the Bible? Maybe you are MISTAKEN when the "spirit" speaks directly to you on matters of faith?
I would be mistaken, when I hear things that are not in the Bible. If the Holy Spirit speaks to me in revelation and its seems "new" to my understanding, I double check it with my elders before I take it into my heart as doctrine.I have many councilors.
Can you give me a few examples of decisions that have been reached by your “councils�
We have no councils.[/quote:1ez5otql]
OK...0-4. The early Church held a council in Acts 15.
That is so, they took care of it for us. No more things to be added. Its done.
[quote:1ez5otql]When you reach a decision in South Africa, is it binding on Adullum’s community in Canada, even if they don’t send representatives?
We never make such decisions. Jesus told us what to do in the beginning and that is what we do.[/quote:1ez5otql]
0-5. If you did what Jesus told you to do "in the beginning", you would have an authoritative VISIBLE hierarchy, that made decisions BINDING on the entire Church. But you don't, and therefore are not the church of Acts 15.[/quote:1ez5otql]
I can see my elders They are real people, so I do not understand what you call "visible". But they cannot make decisions "binding on the church". The Bible is the only authority we have and nobody can move outside of it and still be in the church.
The church has always just been the "called out ones" . Its very simple. It just IS. All believers who "come out of the world" and repent of their dead works and worldly ways and thinking, move into the REST of God (Hebrews) and so join the true church. Their hearts result in Fruit which is the "membership sign" of the true church.The fruit shows that the Seed (Word of God in Matthews, which is Christ) was sown in the good soil. It produces thirty, sixty or a hundred fold of Christ in the heart of the "good soil"