dadof10 said:Cornelius said:OK, so I can take it that you see "your Church" as "the people of God" (my people ) so this verse must then apply only to your Church:
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:
If God is not speaking to the Church here as "his people", then who is He speaking to ?
The author of Revelation is, in a symbolic way, telling Christians to "come out" of worldly ways, symbolized by "Babylon the Great" (Rome).
...and here comes some oft-debunked Dave Hunt-Lorraine Boettner-Jack Chick "Whore of Babylon=the Catholic Church" tripe. You have nothing substantial to say, so let-er-rip.
On the contrary. I do not believe the RCC is THE Whore of Babylon. I believe the WHOLE church system is the Whore at this moment.The RCC is only part of the Whore.Rev 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all that have been slain upon the earth.
As you say, the whole church has joined with the world and now God is calling "his people" (are you one of "His people" ?) out of the worldly ways. You now have to separate yourself along with all who are called "His people" and come out of the worldly "church". The Harlot is guilty of the blood of ALL the saints, so the RCC cannot be the Harlot by herself, she only has PART in it, as she too killed the saints in her time. That does qualify her as part of the Harlot indeed. History confirms this !
All religion that brings their own fruit as a sacrifice is part of the Harlot. The first member of the Harlot was Cain. He killed the first saint, because his "fruit of the earth" (own works) were rejected by God while God accepted Able's offering (Grace)