Cornelius said:
First of all, as I asked Adullam, define "worldly ways".
I will make you a deal: I will explain worldly ways to you, if you first explain the "Rest of God" in Hebrews 4 to me.
I was not asking for the definition to be coy. I was asking for clarification. If you don't want to answer, don't. I don't see how "God's Rest" has anything to do with the OP.
[quote:1je4j0vr]Do you mean sin? Secondly, I belong to the Church of Acts 15, which is visible and has an authoritative hierarchy.
If you indeed belonged to the church of Acts 15, then you would do the works of the church in Acts 15. Saying we belong to the church is not enough in the New Testament. We can ONLY be part of the church of Acts, through our fruit. Our works /walk/fruit show this to be true.
Nothing we SAY makes it so, we have to SHOW. Your denomination has showed plenty through the years and they do not resemble the church in Acts 15.
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
I am not making ANY statement about your denomination, that is not based on the fruit that you manifest to the world. I judge them by their fruit and they are lacking.[/quote:1je4j0vr]
This is typical of people who reject revealed Truth and authority to follow "the Spirit" in their own heads. Start attacking the "bad works" of your opponent's Church trying to distract from the point made. OK, fine, I'll deal with Acts 15 later.
1) "Good fruit" has a broad meaning in Scripture. Jesus meant PERSONAL "FRUIT" in the "false prophets". Answering the following question will be a teachable moment for you. If the “fruit†of a builder is what he builds, and the “fruit of a teacher is what she teaches, what specifically is the “fruit†of a prophet?
2) “Good fruit†applies to PROPHETS, not churches. It applies to INDIVIDUALS, not groups, and, in context, has NOTHING to do with discerning Truth revealed by the Church, only the INDIVIDUAL who is prophesying
TO OR IN the Church.
Even if I grant the point that Jesus means “works/walk†here, that still doesn’t speak against the TEACHING of the Catholic Church, or ANY Church for that matter.
1) The "good fruit" (however you personally define it) that is born by the Catholic Church FAR outweighs the bad.
2) The "good fruit" (however you personally define it) born by ALL Protestant denominations FAR outweighs the bad.
3) There is not ONE PERSON (including you) or one community of believers (including yours) that is perfect, so if Jesus meant that a "prophet" must be perfect to be a "true" prophet, there is no such thing as one. You are ONLY looking for "bad fruit" and ignoring "good fruit" in order to justify a preconceived notion.
4) Jesus said “by their fruit you shall know THEMâ€Â, not THEIR CHURCH.
If "good fruit" is how we determine where the "True Church", which teaches "true doctrine" is, what about the JW's? They are morally upstanding citizens, and as far as I can tell, and bear only "good fruit/works/walk". Do they teach true doctrine? Same thing with the Mormons. What about the Buddhists? I know PLENTY of small Protestant churches who have Godly pastors and members and have only born "good fruit", mainly because they are only a few years old, instead of 400 or 2000.
So, when these "good fruit" bearing churches DISAGREE ON A DOCTRINE, which one is right? Do you see the folly of using Jesus' words "good fruit" in an attempt to recognize which
CHURCH teaches Truth?
He is telling His disciples that if a PROPHET comes to them, look to HIS PERSONAL "fruit". This verse has NOTHING to do with discerning true PUBLIC doctrine.
[quote:1je4j0vr]You have been dodging my references to the first ecumenical council in Jerusalem for about a month now. I know you have to because they had a SYSTEM in place for dealing with doctrinal disputes, which involved a group of men being in authority over others with the power to "bind and loose". They weren't just a loose group of "believers" who split from each other at the least hint of discord
When did I say that I do not submit to the authority in the church?[/quote:1je4j0vr]
When you said the Holy Spirit speaks directly to you in the context of revealed doctrine, in another thread. Why would anyone who is receiving direct revelation from God on doctrinal matters, need to submit to another authority on those same matters?
I have elders above me. I have apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets and evangelists that I submit to.
Even when they disagree with the "Holy Spirit" within you?
But they do not lord it over me. They all serve me, and I have true love for them. I respect them with all my heart and I serve them too the best I can , out of love.
What a coincidence. Same relationship I have with the Catholic Church.
[quote:1je4j0vr]As I've said on more than one occasion, this is how the CATHOLIC CHURCH operates even now (and many Protestant denominations, for that matter). You, however, do not operate in this way. In fact, you call the Churches that DO operate this way "worldly" and "whores".
I look at their fruit.[/quote:1je4j0vr]
Are you JW? Mormon? Baptist? Maybe you are all of them, a Jehovah's Mormon fundamentalist evangelical. You can’t possibly think your group of “believers†is the ONLY one bearing “good fruitâ€Â, and all who disagree with you DOCTRINALLY aren’t?
[quote:1je4j0vr]If we are looking for the "Biblical Church", like your quote from a book (website?) on another thread claims to do, then why won't you take Acts 15 and the early Church's way of settling disputes into consideration? Why no mention of it AT ALL?
Who said I do not? What I see in what people call "church" or "Church" is a far cry from Acts.[/quote:1je4j0vr]
Your subjective judgment carries no weight and your preconceived notion of “invisible church†is un-Scriptural. I am very curious as to how you handle doctrinal disputes within your concept of “churchâ€Â, though.
Where are these “apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets and evangelists that I submit to�
Are you a member of the hierarchy?
When a decision is made, and it is the opposite of the decision of the “spirit†within you, which “spirit†do you submit to?
Can you give me a few examples of decisions that have been reached by your “councils�
When you reach a decision in South Africa, is it binding on Adullum’s community in Canada, even if they don’t send representatives?
People WANT me to just accept they are OK, because they claim things. You say you are part of THE CHURCH. Then SHOW me. LIVE like the apostles.Walk like Jesus.BE and overcomer. Do not go to the world for your solutions, protection etc. SHOW me, by manifesting Christ, so that I can call you a Christ-in person. Stop telling me about an organization that you call "Church" and BE Church to me.
I tell you the truth, that I love you and do not hate you. But I do hate what people have done to you.I hate the systems of men that they claim to be the systems of God. I hate what it has done to sincere people like you. I hate to see you holding on to that which men have sold to you as THE TRUTH and then they created fear around this, so you cannot let go and question it. The oldest trick in the book. Like a spiritual 9-11 they make you fearful of you loosing your salvation if you left THEM, because they are IT !
I do not post on Catholic forums, but I read. I am so, so saddened by the fear. There is only confusion. I read about how a woman was worried about her babies salvation, because he grabbed the bread and ate it and then spat it out. She was so worried and scared ! Then the "councilor" told her the "correct way" was to have taken a tissue , pick it up and take it to a priest who would have the authority to correctly dispose of the "body of the Lord" God knows its a lot of baloney and the "Church" is FULL of it.