Absolutely. Candidates are corporately funded and corporately owned. The rich contribute to the candidate while at home then go to work and write another big corporate check to same candidate. The rich run the country and the poor get the blame.
I,don't disagree ,but giving said govt that power to even more so,control you,whim,you,support won't work .
Guy steal s via taxation laws,vote him,more power to decide who gets what to do with what makes no,sense ,a business can't force me to buy from,them if they have no,law agent .I can refuse.
I can't refuse these low level taxes that any the local level have corruption .
Ad valorem,favoritism there ,
Sales taxes,eminent domain where by a few places get to stay in,their land making no taxes payments while awaiting the road to be widening .
Franchisee frees on utilities.
Also tangible taxes.that's local .deals are made by the wealthy to allow them to gain .I would rather remove that temptation ,gosh roads ,while cities were built by corps before the irs.taxation for roads ,simply causes more growth ,seen it .widens a road because its needed and boom ,years later its packed because more growth so not in all cases is it used rightly.
A certain draw bridge comes to mind ,ft.pierce kept hers but not my county ,same river .