- Nov 6, 2012
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Hi folks!
New here, but not new as a believer!
Been looking long and hard at these prophecies for a while concerning the Savior's return.
The scriptural FUNDAMENTAL with regard to HOW He actually is prophesied to return and WHO the EARLY CHURCH anticipated and knew Him to be; are replete throughout the bible.
In the Spirit, the LORD has spoken to me saying,.. "The greatest truths are not in what men "think" they know, but what they do not know! For what men "think" they know not taking all things into consideration has not been "wisdom" at all. Every misconceit a man believes is an obstacle against discerning greater dimensions of the truth. Because of the intrusions of many false perceptions, the hearts of men have have stood upon faulty foundations, building houses having no room for the full perfect and pure revival of My word. Man's di-visions must be overcome by My Vision." ....
NOTE how these passages repetitively give reference to a "CITY". Note that "AR" and "KIR" are references to a CITY. Numbers 24:14-<17-19, Isaiah 15-16, 19:18-25, 24:1-<10-16>-<25:1-3>-26:14 /Rev.16:12-21, Isaiah 66:1-<6-15, Zephaniah 3:1-4>-13. :shocked! There is no other firm foundation but that which from the Beginning was already laid. Have we indeed as prophesied allowed less than fully considerate conclusions cause us to overlook so much of the book?
(Matthew 7:13-28 .. Isaiah 28:1-<10-20>-32:8) Any "foundation" that does not have in it room for all the truth is of questionable making. Remove the intrusions. Faith in One can be only one love from above!
It is apparent to me that the prophecies at Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES not entirely to be viewed as "END TIMES", but must be considered regarding what happened leading to and during the "GREAT TRIBULATION" of FIRST FOUR CENTURIES wherein some 60 MILLION were MaRTyReD/ murdered for the cause of the MONOtheirst FAITH which POLYtheist worldly agendas and intrusions sought to pollute and ultimately destroy. These times did not bring the MESSIAH, but instead gave rise to all manner of "false prophets". (Daniel 11:28-39, Mat.24:24, Rev.13) How else do you explain ISAIAH chapter 49-51? Its inately "curiously kyrios" to me that MATTHEW 24:29, MARK 13:14, LUKE 21:25 and REVELATION 6:12 and 16:12 all speak of events mentioned at ISAIAH chapter 13 and chapters 24-<25:1-3>-27. More "curious" are the "scroll breaks" at the aforementioned verses.
What about Luke 1:78, 2Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:16, 16:12-21. WHO to the early church was the anticipated "Righteous One/ "King of the East", which could so easily be interpreted "Angel Rising in the Sun", "Sun of Righteousness who rises" or even "King of Glory"? (Psalms 24) See Isaiah 40:1-<40:27-41:4>-<41:24-42:4>-43:18. NOTE! The Savior will account them who can and will declare the FORMER THINGS as the Called/Confirmed/ Sealed/ Preserved vessels to declare again the SURE word of the absolute Gospel as initially declared from On High! (Rev.14)
Lest we take ALL things into consideration, how shall any of us be made complete? (Ephesians 3:17-18) Lacking the fundamental, how shall any man be confirmed as steadfastly stable in all things of the faith? As healer of human conscience beyond all short-sighted worldly allegiances, the Savior will return to confirm ALL things spoken of the Almighty by mouth of HIS holy prophets since world began. (ACTS 3:18-23) All I'm saying is that we cannot overlook the BOOK since all shall be held accountable for EVERY word! (Matthew 4:4, 12:36) Despite a world wherein men have sought to define the LIGHT after so many diverse worldly orientations, ALL EYES shalll SEE the GLORY of the LORD! Hallelu'YAH! Children of the LIGHT! Let the LIGHT SHINE! (Mat.5:14-21, James 1:17)
Blessings Y'all! Just my 

NOTE how these passages repetitively give reference to a "CITY". Note that "AR" and "KIR" are references to a CITY. Numbers 24:14-<17-19, Isaiah 15-16, 19:18-25, 24:1-<10-16>-<25:1-3>-26:14 /Rev.16:12-21, Isaiah 66:1-<6-15, Zephaniah 3:1-4>-13. :shocked! There is no other firm foundation but that which from the Beginning was already laid. Have we indeed as prophesied allowed less than fully considerate conclusions cause us to overlook so much of the book?

It is apparent to me that the prophecies at Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES not entirely to be viewed as "END TIMES", but must be considered regarding what happened leading to and during the "GREAT TRIBULATION" of FIRST FOUR CENTURIES wherein some 60 MILLION were MaRTyReD/ murdered for the cause of the MONOtheirst FAITH which POLYtheist worldly agendas and intrusions sought to pollute and ultimately destroy. These times did not bring the MESSIAH, but instead gave rise to all manner of "false prophets". (Daniel 11:28-39, Mat.24:24, Rev.13) How else do you explain ISAIAH chapter 49-51? Its inately "curiously kyrios" to me that MATTHEW 24:29, MARK 13:14, LUKE 21:25 and REVELATION 6:12 and 16:12 all speak of events mentioned at ISAIAH chapter 13 and chapters 24-<25:1-3>-27. More "curious" are the "scroll breaks" at the aforementioned verses.

What about Luke 1:78, 2Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:16, 16:12-21. WHO to the early church was the anticipated "Righteous One/ "King of the East", which could so easily be interpreted "Angel Rising in the Sun", "Sun of Righteousness who rises" or even "King of Glory"? (Psalms 24) See Isaiah 40:1-<40:27-41:4>-<41:24-42:4>-43:18. NOTE! The Savior will account them who can and will declare the FORMER THINGS as the Called/Confirmed/ Sealed/ Preserved vessels to declare again the SURE word of the absolute Gospel as initially declared from On High! (Rev.14)
Lest we take ALL things into consideration, how shall any of us be made complete? (Ephesians 3:17-18) Lacking the fundamental, how shall any man be confirmed as steadfastly stable in all things of the faith? As healer of human conscience beyond all short-sighted worldly allegiances, the Savior will return to confirm ALL things spoken of the Almighty by mouth of HIS holy prophets since world began. (ACTS 3:18-23) All I'm saying is that we cannot overlook the BOOK since all shall be held accountable for EVERY word! (Matthew 4:4, 12:36) Despite a world wherein men have sought to define the LIGHT after so many diverse worldly orientations, ALL EYES shalll SEE the GLORY of the LORD! Hallelu'YAH! Children of the LIGHT! Let the LIGHT SHINE! (Mat.5:14-21, James 1:17)