
Nov 6, 2012
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Hi folks!:wave New here, but not new as a believer!:thumbsup Been looking long and hard at these prophecies for a while concerning the Savior's return.:chin The scriptural FUNDAMENTAL with regard to HOW He actually is prophesied to return and WHO the EARLY CHURCH anticipated and knew Him to be; are replete throughout the bible.:clap In the Spirit, the LORD has spoken to me saying,.. "The greatest truths are not in what men "think" they know, but what they do not know! For what men "think" they know not taking all things into consideration has not been "wisdom" at all. Every misconceit a man believes is an obstacle against discerning greater dimensions of the truth. Because of the intrusions of many false perceptions, the hearts of men have have stood upon faulty foundations, building houses having no room for the full perfect and pure revival of My word. Man's di-visions must be overcome by My Vision." ....

NOTE how these passages repetitively give reference to a "CITY". Note that "AR" and "KIR" are references to a CITY. Numbers 24:14-<17-19, Isaiah 15-16, 19:18-25, 24:1-<10-16>-<25:1-3>-26:14 /Rev.16:12-21, Isaiah 66:1-<6-15, Zephaniah 3:1-4>-13. :shocked! There is no other firm foundation but that which from the Beginning was already laid. Have we indeed as prophesied allowed less than fully considerate conclusions cause us to overlook so much of the book? :chin (Matthew 7:13-28 .. Isaiah 28:1-<10-20>-32:8) Any "foundation" that does not have in it room for all the truth is of questionable making. Remove the intrusions. Faith in One can be only one love from above!

It is apparent to me that the prophecies at Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES not entirely to be viewed as "END TIMES", but must be considered regarding what happened leading to and during the "GREAT TRIBULATION" of FIRST FOUR CENTURIES wherein some 60 MILLION were MaRTyReD/ murdered for the cause of the MONOtheirst FAITH which POLYtheist worldly agendas and intrusions sought to pollute and ultimately destroy. These times did not bring the MESSIAH, but instead gave rise to all manner of "false prophets". (Daniel 11:28-39, Mat.24:24, Rev.13) How else do you explain ISAIAH chapter 49-51? Its inately "curiously kyrios" to me that MATTHEW 24:29, MARK 13:14, LUKE 21:25 and REVELATION 6:12 and 16:12 all speak of events mentioned at ISAIAH chapter 13 and chapters 24-<25:1-3>-27. More "curious" are the "scroll breaks" at the aforementioned verses. :shame:chin:yes:readbible

What about Luke 1:78, 2Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:16, 16:12-21. WHO to the early church was the anticipated "Righteous One/ "King of the East", which could so easily be interpreted "Angel Rising in the Sun", "Sun of Righteousness who rises" or even "King of Glory"? (Psalms 24) See Isaiah 40:1-<40:27-41:4>-<41:24-42:4>-43:18. NOTE! The Savior will account them who can and will declare the FORMER THINGS as the Called/Confirmed/ Sealed/ Preserved vessels to declare again the SURE word of the absolute Gospel as initially declared from On High! (Rev.14)

Lest we take ALL things into consideration, how shall any of us be made complete? (Ephesians 3:17-18) Lacking the fundamental, how shall any man be confirmed as steadfastly stable in all things of the faith? As healer of human conscience beyond all short-sighted worldly allegiances, the Savior will return to confirm ALL things spoken of the Almighty by mouth of HIS holy prophets since world began. (ACTS 3:18-23) All I'm saying is that we cannot overlook the BOOK since all shall be held accountable for EVERY word! (Matthew 4:4, 12:36) Despite a world wherein men have sought to define the LIGHT after so many diverse worldly orientations, ALL EYES shalll SEE the GLORY of the LORD! Hallelu'YAH! Children of the LIGHT! Let the LIGHT SHINE! (Mat.5:14-21, James 1:17):clap :praying Blessings Y'all! Just my :twocents
Hi folks!:wave New here, but not new as a believer!:thumbsup Been looking long and hard at these prophecies for a while concerning the Savior's return.:chin The scriptural FUNDAMENTAL with regard to HOW He actually is prophesied to return and WHO the EARLY CHURCH anticipated and knew Him to be; are replete throughout the bible.:clap In the Spirit, the LORD has spoken to me saying,.. "The greatest truths are not in what men "think" they know, but what they do not know! For what men "think" they know not taking all things into consideration has not been "wisdom" at all. Every misconceit a man believes is an obstacle against discerning greater dimensions of the truth. Because of the intrusions of many false perceptions, the hearts of men have have stood upon faulty foundations, building houses having no room for the full perfect and pure revival of My word. Man's di-visions must be overcome by My Vision." ....

NOTE how these passages repetitively give reference to a "CITY". Note that "AR" and "KIR" are references to a CITY. Numbers 24:14-<17-19, Isaiah 15-16, 19:18-25, 24:1-<10-16>-<25:1-3>-26:14 /Rev.16:12-21, Isaiah 66:1-<6-15, Zephaniah 3:1-4>-13. :shocked! There is no other firm foundation but that which from the Beginning was already laid. Have we indeed as prophesied allowed less than fully considerate conclusions cause us to overlook so much of the book? :chin (Matthew 7:13-28 .. Isaiah 28:1-<10-20>-32:8) Any "foundation" that does not have in it room for all the truth is of questionable making. Remove the intrusions. Faith in One can be only one love from above!

It is apparent to me that the prophecies at Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES not entirely to be viewed as "END TIMES", but must be considered regarding what happened leading to and during the "GREAT TRIBULATION" of FIRST FOUR CENTURIES wherein some 60 MILLION were MaRTyReD/ murdered for the cause of the MONOtheirst FAITH which POLYtheist worldly agendas and intrusions sought to pollute and ultimately destroy. These times did not bring the MESSIAH, but instead gave rise to all manner of "false prophets". (Daniel 11:28-39, Mat.24:24, Rev.13) How else do you explain ISAIAH chapter 49-51? Its inately "curiously kyrios" to me that MATTHEW 24:29, MARK 13:14, LUKE 21:25 and REVELATION 6:12 and 16:12 all speak of events mentioned at ISAIAH chapter 13 and chapters 24-<25:1-3>-27. More "curious" are the "scroll breaks" at the aforementioned verses. :shame:chin:yes:readbible

What about Luke 1:78, 2Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:16, 16:12-21. WHO to the early church was the anticipated "Righteous One/ "King of the East", which could so easily be interpreted "Angel Rising in the Sun", "Sun of Righteousness who rises" or even "King of Glory"? (Psalms 24) See Isaiah 40:1-<40:27-41:4>-<41:24-42:4>-43:18. NOTE! The Savior will account them who can and will declare the FORMER THINGS as the Called/Confirmed/ Sealed/ Preserved vessels to declare again the SURE word of the absolute Gospel as initially declared from On High! (Rev.14)

Lest we take ALL things into consideration, how shall any of us be made complete? (Ephesians 3:17-18) Lacking the fundamental, how shall any man be confirmed as steadfastly stable in all things of the faith? As healer of human conscience beyond all short-sighted worldly allegiances, the Savior will return to confirm ALL things spoken of the Almighty by mouth of HIS holy prophets since world began. (ACTS 3:18-23) All I'm saying is that we cannot overlook the BOOK since all shall be held accountable for EVERY word! (Matthew 4:4, 12:36) Despite a world wherein men have sought to define the LIGHT after so many diverse worldly orientations, ALL EYES shalll SEE the GLORY of the LORD! Hallelu'YAH! Children of the LIGHT! Let the LIGHT SHINE! (Mat.5:14-21, James 1:17):clap :praying Blessings Y'all! Just my :twocents


Welcome to the Forum.

I would like to comment on this phrase you wrote -


Do you feel that the "great tribulation" that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:15, came in the first four centuries?

Thanks JLB
Appreciate your inquiry. Looking back at my initial post, I'll try this time not to be "overly verbose". Concerning specifically the words "GREAT TRIBULATION"; I was speaking with regard to Matthew 24:21. I see all that was spoken of prior to that time as leading up to the 70 AD overthrow of Jerusalem, times which were succeeded for the next 300 years and beyond with what the "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" account relates as the murder of some 60 MILLION believers. POLYtheist western agenda had no place for a "HOLY" ie. MONOtheist COVENANT perceiving the LORD as NOT DIVIDED nor HIS word to be intruded upon after the vanities of men! Those days of GREAT TRIBULATION did not result in Messiah's return, but the confusions of some 30,000 denominations among some 192 nations we see dividing the conscience of men under the intrusions of systemic "false prophets" ie. MISadministrations, false law, fLAW to this very day. (Colossians 2:8 .. 2Thessolonians 2:1-<7-11)

Again, IMHO, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES over the course of CENTURIES, not all of which is END TIME prophecy. In the Aramaic, Daniel 11:33 considering 1000 days = 1000 years sound very much like the onsets of the plagues coupled with already extant oppressions that catalyzed mistrust prompting the "Protestant Reformation". After that time, the end of this age of "confusions" is yet for a time appointed.

REVELATION 6, IMHO, the WHITE HORSE RIDER is the DISPENSATION of the GOSPEL of PEACE. The RED HORSE RIDER is the retaliation on part of the nations to take away pure word of PEACE thus destroying FAITH in the LORD, ie. the HOLY COVENANT ALONE! (Mat.10:18) BLACK HORSE RIDER is FAMINE for a PURE PERFECT WORD! (Amos 8:11-12) PALE HORSE RIDER is subsequent DEATH and HELL resultant of GLOBAL trust in PRETENSE! BLESSED are they who REMEMBER the FORMER THINGS that was the FAITH of the EARLY SAINTS!

Luke 21:23-26 speaks of there FIRST being a GREAT DISTRESS/TRIBULATION upon the sons of ISRAEL, and then LATER at the end of the times of the Gentiles, GREAT DISTRESS/TRIBULATION upon all the nations. Consider Jeremiah 30:10-11 through Jeremiah 31:31-36 unto the restoration of the truth of a covenant unto a people divided in diaspora. The hebrew words "chadash" and "quodesh" are related. There is no "NEW HOLY" covenant. Only a RESTORATION to the minds of men concerning THE FOUNDATION that from the BEGINNING was already laid. (Isaiah 28:15-<16>-23 .. Mat.7:13-28)

I see the global illvision at last being exposed at the allusion to Revelation 16:12-21 as related at Revelation 6:12 which alludes to Isaiah ch.24-27. Long story short, you have it. Examine the scriptures. Send me your thoughts.

May the LIGHT forever shine! Much love from above to all, Neshamahyah (Isaiah 26:12-13)
Appreciate your inquiry. Looking back at my initial post, I'll try this time not to be "overly verbose". Concerning specifically the words "GREAT TRIBULATION"; I was speaking with regard to Matthew 24:21. I see all that was spoken of prior to that time as leading up to the 70 AD overthrow of Jerusalem, times which were succeeded for the next 300 years and beyond with what the "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" account relates as the murder of some 60 MILLION believers. POLYtheist western agenda had no place for a "HOLY" ie. MONOtheist COVENANT perceiving the LORD as NOT DIVIDED nor HIS word to be intruded upon after the vanities of men! Those days of GREAT TRIBULATION did not result in Messiah's return, but the confusions of some 30,000 denominations among some 192 nations we see dividing the conscience of men under the intrusions of systemic "false prophets" ie. MISadministrations, false law, fLAW to this very day. (Colossians 2:8 .. 2Thessolonians 2:1-<7-11)

Again, IMHO, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6-7 are CHRONOLOGIES over the course of CENTURIES, not all of which is END TIME prophecy. In the Aramaic, Daniel 11:33 considering 1000 days = 1000 years sound very much like the onsets of the plagues coupled with already extant oppressions that catalyzed mistrust prompting the "Protestant Reformation". After that time, the end of this age of "confusions" is yet for a time appointed.

REVELATION 6, IMHO, the WHITE HORSE RIDER is the DISPENSATION of the GOSPEL of PEACE. The RED HORSE RIDER is the retaliation on part of the nations to take away pure word of PEACE thus destroying FAITH in the LORD, ie. the HOLY COVENANT ALONE! (Mat.10:18) BLACK HORSE RIDER is FAMINE for a PURE PERFECT WORD! (Amos 8:11-12) PALE HORSE RIDER is subsequent DEATH and HELL resultant of GLOBAL trust in PRETENSE! BLESSED are they who REMEMBER the FORMER THINGS that was the FAITH of the EARLY SAINTS!

Luke 21:23-26 speaks of there FIRST being a GREAT DISTRESS/TRIBULATION upon the sons of ISRAEL, and then LATER at the end of the times of the Gentiles, GREAT DISTRESS/TRIBULATION upon all the nations. Consider Jeremiah 30:10-11 through Jeremiah 31:31-36 unto the restoration of the truth of a covenant unto a people divided in diaspora. The hebrew words "chadash" and "quodesh" are related. There is no "NEW HOLY" covenant. Only a RESTORATION to the minds of men concerning THE FOUNDATION that from the BEGINNING was already laid. (Isaiah 28:15-<16>-23 .. Mat.7:13-28)

I see the global illvision at last being exposed at the allusion to Revelation 16:12-21 as related at Revelation 6:12 which alludes to Isaiah ch.24-27. Long story short, you have it. Examine the scriptures. Send me your thoughts.

May the LIGHT forever shine! Much love from above to all, Neshamahyah (Isaiah 26:12-13)

Sorry i meant to write Matthew 24:21

Could you shed some light on my question?

Do you feel that the "great tribulation" that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:21, came in the first four centuries?

Concerning your question regarding Mat.24:15 specifically ...

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by DANIEL the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in JUDAEA flee into the mountains: CONSIDER DANIEL 11:28-39!

Remember that since the days of Alexander, western forces had sought the destruction of the holy faith that promises absolution in the earth. Look up the "Hasmonean Dynasty". Particularly after the fall of the Medo-Persian Empire (which incidentally in many ways yet counted Israel to be a satrapy) Israel had already been through some very perilous times with the rise of Hellenist influence. For there is no possibility of perceiving a HOLY covenant where POLYtheist agenda abides. By the same token, where a MONOtheist agenda prevails, a POLYtheist agenda can no more survive. The "spirit of truth", the pure perfect testimony, the pluralist worldy cannot fully accept nor discern lest the light expose the impurities in the darkness.

The apostle Paul warned against the mounting intrusions of the "principalities and powers". The Messiah had no problem with the light of the scriptures as revealed by the prophets, it was the MISadministrations of the rulers that he rebuked. Consider. What "law" did the nations count as having authority before went forth the exceeding gospel to prove foolish the wisdom of the wise? Was that pluralist concept of law "justice" before the LORD or a "false-law ie. fLAW? (Isaiah 41:21-42:4 .. Mat.12:18) What of what men among men nations call "law" today? Is it "lawFUL" or "lawLESSly inconsiderate of the MASTER? DeBaTe and DouBT, DouBLeT-mindedness is not FAITH but is instability! (James 1:1-<6-9, 1:17 .. John 14:15-16, 17:9)

Rome at that time certainly had no spiritual insight into what is righteous administration concerning the lawful rule of the One Most High. (Colossians 2:14-18) What about reckoning the fact that some few scores before the coming of Messiah, Rome came in and slaughtered the priests of Jerusalem that after much persecution and intrusion they said they had "no king but Caesar"? (John 19:15, Luke 12:1-2)

Much love from above! Neshamahyah
Sorry i meant to write Matthew 24:21

Could you shed some light on my question?

Do you feel that the "great tribulation" that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:21, came in the first four centuries?


I'm delighted to offer a further answer to your question regarding what I see as "GREAT TRIBULATION" or "DISTRESS" mentioned at Matthew 24:21 and Luke 21:23-24. It is worthy of note that Messiah spoke in this regard to the sending forth OUT of JERUSALEM the children of ISRAEL into DIASPORA among the NATIONS while ISRAEL/ the LAND and PEOPLE are subverted and scattered under gentile rulers and nations. Under allegiance multitude of diverse and conflicted rulers and confusions, it is not possible for the people of the Most High to fully adhere to what Messiah said was the utmost command of all! HEAR, DISCERN ATTENTIVELY, OBEY and DECLARE O ISRAEL! The LORD OUR LORD is ONE! Purity and Completion offer ONE CHOICE, ie. the termination of doctrinal SIN! Again as I wrote in a former post, MONOtheism and POLYtheism are mutually exclusive resulting in only vanity, what is insufficient and a profaning of the Holy Name.

The times of Israel's DIASPORA among and under diverse Gentile rulers and nations is actually what is called the "TIMES OF JACOB'S TROUBLE". It is not possible that some 30,000 denominations among some 192 nations globally be true to the will of One! That the peoples of the world perceive beyond the pluralist "illusion of sanctity" ie. the "global pretense", the "vain schemes of the rulers against the LORD, against HIS anointed and anointed oneS .. (Psalms 2 .. Isaiah 14:1-5) .. it will be necessary to cast down the illusion of there being a "new holy" covenant which forgets what the Most High intended and promised from the beginning. In the LORD HIMSELF become OUR TEACHER are we CALLED of HIM to become HIS PEOPLE beyond all that is WORLDLY confusions.(Jeremiah 30:10-11, 31:31-36) Ancient concept of a "KING" was one favored and having guidance from On High else the people be doomed. Anointed. Can the people choose such a one after what seems right to worldly status quos expectant that the Most High should show him favor? (Hosea 8:1-4) Messiah is called the offspring of David, the pure light that casts out the darkness. (Revelation 22:12-<16>-21) Remember what cast out Saul from being king. (1Samuel 15:23-26) The Spirit would teach us, bring to remembrance that we consider all things, no lie in it, to the rebuke of all error ie. short-sighted conclusions .. IF our allegiance was indeed FAITH devout unto the full restoration, refreshing, restitution of all things. (Acts 3:18-23)

Surely being cast out from your land. Set in subjection to them who counted your faith to be an affront to their imperialist agenda to be murdered/martyred at the rate of what averages out to roughly some 550 per day is surely a "GREAT TRIBULATION"! Statesman Constantine said weeks before his death, "I pray that whatever god be god, he will grant me favor in that I have granted his worship in my kingdom." Hmm. This man about "incorporation", not full submission in allegiance to "rediscovery" in the holy will and sanctity of the Holy Name of the One and Only LORD! (Jude 1:1-4>-15) The result is persistent indiscretion as men contend with men for contending against the surety of the Most High ever since. MAN does not command the LORD! (Isaiah 45:9-12)

The Most High once spoke to me when first I remember picking up a bible many years ago. HE said man was made to be subject to his Maker. HE said directly to me, "Whenever man is subject to any "authority" less than HIS own, it is TRIBULATION." That was enough to help me understand.

Thanks for the question. As said before, I'm a newbie around here. Your interrogative offered a catharsis, an opportunity to ventillate and be humbly of service in offering to the body of believers what I can. Appreciatively, Neshamahyah
I tend to look for the most literal interpretations possible. In rare cases do I go to the symbolistic without exploring the possibilities of literalness.
I tend to look for the most literal interpretations possible. In rare cases do I go to the symbolistic without exploring the possibilities of literalness.

Have you considered Isaiah 29:8-16? IMHO the very fact that there are some 30,000 diverse denominations across some 192 nations worldwide is evidence enough that beyond any "translation", there is a need to take heed to what the apostle meant at Romans 9-12. He intimated that the RULERS which had the LAW but sought it reliant upon their own authority and did not seek it by FAITH ie. HEARING to HUMBLY TRUST in the LORD HIMSELF as to what is REVELATION of ALL THINGS for REASONING as ONE unto the MUTUAL FIRMITY of ALL .. . (Romans 9:29-10:17>-12:4, Isaiah 1:16-20, 52:15-53:1, Acts 24:14) Indeed! Many HEARD ISAIAH. But how many HEAR the SPIRIT of the MOST HIGH that the WORDS may be discerned unto initial context?

It is intimated, "The Spirit/ the pure perfect Holy testimony of Truth .. the worldLY (who hold to partial thus faulty conclusions, pollutions of worldly allegiances and orientations) cannot FULLY accept. There is much contained in scripture that is far from being rightly perceived to this very day because of complicity after POLYtheist orientations rather than pure MONOtheist foundation and expectation. Blessed therefore are they who revere to discern the meaning of what is written at Isaiah 40:27-41:4.

The GOSPEL is the word from above beyond worldly constraints. Western POLYtheist pride resists being fully shapen after all that is initial holiness. Therefore beyond today's debate and doubt, Messiah comes to set things straight beyond the inconclusiveness wrought of worldLY intrusions.

Blessed are they who wait thankfully for the full restoration of divine conscience as a sure foundation. Blessed are they wait for divine reproof!

Much *LOVE from *ABOVE in providing them who seek *HIM unto *ALL that is necessary unto *HIS peace as HE has foreordained it from the Beginning! Neshamahyah!
:wave The majority of what is now called as the "new testament" as initially called "the writings of the Four Evangelists" was not yet gathered from the various territories to be agreed upon as a "canon" till as late as the third to fourth century.:yes Consider also therefore that the Early Church was founded upon what had for centuries been the MONOtheist expectations of the EAST, :yes and not on aspirations nor doctrines intent to preserve imperialist POLYtheist western intrusions. (Daniel 8:5-25, 7:25) :chin:readbible:readbible Till as late as the fourth century it was common that the readings of the Early Church as per its foundation was the readings of the Law and the Prophets as per the mandate of the Savior. (Matthew 5:14-21) (Acts 12:24, 13:24, 15:21) Canon 16 of the council synods at Laodicea reads "The Gospels (at first referred to as the "Evangelists) are to be read on the Sabbath [i.e. Saturday], with the :chin:chin .. other Scriptures". (2Timothy 3:14-4:4)

Thus it occurred to me that the prophetic scenario that was by inspiration common knowledge as a fundamental to the Early Church were the prophecies such as those I have mentioned above at Numbers 24:14-<14-19, Isaiah ch.15-16, Jeremiah 48 and particularly Isaiah chapters 24:1-<10-16>-<25:1-3 in context of Revelation 16:12-21 and 6:12-7:16-17 and Isaiah 49:1-10, and Isaiah 19:18-25, 66:1-<6-15, and Zephaniah 3:1-6>-13 concerning "THE CITY", In essence the apostle wrote, "Whatsoever was written of old is for our learning (hence our remembrance) that WE (both Jew and Gentile) through faith in the same scriptures, might have one likeminded hope. For the ministry of the Messiah was likened fundamentally akin to that which was the dreams, aspirations and expectations of the Jewish patriarchs and prophets. Furthermore, whatever is not of this common hope as a fundamental faith unto all the nations, is sin." (Romans 14:23-15:13)

These things taken into consideration and knowing that the scenario reiterantly painted in the Prophets was common to the Early Church, even calling Gentiles to the commonality of the Faith, it is astute to ask. How did the scenarios commonly taught as doctrine in the churches today come to take precedence among the churches but that many today read the "letters" not taking all that has been foreordained into consideration? :shrug It is apparent that the expectation in the East was toward the termination of all debate confusion and doubt as solution to the ills of this world. :yes The west on the other hand had long touted "concord" upon the idea of every man having after his own unbridled ie. reprobate mind the desires of his own conscience and opinion as a "freedom right". :oops This polytheist idea as a remnant survival of pagan antiquities as a supposed thought-form as degenerative irreverent intent to cover up what has been prideful arrogance due to much ignorance; is in defiance against the sanctity of the reputation of Holy Name as true to the foremost like-mindedness mandates of the SHEMA as reiterated at Mark 12:29-31 and 2Corinthians 10:4-6. For shall every man left to the imaginings as it seems right according to the insipience of his own often avaricious agendas have his own way; and yet a world be able to stably and cooperately arrive at the common agreement for the ultimate Divinely reverent good of his brother? :thud::thud: (Malachi 2:1-<7-10, Amos 3:3) It is written concerning the depravity of conscience that obscures the Light in these latter days,:shame "The way of Peace they know not. .. and the LORD saw there was no intercessor, therefore none to restore, minister, help, heal ... and thankfully HE was displeased ... (Isaiah 59:8-60:12) :praying:help:yes :clap

My soul awaits the restoration :clap that will be in the hearing again of what will be the confirmation of men's souls in the preaching again of the Word as pure perfect from On High, indeed beyond worldly disparities what is the pure sure message that is the GOSPELl! (Isaiah 41:21-<41:25-27>-42:4, 61:1-9) :shocked! (Revelation 14) :angel3 For nothing tainted nor neglectful after intrusive misimaginings nor inconclusive traditions, thoughts and contrivances of men is the sure pure message of Him who is the Most Holy! With the love from above that seeks the maturation and fruition of the soul as appeasing unto the Most High, I pray as should we all for strength and the awakening of all counted elect as written upon the book as the most humbly diligent souls. :praying (2Kepa/Peter 1:1-<10-11, Mat.24:24, Revelation 2:6-3:9, Joel 2:32) May "gratitude for merciful grace which reveals the knowledge of the Holy One sustain thee." :thumbsup:yes Blessed be the ears that hear! To HIS honor and praise always, Hallelu'YAH! :wave Neshamahyah
I tend to look for the most literal interpretations possible. In rare cases do I go to the symbolistic without exploring the possibilities of literalness.

King James, now that is a good post. :clap