This cannot be the case as it then ultimately becomes meaningless. What if one group of people likes to kill babies for fun and another group thinks it's evil? Who is right?
Well, They would be wrong, because that doesn't at all help the survival of the species.
Thats how I tell good and evil. You base your morality, off of Yeshua, right?
They will think THEY are right, this is what I mean by subjective.
What they think, and how they determine morality is their way of doing things.
I don't think it is moral, but they might.
I know exactly what you are trying to make me to say, but I can only respond from my point of view.
I think donating money to churches is a bad thing, and you thinkthey are good things.
I think being respectful and kind is a moral act because it can increase your likability and it benefits you.
They might think it benefits them, in which case, from
their point of view, it would be moral.
Morals change, culture changes, only the stuff that is in our genes stay relativly the same.
This is what I mean by society tends to control our morals.
There is no proof of Objective moral values. The only ones I would consider objectives can be easily explained by evolution.
Still, no deity needed.
You have yet to show me that there is Highest standard of Morals, there can only be higher, based off your points of view, and the culure, and circumstances you were born into.
I don't see how just because morality is not objective, it loses its meaning.
Morality is conformaty to the rules, or following what is right.
As long as people can make judgements on what right and wrong is, and they follow what THEY think is right and wrong, they are, from their point of view moral people, and have morality.