just a quick question, Is it your theology that a born again Christian can live as a fornicator, homosexual, slanderer, adulterer etc.....etc...and still inherit salvation?
Not only is that my theology, it is the theology of the Bible. Now, that said, there is further examination to do here in order to understand the situation.
Is this a continuing lifestyle after salvation, a lifestyle that shows no benefit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, a compilation of sin upon sin upon sin that is the same behavior exhibited before an aisle was walked and a prayer said? If so, there was no change of heart. No change of heart means no indwelling Spirit. No indwelling Spirit means no salvation. This is an emotional reaction to the gospel without any real confession, not one that was accepted by God as true, valid and of salvic nature. These are just words with no real understanding or meaning behind them.
On the other hand, is this sin that someone who had heretofore shown evidence of a changed life, of the influence of the indwelling Spirit in his/her life, and then for some inexplicable reason allowed sin to rule once again? If so, this is a saved person, one who has temporarily chosen to live in the flesh, to indulge in the desires of the mind and emotions rather than allow the Spirit to guide, even to rule. Such a person does not "lose" their salvation. They do severely hinder their fellowship with God, and essentially enter a spiritual desert similar to the one trod by Israel for forty years.
This is the problem with the view those such as yourself have. You believe that walking an aisle and saying a prayer is salvation, and while it is a step in the right direction, there is no salvation unless God has accepted the confession as valid, true,
real. There are many churches that make salvation far too easy, counting numbers rather than discipling souls. That is not to say there is more to it than belief. But to tell a person that a simple prayer, regardless of its validity, its heartfeltness, its truth, is the equivalent of salvation? That is cruel, because salvation is far is more than just words and actions. It is a heartfelt, true confession of being a hopeless sinner in need of a Savior, so heartfelt that God cannot help but see its genuineness, and dispatch the Holy Spirit to indwell that person. The outer view of this event is too easily counterfeited in emotion and people-pleasing.
Only God knows for certain, and the person who makes such a genuine confession. Those who lack genuineness? They are never certain, because they don't understand the reality of the event they have pretended to act out.