- Aug 5, 2005
- 15,483
- 621
No the god of the Quran is not the same God of the Bible. Sura 2: 136 in the Quran says that they believe our Bibles writers, and then the Quran turns around and contradicts itself in the preceding and following pages. First of all when Mohammed came into being the Bible was already complete about some 500 to 900 years. the Quran has Jesus making clay birds come alive and flying away. It also has God holding a mountain over the Hebrews heads and threatening to drop it on them for their disobedience. Also in the Quran Mohammed wanted his step sons wife. So he conveniently made up some garbage that Allah said that he Mohammed had the right to take his wife. The Quran also says if your wife is disobedient, you can banish her to the couch and beat her. In the modern Quran they have added the word (lightly) beat her. I have not studied this stuff in years. but the God of the Quran who is a part of the 360 gods of the Kabah, is not the same God of the Bible. If the Islamic god was the same as our God of the Bible. The Quran would line up with our Bible and not contradict it, so now does that sound like we worship the same God. And if you want to know more about this false faith just ask me.