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Sorry, but Christians, Jews and Muslims do NOT worship the same God....


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uhm, the jews don't call their God allah, but YHWH, and well isn't that in our bible? yes? and uhm in Hebrew jesus's name is YAHOSHUA. meaning Yah saves! a jew may have the correct name of the God we have acess to but they don't have acess to him because they deny the son.
George Muller:
Well no man knows the Father but by the Son, of course they do not believe in the God we do. Now the Jews have rejected God in that they rejected His Son, they can not know the Father unless they accept the Son. One, two, three, four etc... these are just numbers and they mean nothing. If one attacks Jesus, they attack the Father for He is ONE with the Father. Before Abraham was "I AM"

Yes George, You have wisdom as always. The comment was that the Jews, and Muslims do not worship the same God. As Rebba pointed out they don't know God and their worship of him is in vain.

I use to tell Muslims the same thing. My God had a son, your God did not have a son. God corrected me, for they think they do our God a service by our persecution. So it is the same God.

Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

Joh 16:3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
Sorry, but Christians, Jews and Muslims do NOT worship the same God.

So I have to be corrected in my thinking with the Help of the Holy Spirit. They do worship the same God, because Jesus said they do. Red letter trump everything. Paul worshiped the same God, but in vain, persecuting Christians. Muslims Worship the God of Abraham, whom I am a seed and blessed with, but they in vain because they have not known the Father Nor Jesus.

It's the same God. I use to upset lots of Jewish people and Muslims telling them they worship a false God. That was before the Lord corrected me, and not the way to witness to them. When they say I am their brother because it's the same God, I tell them it's only through Jesus would you become my brother. That is the difference. So how can I use what they believe by the Holy Spirit to draw them to Jesus? That is what I listen for. Jesus did it with Paul, as his response was why kick against the pricks. In other words your service to God is in vain, not that Paul was chasing a false god.

Here is one of the responses I received at that site.... thoughts?

You are overthinking a very simple matter.

Allah, Yahweh, and God the Father are the same being. By any name, He is the God of Abraham-- all three faiths agree on that point entirely. All three faiths acknowledge one another as worshipping the God of Abraham. All three faiths worship *the same God* that Abraham worshipped.

Christians *also* believe that the Holy Spirit and Christ are part of God.

Jews *also* believe that Yahweh will appear one day in the form of a Messiah.

Muslims believe that Allah is unitary and will not take another form, and rather than a Son, He communicates through messengers.

The three Abrahamic faiths have three different interpretations of the same deity. Same God. Three different understandings of how He appears.
well [MENTION=7377]Brother Mike[/MENTION], yes and no. muslims copy cat both jews and Christians that the jews had a lot of it first. I can clearly show this.

for example how do muslim's greet each other? its the same way the jews do it.
in Hebrew its shalom alechium and the reply alechium shalom. the muslims will say in the Arabic version but the concepts are close.
Muslims believe that Allah is unitary and will not take another form, and rather than a Son, He communicates through messengers.

The three Abrahamic faiths have three different interpretations of the same deity. Same God. Three different understandings of how He appears.
Pretty much what the Lord corrected me on.

dora, no, allah can contradict himself., a jew will never ever say that nor would a Christian.

I spent a lot of time with Muslims and That statement is half true. Jews and Muslims will use that we are brothers, and we believe in the same God, but Jesus is not who you say He is. Now these were American Jews and American Muslims I spent 2 years with, so I can't say I had the pleasure of preaching in Iraq. I assume I would be treated much different there without the added American culture.

They do believe in the same exact God as we do. These are not people that believe in Buddha. From my experience, talking to them is not enough. These people need to see the power of the Holy Spirit operate.

dora, no, allah can contradict himself
From what I understand, that's true. I have heard that if there is a 'contradiction' in the Quran, i.e. at one point it says X and then at a later point it says Y, then the later text trumps the earlier one.
Still am spending time on the secular board. Today a thread about Muslim extremists is being discussed.

It always surprises me when Christians will state that Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God.

I've never seen Muslims or Jews make this assertion, but it always gets brought up and so many time Christians will be on board with it. I don't care about non-Christians saying it, because they are looking at it from a historical and culteral aspect. But, Christians should know better.

How can we be worshipping Jesus as God... and say that Muslims and Jews worship the same God when they reject Jesus as the Son of God?

Lol.... just got off the other board where I was being chastised for not knowing religious history in the matter.

God is Love. Prompted by that Love God sent Jesus.

We all state the "One True God" as Jesus did. However those that listen and learn from the One true God (Father) go to Jesus and He will raise them up on the last day. That is the Will of the One true God.
If one rejects Jesus that isn't coming from the One true God. The spirit of the antichrist is in this world.

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
Re: Sorry, but Christians, Jews and Muslims do NOT worship the same God....

Here is one of the responses I received at that site.... thoughts?

You are overthinking a very simple matter.

Allah, Yahweh, and God the Father are the same being. By any name, He is the God of Abraham-- all three faiths agree on that point entirely. All three faiths acknowledge one another as worshipping the God of Abraham. All three faiths worship *the same God* that Abraham worshipped.
Well, you know better, and all this nonsense seems to be working toward some one world religion. Any one who denies The Son, cannot know the Father. No matter if they try to claim His name in part or attempt to claim the God of Abraham, they have no part in the truth.
Muslims believe that Allah is unitary and will not take another form, and rather than a Son, He communicates through messengers.

The three Abrahamic faiths have three different interpretations of the same deity. Same God. Three different understandings of how He appears.
Pretty much what the Lord corrected me on.

dora, no, allah can contradict himself., a jew will never ever say that nor would a Christian.

I spent a lot of time with Muslims and That statement is half true. Jews and Muslims will use that we are brothers, and we believe in the same God, but Jesus is not who you say He is. Now these were American Jews and American Muslims I spent 2 years with, so I can't say I had the pleasure of preaching in Iraq. I assume I would be treated much different there without the added American culture.

They do believe in the same exact God as we do. These are not people that believe in Buddha. From my experience, talking to them is not enough. These people need to see the power of the Holy Spirit operate.


uhm what sect of judiasm? were those American jews, often liberal, reformed. if they are reformed they don't do the torah. they just make the rules up as they go along. I have engaged with them and they told me that God is the same for all religions.

a muslim said that? when I asked about allah in Afghanistan they were adamant that he was god!they did have some similar thoughts but well allah didn't have a son. allah is the Arabic word for God and arabic the sister language of the caananitish word EL meaning God.

you need to read up on the names of God and what they describe from the tanach and then also have taken the verse out of context, matthew 23,24 address the jews killing Christians.buddhist don't believe in any diety. hindu's do and both do at times kill christians
So I have to be corrected in my thinking with the Help of the Holy Spirit. They do worship the same God, because Jesus said they do. Red letter trump everything. Paul worshiped the same God, but in vain, persecuting Christians. Muslims Worship the God of Abraham, whom I am a seed and blessed with, but they in vain because they have not known the Father Nor Jesus.

Well Paul worshiped according to the law, which was the only accepted worship before God came in the flesh. Now to equate muslim worship with Pauls worship before salvation, is not correct either. I suggest that you study how the muslim religion was formed, before you attempt to equate it to those who kept the Old Covenant. The muslim religion has no foundation in any biblical respect, but was formed when they gathered all the gods of the middle east, and put them all in that black box they walk around. So there "one" god was formed from all these other gods. They basically took those who worship the stars and the moon, and anyother false system, put Abrahams name on it and then began to kill all those who would not accept it.
The three Abrahamic faiths have three different interpretations of the same deity. Same God. Three different understandings of how He appears.

allah is the crescent moon god.

I believe in the God that created the crescent moon.
uhm what sect of judiasm? were those American jews, often liberal, reformed. if they are reformed they don't do the torah. they just make the rules up as they go along. I have engaged with them and they told me that God is the same for all religions.

It could be the americanized version of these might not have provided enough of the real deal to make an opinion. It's a good point.

George Muller
Well Paul worshiped according to the law, which was the only accepted worship before God came in the flesh. Now to equate muslim worship with Pauls worship before salvation, is not correct either. I suggest that you study how the muslim religion was formed, before you attempt to equate it to those who kept the Old Covenant. The muslim religion has no foundation in any biblical respect, but was formed when they gathered all the gods of the middle east, and put them all in that black box they walk around. So there "one" god was formed from all these other gods. They basically took those who worship the stars and the moon, and anyother false system, put Abrahams name on it and then began to kill all those who would not accept it.

Right, but explain that to them. Same with the Jews, explain to them that Our God had a son and your God did not. My point that no matter how confused these two groups are, they both believe that the other 2 have messed up the God of Abraham in someway. This is why the Jews and Muslims contest the same holy temples and grounds. Comparing notes they can't be the same God, but all thee were founding on the same God. That was my point.
Jesus had a comparable argument in John 8:12-59 with the leadership of the Jewish community he much a part of (John 7:14; Luke 2:22-24). Their common vocabulary included God, Father, and Abraham. He affirms they are the children of Abraham while in a metaphorical sense also saying that they are not. He says that God (meaning the god Abraham worshiped and obeyed) is not their "father" (or the one whose will they seek), and they will perish in their sins.

Matthew 7:21-23 indicates that many Christians don't have God as their father either. Satan's demons also "believe" in the one God (James 2:18-26).

Paul used the "unknown God" of the Greeks in his witness (Acts 17:22-34), by which the common understanding conveyed was "he who made the world and everything in it" (something people who did not descend from Abraham would relate to), not arguing it was a different god but rather making that god known to them.
[MENTION=7377]Brother Mike[/MENTION], when I mention jews that I quote its usually the Chassidic orthodox jews.
uhm what sect of judiasm? were those American jews, often liberal, reformed. if they are reformed they don't do the torah. they just make the rules up as they go along. I have engaged with them and they told me that God is the same for all religions.

It could be the americanized version of these might not have provided enough of the real deal to make an opinion. It's a good point.

George Muller
Well Paul worshiped according to the law, which was the only accepted worship before God came in the flesh. Now to equate muslim worship with Pauls worship before salvation, is not correct either. I suggest that you study how the muslim religion was formed, before you attempt to equate it to those who kept the Old Covenant. The muslim religion has no foundation in any biblical respect, but was formed when they gathered all the gods of the middle east, and put them all in that black box they walk around. So there "one" god was formed from all these other gods. They basically took those who worship the stars and the moon, and anyother false system, put Abrahams name on it and then began to kill all those who would not accept it.

Right, but explain that to them. Same with the Jews, explain to them that Our God had a son and your God did not. My point that no matter how confused these two groups are, they both believe that the other 2 have messed up the God of Abraham in someway. This is why the Jews and Muslims contest the same holy temples and grounds. Comparing notes they can't be the same God, but all thee were founding on the same God. That was my point.
Well, you claim to know and understand the power of Gods Spirit, You know that it will take a great move of Gods Spirit upon these groups to convince them of the truth. Us pretending we have the same god, as they do, only adds another lie to their condition. So we make some muslims and jews upset? who cares? they need salvation and we are called to suffer with Christ that His righteousness might be seen by those who are in their sin.
President Obama has said this very thing about Christians, Muslims and Jews worshiping the same God. That was actually my answer to the "Is Pres Obama a Christian" thread. I can't believe so many people buy it.
President Obama has said this very thing about Christians, Muslims and Jews worshiping the same God. That was actually my answer to the "Is Pres Obama a Christian" thread. I can't believe so many people buy it.

One can see the coming world religion, it will soon be illegal to say that we have different God, to preach Christ as the only Way will become a hate crime and already is in places in europe.
Anybody may make any claim. Who can say? Jesus said that we do not know who The Father is, except by him.

If one comes with a claim and says, "The very same God," to this I might reply, "Worshiping that which is unknown? How might that help anyone?"
Still am spending time on the secular board. Today a thread about Muslim extremists is being discussed.

It always surprises me when Christians will state that Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God.

I've never seen Muslims or Jews make this assertion, but it always gets brought up and so many time Christians will be on board with it. I don't care about non-Christians saying it, because they are looking at it from a historical and culteral aspect. But, Christians should know better.

How can we be worshipping Jesus as God... and say that Muslims and Jews worship the same God when they reject Jesus as the Son of God?

Lol.... just got off the other board where I was being chastised for not knowing religious history in the matter.

They worship the same God - the God of Abraham, but they don't know him...their knowledge is incomplete. We are here to fill them in, and we have an advantage : they're not atheist and we don't have to travel to Iraq or Jerusalem to witness to them - God has brought them to us. :)

That's how great this country is...
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