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Bible Study Soul

The ford motor car company builds cars. One of the cars it builds is called a Mustang. When the Mustang is finished being built it is a Mustang. When gas is put into the Mustang it can be started and move around.

This is exactly what is said of man in Gen 2:7

The man was formed until it is call man. When breath is put into the man the man becomes animated.

Why is this so important?

It’s important because the man was made in the image and likeness of God. And when the man became a living soul, the image and likeness of God became animated.

False doctrine says the living soul came to be in the image of God.
I read that text and was struck by what it actually says. It says what it actually says.
“Man became a living soul”

I had always thought that the living soul became to be called man. But the actual text says the man became a living soul.

According to the text, man came first then the living soul. He is still called man, but he became a living man.

You might find this truth to be false or inconsequential but it’s not. And furthermore it is a truth which is confirmed throughout the entire scripture.

Believe it or not.
I agree that man became a living soul when God breathed in us the breath of life. I never said otherwise, but that I did not take the time to read that posting. Why do so many have to post a long post to what God has already done in simplicity. Now many need to learn what our soul means. That is what this thread is all about.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
False doctrine says the living soul came to be in the image of God.

This body/flesh dies and deteriorates as it turns back to dust while in the ground. The breath/spirit goes back to God who gave it, Ecc 12:7.The soul which makes up the conscious part of ones being is that of thought, action and emotion. The spiritual nature of man regarded as immortal and separable from the body/flesh at death and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.​
The ford motor car company builds cars. One of the cars it builds is called a Mustang. When the Mustang is finished being built it is a Mustang. When gas is put into the Mustang it can be started and move around.

This is exactly what is said of man in Gen 2:7

The man was formed until it is call man. When breath is put into the man the man becomes animated.

Why is this so important?

It’s important because the man was made in the image and likeness of God. And when the man became a living soul, the image and likeness of God became animated.

False doctrine says the living soul came to be in the image of God.
We may get laughed at.

A Ford Mustang is a Mustang, but with a dead battery:
The computer is there but non operative.
The ignition parts are there.
it is just to be looked at till it has a chsrged battery.

I am aware of fuel and other things.

I am also aware that mustang can not have offspring or exist forever.

Is Abraham Lincoln’s axe still his axe after 12 handles and a head replacement?

Some conversations are not very productive.

The soul of man is eternal, but will that eternal be heaven or hell.

Man’s destiny is complex. Abraham’s bosom is complex. The born again man is complex. The answer to some things await the Judgement.

Mississippi redneck
This body/flesh dies and deteriorates as it turns back to dust while in the ground. The breath/spirit goes back to God who gave it, Ecc 12:7.The soul which makes up the conscious part of ones being is that of thought, action and emotion. The spiritual nature of man regarded as immortal and separable from the body/flesh at death and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.​
We are basically in agreement. There is some sort of residual of the soul having existed.

I know the many years of this being discussed in error.
The SPIRIT, that is reason, knowledge, learning, plus our will to act on what we reason and know, plus emotion our ability to feel, love, adapt and preserve life, Spirit is eternal it is the IMAGE OF GOD IN US!
The SOUL IS LIFE. It is just the living part from the breath of God. It is often used as a synonym with Spirit for all we are, but it only means LIFE. When LIFE ends the SPIRIT RETURNS TO GOD, the body to dust.
Mysticism and Greek Philosophy teach only a body and life (soul), that is where the problem and error come from. Satan is still trying to use ancient thought to defeat God's plan, it still will not work!
I know the many years of this being discussed in error.
The SPIRIT, that is reason, knowledge, learning, plus our will to act on what we reason and know, plus emotion our ability to feel, love, adapt and preserve life, Spirit is eternal it is the IMAGE OF GOD IN US!
The SOUL IS LIFE. It is just the living part from the breath of God. It is often used as a synonym with Spirit for all we are, but it only means LIFE. When LIFE ends the SPIRIT RETURNS TO GOD, the body to dust.
Mysticism and Greek Philosophy teach only a body and life (soul), that is where the problem and error come from. Satan is still trying to use ancient thought to defeat God's plan, it still will not work!
I may mess this up?

Eastern mysticism days good is in you, and you must just find it..
I see the bad heart in man. God can replace the stony heart with a heart of flesh.

Mississippi redneck
Just one more idea to think about.
Why do Christians fear death?
We say we spend all our life trying to know and obey God. We know Jesus is the only way to God, in His blood the penalty of sin. Is paid in full.
Satan uses this you are only a soul and body lie to keep people from seeing a marvelous truth, we are a spirit that will live forever some where. If we choose and Fellowship with God through Jesus we will spend eternity with Him. If we choose Satan and live as we please, without Jesus, our eternity is hell.
Have you ever wondered how early Christians could walk into an arena to die and do so praising God, they knew who they were, a child of God, an eternal spirit that would live with God for ever. For one do not fear death, "to die is Christ", I live for Him looking forward to that blessed hope.
Can you understand if Satan can keep people afraid, of him and death, they may loose the victory of knowing I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH JESUS!
We are an eternal spirit, the image of God in us.
We have an animal life.
We have a body of dust.
Do not fear death of the body, it only means eternity with Jesus!
Just one more idea to think about.
Why do Christians fear death?
We say we spend all our life trying to know and obey God. We know Jesus is the only way to God, in His blood the penalty of sin. Is paid in full.
Satan uses this you are only a soul and body lie to keep people from seeing a marvelous truth, we are a spirit that will live forever some where. If we choose and Fellowship with God through Jesus we will spend eternity with Him. If we choose Satan and live as we please, without Jesus, our eternity is hell.
Have you ever wondered how early Christians could walk into an arena to die and do so praising God, they knew who they were, a child of God, an eternal spirit that would live with God for ever. For one do not fear death, "to die is Christ", I live for Him looking forward to that blessed hope.
Can you understand if Satan can keep people afraid, of him and death, they may loose the victory of knowing I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH JESUS!
We are an eternal spirit, the image of God in us.
We have an animal life.
We have a body of dust.
Do not fear death of the body, it only means eternity with Jesus!
Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

I do not fear death and with my dying breath I will praise the Lord :sohappy
I know the many years of this being discussed in error.
The SPIRIT, that is reason, knowledge, learning, plus our will to act on what we reason and know, plus emotion our ability to feel, love, adapt and preserve life, Spirit is eternal it is the IMAGE OF GOD IN US!
The SOUL IS LIFE. It is just the living part from the breath of God. It is often used as a synonym with Spirit for all we are, but it only means LIFE. When LIFE ends the SPIRIT RETURNS TO GOD, the body to dust.
Mysticism and Greek Philosophy teach only a body and life (soul), that is where the problem and error come from. Satan is still trying to use ancient thought to defeat God's plan, it still will not work!
The gifts of the Spirit are listed.

The actions of the soul exist, but we have difficulty keeping them addressed
In the correct level and rank of importance.

Can I do it all? Not right now.

That is why PaRDeS is of intrest to me.

Mississippi redneck