The ford motor car company builds cars. One of the cars it builds is called a Mustang. When the Mustang is finished being built it is a Mustang. When gas is put into the Mustang it can be started and move around.
This is exactly what is said of man in Gen 2:7
The man was formed until it is call man. When breath is put into the man the man becomes animated.
Why is this so important?
It’s important because the man was made in the image and likeness of God. And when the man became a living soul, the image and likeness of God became animated.
False doctrine says the living soul came to be in the image of God.
This is exactly what is said of man in Gen 2:7
The man was formed until it is call man. When breath is put into the man the man becomes animated.
Why is this so important?
It’s important because the man was made in the image and likeness of God. And when the man became a living soul, the image and likeness of God became animated.
False doctrine says the living soul came to be in the image of God.