- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,237
- 10,721
yup yup. me, yet again. I haven't done drugs in over 10 years. I'm now 34 years old. The shrinks and other "mental health professionals" destroyed me, and The Lord has blessed me, beyond measure. I've been genuinely, truly saved 5 1/2 years.
I like my new apartment. However, its a city in the same county as my small, southern hometown. I just overheard people laughing about my "Schizophrenia." Nothing personal, I guess...I'm expected to "know my place," etc., and if it wasn't for The Lord blessing me and also blessing my parents with higher status (cuz a lot of pyschiatry is really about social control...and its harder to control people from "well-to-do" families...), I"d be dead and in Hell. True story.
Even now, over 10 years since I've done -any- drugs, people say I'd "do anything for a prescription." Truth? I had slack shrinks and good insurance when I was younger, so I was prescribed pills (amphetamines and downers) that proved disastrous, then I was blamed for it...and they wanted -more- of my then "rinky dink middle class" (to quote a former counselor...) parents' money. ugh.
I dunno. I take an 'atypical' tranquilizer every day. I'm on disability. Thing is...
I wouldn't be on disability if my parents hadn't been blessed with higher status. They're not really big on "recovery" for people like me, definitely not people like who I was, before. And as for the tranquilizer...
I don't know. it helps me simmer down. But I don't know if "mental illness" is real, I mean...any of it. Tranquilizers help, but then there's also weight gain, diabetes, and the brain damage (facial tics...tardive dyskinesia...are the big problem) to contend with. I think...if these drugs were treating bona fide brain diseases, then shrinks would use -brain scans- to make diagnoses and guide treatment. I've had a brain scan, and the shrinks laughed about the shock treatment, brain damage, and operations. haha! we lobotomized you! yes, yes...quite funny. Ugh. :-(
Sorry to ramble. "Schizophrenia" is the most stigmatizing mental health label out there. My actual label is "Bipolar I," not that it really matters...I've been declared Schizophrenic in the community, and there's a lot more of them than there are of me. bleh.
I'm tempted to try to get in with a family doctor and just...quit it with the clinic. The jobs lady is nice enough, but I think--again-- a lot of that is because I have my "well-to-do" family behind me, and....mama's retired, dad's on his way out soon(ish). what then? Yeah, I don't wanna find out, LOL. Plus...they're talking about medication management, no counseling, and if I"m that stable or whatever...why not just go to the family doctor?
Through it all...God is good! I -do- pray for my enemies. I don't even get super angry when I hear it, more like...disillusioned, I guess. As in...this is what I was like, before Jesus...this is what most of humanity is really like, when you get down to it...
existing in darkness, spiritually dead. The shrinks were (are...) only part of the problem. To be "antipsychiatry" really means to be...anti-(a whole lotta what goes on in society, enforced by the shrinks).
I have enough $$$ to live OK. Jesus has saved, is saving, and I pray will save me. I've been washed and made clean. Oh, and I don't have AIDS or cancer or...well, the brain damage is an interesting question, because I"m now "extremely intelligent," however they figure that out. I was once brain damaged and maybe dull-normal, on a good day. So...
God is good! The world is rough, to put it mildly. I'm moving forward, as best I can, and Christ is kind to me, every single day. I hope and pray that maybe one day...I don't know...I can bring in some of my own income. That's the thing...I'm unemployed, so I'm "Schizophrenic." If I get a decent job maybe I"ll get upgraded to "bipolar I". If I can bring in money writing and such...well, then I'm thinking I could eventually go somewhere where I won't have a label stuck on me.
bleh. kind of ranting, reflecting, putting it all together. Thru it all...God is good! I wish Eugene would come back. I pray he and his wife are OK. "play the hand you're dealt."
I like my new apartment. However, its a city in the same county as my small, southern hometown. I just overheard people laughing about my "Schizophrenia." Nothing personal, I guess...I'm expected to "know my place," etc., and if it wasn't for The Lord blessing me and also blessing my parents with higher status (cuz a lot of pyschiatry is really about social control...and its harder to control people from "well-to-do" families...), I"d be dead and in Hell. True story.
Even now, over 10 years since I've done -any- drugs, people say I'd "do anything for a prescription." Truth? I had slack shrinks and good insurance when I was younger, so I was prescribed pills (amphetamines and downers) that proved disastrous, then I was blamed for it...and they wanted -more- of my then "rinky dink middle class" (to quote a former counselor...) parents' money. ugh.
I dunno. I take an 'atypical' tranquilizer every day. I'm on disability. Thing is...
I wouldn't be on disability if my parents hadn't been blessed with higher status. They're not really big on "recovery" for people like me, definitely not people like who I was, before. And as for the tranquilizer...
I don't know. it helps me simmer down. But I don't know if "mental illness" is real, I mean...any of it. Tranquilizers help, but then there's also weight gain, diabetes, and the brain damage (facial tics...tardive dyskinesia...are the big problem) to contend with. I think...if these drugs were treating bona fide brain diseases, then shrinks would use -brain scans- to make diagnoses and guide treatment. I've had a brain scan, and the shrinks laughed about the shock treatment, brain damage, and operations. haha! we lobotomized you! yes, yes...quite funny. Ugh. :-(
Sorry to ramble. "Schizophrenia" is the most stigmatizing mental health label out there. My actual label is "Bipolar I," not that it really matters...I've been declared Schizophrenic in the community, and there's a lot more of them than there are of me. bleh.
I'm tempted to try to get in with a family doctor and just...quit it with the clinic. The jobs lady is nice enough, but I think--again-- a lot of that is because I have my "well-to-do" family behind me, and....mama's retired, dad's on his way out soon(ish). what then? Yeah, I don't wanna find out, LOL. Plus...they're talking about medication management, no counseling, and if I"m that stable or whatever...why not just go to the family doctor?
Through it all...God is good! I -do- pray for my enemies. I don't even get super angry when I hear it, more like...disillusioned, I guess. As in...this is what I was like, before Jesus...this is what most of humanity is really like, when you get down to it...
existing in darkness, spiritually dead. The shrinks were (are...) only part of the problem. To be "antipsychiatry" really means to be...anti-(a whole lotta what goes on in society, enforced by the shrinks).
I have enough $$$ to live OK. Jesus has saved, is saving, and I pray will save me. I've been washed and made clean. Oh, and I don't have AIDS or cancer or...well, the brain damage is an interesting question, because I"m now "extremely intelligent," however they figure that out. I was once brain damaged and maybe dull-normal, on a good day. So...
God is good! The world is rough, to put it mildly. I'm moving forward, as best I can, and Christ is kind to me, every single day. I hope and pray that maybe one day...I don't know...I can bring in some of my own income. That's the thing...I'm unemployed, so I'm "Schizophrenic." If I get a decent job maybe I"ll get upgraded to "bipolar I". If I can bring in money writing and such...well, then I'm thinking I could eventually go somewhere where I won't have a label stuck on me.
bleh. kind of ranting, reflecting, putting it all together. Thru it all...God is good! I wish Eugene would come back. I pray he and his wife are OK. "play the hand you're dealt."