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States of Water


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Mysteryman said:
Spectator said:
I didn't leave out the metal, as there is no metal in Dioxide. the symbol O2 means 2 oxygen.

If a metal attached itself to Oxygen it would be show up in the symbol.

Such as Sulfuric Acid. H2SO4. 2 hydrogen atoms, 1 sulfur atom, and 4 oxygen atoms. Sulfur is a metal. :thumb

Yes, there is one atom of a metal in Dioxide !

That is unless my dictonary is totally bogus :shame

Dioxide - an oxide consisting of 2 atoms of oxygen and one atom of a metal

Oxide - a binary (meaning - consisting of two things) compound of oxygen with some element or organic radical
Your dictionary is not wrong, but I don't think you understood the definition.

Dioxides are stabilized when they form with metals. 2 oxygen atoms on their own are unstable, Metals form with oxygen easily and stabilize the molecule. Such as Sulfuric Acid, Water, and Rust stabilizes oxygen compounds.

The metal that is being refereed to would be elements such as Sulfur, Iron, Sodium, and in some cases Non Metals such as Carbon. ;)

Its been to long since I had a Chemistry class. You guys are making me use my poor atrophied brain. :lol :tongue
Rick W said:
Mysteryman said:
Trust me folks, we will get to the bottom of this at some point . :clap

IN Christ - MM


There's no denying how wonderful and intriguing water really is. :) :thumb

Especially when your thirsty and replenishing moisture back to your body which is constantly loosing it. Our bodies are 2/3 rds water.
Spectator said:
Mysteryman said:
Spectator said:
I didn't leave out the metal, as there is no metal in Dioxide. the symbol O2 means 2 oxygen.

If a metal attached itself to Oxygen it would be show up in the symbol.

Such as Sulfuric Acid. H2SO4. 2 hydrogen atoms, 1 sulfur atom, and 4 oxygen atoms. Sulfur is a metal. :thumb

Yes, there is one atom of a metal in Dioxide !

That is unless my dictonary is totally bogus :shame

Dioxide - an oxide consisting of 2 atoms of oxygen and one atom of a metal

Oxide - a binary (meaning - consisting of two things) compound of oxygen with some element or organic radical
Your dictionary is not wrong, but I don't think you understood the definition.

Dioxides are stabilized when they form with metals. 2 oxygen atoms on their own are unstable, Metals form with oxygen easily and stabilize the molecule. Such as Sulfuric Acid, Water, and Rust stabilizes oxygen compounds.

The metal that is being refereed to would be elements such as Sulfur, Iron, Sodium, and in some cases Non Metals such as Carbon. ;)

Its been to long since I had a Chemistry class. You guys are making me use my poor atrophied brain. :lol :tongue

:clap I love it, as well as this conversation. The reason, is because of what we uncover within the conversation.

Yes, two oxygen are just that and nothing else. They are not stable. It takes one atom of a metal in order to make it stable ,then we have what we call a oxide and then take two oxygen and the one atom of metal and we now have Dioxide.

They tell us that Carbon Dioxide is a gas. But it isn't. It is in what should be called a gaseous state. And even then, I hate that usage for its definition. Its not a gas, but is called a gas for simplification. Just like vapor being called a gas for simplification. It is not a gas. Just like the Carbon Dioxide which is broken down into its most minute form is still a liquid . The same with water vapor.

Just like oxygen when compressed under high pressures, becomes a liquid. Oxygen is just "O"

Liquid air is similar, but contains both nitrogen and oxygen.

Then there is liquid Nitrogen (same as above)

Okay -- if your still awake in class ;) One molecule of "O" Oxygen is O2 , which means it has two atoms of oxygen. Water is two H and only one atom of "O" Oxygen.

Now time for the big exam : Question -- Is water vapor a gas ? And I do not grade on a scale ! You either pass with an "A" for you fail with and "F" :help

Love IN Christ - MM
Its a gas. Vapor is the gaseous state of water. At room temperature it is a liquid, but once water goes above its boiling point, it becomes a gas. Changing states is based on temperature and pressure.
Not a chemical reaction. :ohwell
the hydrogen molecule when seperated from water will react with the air to form, water again, or the h2 or oh and so on. or what ever else reacts with its.

if in a gaseous state then why isnt there an explosion as in this

h2 + :onfire (o2)= h20 or hoh.
the actual name for water is hydrogen hydroxide, the later does form but very rare.

now if i may diverge, how about the water we drink, it may be reverse osmisios treated. comment on this.
now then oxidation aslo means the addition of the atom oxygen, think fire, fire needs 02 to work, pure o2 is so reactive that it will react with oil imediatley and any other flammible substance if pressured enough and was aimed at from a o2 tank.

oil in rags smolder if i take pressured o2 and hit it with that,it will react and start a fire.

here's one

ch4+ 02= ?
Rick W said:
Hydrogen dioxide then. Oxidized hydrogen.

Di-hydrogen oxide. :lol

jasoncran said:
now then oxidation aslo means the addition of the atom oxygen, think fire, fire needs 02 to work, pure o2 is so reactive that it will react with oil imediatley and any other flammible substance if pressured enough and was aimed at from a o2 tank.

oil in rags smolder if i take pressured o2 and hit it with that,it will react and start a fire.

here's one

ch4+ 02= ?

CO2 and water gas?
I need to reopen a chemistry book and brush up on some of the things I've forgotten. This has actually been fun so far. :)
We know that God made everything that is in the world, that he made by his hands, and it was all good.

We also know that God made everything according to his own pleasure.

God made water, and he made water out of H2O

Everything that God made can only be in two states, which includes water.

Something is either in a solid or a gas, or a solid and a liquid, or a liquid and a solid, or a liquid and a gas. Everything ! Which includes water !

Water does not change , as God is a God that changes not.

Consistency is one thing we all can count on about God. This is why we can not count upon man or mankind. Man or mankind is not consistent within the things of God. So man or mankind makes up their own theories about God in many ways. Including those things that God made.

Man made theories are enmity against God, which means that those theories go against God. Theories which are man made, destort the one true God.

Pure Oxygen is O2, and oxide is O2 + a metal ----- God is pure Oxygen (One molecule) as an example. An oxide is of itself an oxidation process, which means that it breaks down. Or in the case of God, it tears down.

God has told us in Romans 1:20 that everything that is unseen, which means the spiritual, can be seen by the things that God made. So is an oxide of God which is the process by which starts oxidation. Plant and animal life , as well as man, returing to the soil from which they were taken from. They decay and become life to the soil, so other life can grow from the life that is nutrients from the soil. And this is why God , who uses His own things that he has made, describes by way of those things the things that are spiritual. Here is a verse which sets that example > John 12:24 - "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat (seed of ) fall into the ground and die, it abidenth alone : but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit"

This is why, with God, it is -- Born --- and Born again

Love IN Christ - MM
to oxidize simply means to add oxygen to the molecule or metal. ie rust

ferric oxide, fe2(02)3

water has a gaseous state, always had always will. i have also asked those who know all about it and purify it from drinking.

not all theories of men are evil.
is the theory gravity evil, no
or cell theory
or hole theory, the explanation how electrons work.

or the laws of the thermodynamics.
jasoncran said:
to oxidize simply means to add oxygen to the molecule or metal. ie rust

ferric oxide, fe2(02)3

water has a gaseous state, always had always will. i have also asked those who know all about it and purify it from drinking.

not all theories of men are evil.
is the theory gravity evil, no
or cell theory
or hole theory, the explanation how electrons work.

or the laws of the thermodynamics.

IF they are used to deceive, yes indeed they are evil !

Just like water, and the deception mankind uses when they make the false claim that water when a vapor is now a gas, when the truth is, that it is not a gas !

Gaseous state - Yes , this is true, but I just disagree with the usage of this definition

Vapor is neither a gas, nor a state , its a lie = untruth !

Vapor should not be called what it is not ! The definition is the problem here. Not the facts ! The facts stand for themselves. The definition is faulty !

Water vapor is still water, in that each indivdual molecule of water, which can not be seen, is still H2O and is not a gas !

So my question is this, why do we want to continue living and teaching this lie, and claiming it as the truth ?

Its a lie to believe that the world is flat, and it is also a lie to believe that vapor of water is a gas ! What I can not understand, and it is beyond my understanding. As to why, when you know something is true, and can not be disputed, yet mankind wants to dispute that which is already known by man to be in error ? Why ?

Are we not willing to admit the truth ? Is it not that the definition used, that water when it is vapor, is in a gaseous state, is what causes all the confusion ?

The definition is only accurate if you totally understand it. But if you do not understand the definition of water vapor, is in a gaseous state . You will be deceived into believing that water vapor is a gas. When the truth is, that water vapor is "NOT" a gas !

So is it a lie ? Yes, it can be a lie, especially if someone calls water vapor a gas !

All theories are only good, if they are properly and totally understood. Any misunderstanding will lead people into any type of deception. One needs the fullness of the understanding and not a weak, or partial understanding, in order to rationalize within their minds as to whether something said is true or not !

If I were to tell you , as a store owner, that I am having a "Sale", and everything in the store is now 20 % off of everything. Believe it or not, this is a half truth. It appears as a truth, but isn't ! A store owner uses this tactic to bring you into their store in order to get you to buy their product.

How does it work ? This way -- They buy something at wholesale prices, then they usually double the price in order to sell it to the public. Double is a rule of thumb. It gives them the maximum profit possible. This also allows them to reduce something by 20 % and still make a good profit, but not the maximum profit. Every store does things a little differnt. But, 20% off of what ? Take an item that is 100 dollars in the store, but they purchased it for 50 dollars, which gives them a 50 dollar profit.

If they take 20% off of the total price, which some store do, and some do not, 20% off of 100 dollars is 20 dollars, and that 20 dollars comes right off of their profit line. Which means that they still will make 30 dollars profit. 30 dollars profit is still 66 % profit over their purchase price.

A store has alot of overhead, which means that they need to make a certain percent of profit in order to stay in buisness. A "Sale" is not truly a "Sale" ! It has become a part of the every day buisness operations. The store does not "need" the 100 % profit margin. They would like the 100 % profit margin. But being in buisness, they know that they will never achieve a total 100 % profit all of the time. So they have incorperated into their format of profitability the use of the so called "Sale".

They expect those who are willing to pay 100 % will come in to buy, and they know some will wait for the "Sale" before they come in to buy. You consider yourself a smart buyer when you wait for the sale. That is the gimick of the store owner. Selling his products , which he purchased for resale is a "Sale" < get it ? In otherwords, anything they sell in the store "is" a "Sale". Everything within that store, whether or not it is sold at 100 % or 80 % "is" a "Sale.

See, nothing is "on sale" < That is the truth. Everything is on sale at all times, not just when they post a sign which says that their items in the store is "On Sale". Everything in the store is "always" on sale !

The world is full of deceptions. And the understanding of the definitions.

Water vapor is water vapor ! End quote :

Its not a gas ! End quote :

Love IN Christ - MM

Vapor refers to a gas phase at a temperature where the same substance can also exist in the liquid or solid state, below the critical temperature of the substance. If the vapor is in contact with a liquid or solid phase, the two phases will be in a state of equilibrium. The term gas refers to a compressible fluid phase. Fixed gases are gases for which no liquid or solid can form at the temperature of the gas (such as air at typical ambient temperatures). A liquid or solid does not have to boil to release a vapor.

Vapor is responsible for the familiar processes of cloud formation and condensation. It is commonly employed to carry out the physical processes of distillation and headspace extraction from a liquid sample prior to gas chromatography.

The constituent molecules of a vapor possess vibrational, rotational, and translational motion. These motions are considered in the kinetic theory of gases. ... sary.shtml
gas. gases; vapor.
Matter in a form that has low density, is easily compressible and expandable, and expands spontaneously when placed in a larger container. Molecules in a gas move freely and are relatively far apart. "Vapor" often refers to a gas made of a substance that is usually encountered as a liquid or solid; for example, gaseous H2O is called "water vapor".
I am even against the word "phase" when describing water, which is still a liquid or a solid.

One molecule of H2O can only "be" a liquid or a solid. A crystal of one molecule of H2O is a solid . One molecule of H2O above the freezing point is a liquid.

We have what are called wind chill factors. The wind can act like a temperature in and of itself.

Water can be below freezing, but if protected by mass, some of the water will freeze, but the mass will not. The same holds true when above freezing. Some will melt by the mass will not. There are differing factors for this.

If snow is on the ground, and has been exposed to temps way below zero for a period of time. The temp of the snow is lowered. Thus, the temp within the snow needs to rise first before it will melt. Even if the temps outside are 5 degrees above the freezing point.

Always something to consider, as well as always something to think about.

IN Christ - MM
I think schools need to teach the basics of Chemistry even younger now.

Water becomes a solid at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a liquid above 32 degrees. Once water reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit it becomes a gas. There is no change to the chemical compound during any of these phases. It always remains H2O. This is called a physical change. Physical changes don't change the chemical compounds of the source.

As for your sales rant, learn economics. ;)
Spectator said:
I think schools need to teach the basics of Chemistry even younger now.

Water becomes a solid at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a liquid above 32 degrees. Once water reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit it becomes a gas. There is no change to the chemical compound during any of these phases. It always remains H2O. This is called a physical change. Physical changes don't change the chemical compounds of the source.

As for your sales rant, learn economics. ;)

LOL -- Well, my sales rant had a point, and that point was, that a "Sale" is always a "Sale".

And my point "is", that H2O being a liquid does not change being in a visible form or invisible form. Its still a liquid ! It is "NOT" a "gas" !

Something to think about !

IN Christ - MM
Mysteryman said:
LOL -- Well, my sales rant had a point, and that point was, that a "Sale" is always a "Sale".

And my point "is", that H2O being a liquid does not change being in a visible form or invisible form. Its still a liquid ! It is "NOT" a "gas" !

Something to think about !

IN Christ - MM
Its not an invisible liquid. When water becomes vapor it fits the definition of a gas.

Rick posted the definition of a gas. I really suggest you either take a chemistry course or get a book at your library where it explains this. Water dosen't just become invisible when it becomes vapor, it physically changes. :ohwell
Spectator said:
Mysteryman said:
LOL -- Well, my sales rant had a point, and that point was, that a "Sale" is always a "Sale".

And my point "is", that H2O being a liquid does not change being in a visible form or invisible form. Its still a liquid ! It is "NOT" a "gas" !

Something to think about !

IN Christ - MM
Its not an invisible liquid. When water becomes vapor it fits the definition of a gas.

Rick posted the definition of a gas. I really suggest you either take a chemistry course or get a book at your library where it explains this. Water dosen't just become invisible when it becomes vapor, it physically changes. :ohwell

Please let me show you something:

Here are your words from a post above - "There is no change to the chemical compound "

Now you are saying that it "physically changes"

Your first statement is correct - H2O remains H2O < Nothing changes !

When you say physical change, you actually mean that the change that takes place is from the visible to the invisible, yet there is no change to the chemical compound.

So you call it a gas, when there has been no chemical compound change whatsoever ! Which means that it is still a liquid or a solid, in dealing with one molecule of water . Vapor is still water, not a "gas" !

Something to think about !

IN Christ - MM
Mysteryman said:
Please let me show you something:

Here are your words from a post above - "There is no change to the chemical compound "

Now you are saying that it "physically changes"

Your first statement is correct - H2O remains H2O < Nothing changes !
There are no chemical changes going on that is correct. Changing from a solid, liquid, or Gas phase is not a chemical change.

When you say physical change, you actually mean that the change that takes place is from the visible to the invisible, yet there is no change to the chemical compound.
No, Physical changes deal with the physical and interactive qualities of chemicals. Freezing, boiling, molding, breaking, etc. are all physical Changes. A chemical change is where chemicals change their compounds. Such as burning, dissolving, becoming new chemicals etc.

So you call it a gas, when there has been no chemical compound change whatsoever ! Which means that it is still a liquid or a solid, in dealing with one molecule of water . Vapor is still water, not a "gas" !
When water is heated the distance of atoms becomes greater.. Making it less visible because the molecules and atoms are not as concentrated. This does not change its chemical compound at all. When water gets to this state, it is a gas.

Something to think about !

IN Christ - MM
Can you please give us your definition of a gas please.
Quote spector: "When water is heated the distance of atoms becomes greater.. Making it less visible because the molecules and atoms are not as concentrated. This does not change its chemical compound at all. When water gets to this state, it is a gas."


This is the whole premise of my opening post ! It is called a gaseous state, but that does not make it a "gas" !

And even calling it a gaseous state or phase is incosistent with logic. IMHO

It is a myth when one calls it a "gas" !

One molecule of water is H2O and the chemistry does not change. One lonely molecule is still water = H2O , and it is either a liquid or a solid.

Now, you might not want to absorb this (pun intended), and that is fine. I wasn't expecting many if any to agree with me. I did however think that maybe one logical person might.

Take care

IN Christ - MM


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