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States of Water


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Water vapor is a greenhouse "gas" making up at least 90%+ of the greenhouse gases. So that means we don't want to generate water vapor.
Wait a minute, something's wrong there. I'll get back to you... :confused
getting dogmatic over the nature of water is a bit much. water is still water in a gas state,it has different physical properties.
On another note:
I was without His water and didn't know it until I drank. Then I knew what I was missing ;)

John 4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Rick W said:
Water vapor is a greenhouse "gas" making up at least 90%+ of the greenhouse gases. So that means we don't want to generate water vapor.
Wait a minute, something's wrong there. I'll get back to you... :confused
Not all green house gasses are bad of course. CO2 and CO are though. This is something that is usually overlooked by politicians. :yes
Spectator said:
Rick W said:
Water vapor is a greenhouse "gas" making up at least 90%+ of the greenhouse gases. So that means we don't want to generate water vapor.
Wait a minute, something's wrong there. I'll get back to you... :confused
Not all green house gasses are bad of course. CO2 and CO are though. This is something that is usually overlooked by politicians. :yes
carbon monoxide will often for co2, what breathes the co2, plants. all combustion forms that stuff and so does all other decay of dead plants and suchlike(ch4). that is leached into the air at dumps or used for powering ciites.
ch4+ 2(02)= c02+2(h20)+h2 if i did that one right.
jasoncran said:
carbon monoxide will often for co2, what breathes the co2, plants.
Correct, but the problem is that there is more CO2 then plants that can obsorb it. To much CO2 becomes toxic. Just like how pure oxygen is actually toxic to humans. The difference between medicine and poison is the dose. ;)

all combustion forms that stuff and so does all other decay of dead plants and suchlike(ch4). that is leached into the air at dumps or used for powering ciites.
ch4+ 2(02)= c02+2(h20)+h2 if i did that one right.
This also depends on if there are facilities able to use the gases and the remaining pollutants that result from using them.
Rick W said:
Spectator said:
Not all green house gasses are bad of course.

Quite frankly I've never heard of "good" greenhouse gases.
Green house gasses are just gasses that are present in our atmosphere. Any over abundance of any will cause harm. That is why they get a bad rap, but just like cholesterol and fat, we need them, but to much is deadly. ;)
negatory on pure oxygen, that is called medical oxygen and you can breathe that all day long.its 99.9999999999% oxygen, what do you think those with emphasema are taking? my wife used it for her headaches, she has had a condition of dementia called benign essential isnt permanent.
jasoncran said:
sir, you need to take a basic chemistry class.

Been there and done that !

I have found out in life, that many people have good intentions when they try and teach us something.

However, good intentions does not bring about the truth !

I no longer believe in Santa Clause - the tooth ferry , etc.

I no longer believe that the earth is flat.

I no longer believe in what my previous denomination told me.

I no longer believe in the chemistry books I have read !

I believe those things which are true, and throw out those things which are not true.

Isn't it about time we all do the same ???

IN Christ - MM
Spectator said:
Rick W said:
Spectator said:
Not all green house gasses are bad of course.

Quite frankly I've never heard of "good" greenhouse gases.
Green house gasses are just gasses that are present in our atmosphere. Any over abundance of any will cause harm. That is why they get a bad rap, but just like cholesterol and fat, we need them, but to much is deadly. ;)

Then how do they get the label "Greenhouse" if those gases don't trap heat?
Greenhouse gases are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.[1] The main greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

Water vapor causes the greenhouse effect. :shrug
Rick W said:
Greenhouse gases are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.[1] The main greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

Water vapor causes the greenhouse effect. :shrug
Nah, what it is, is just an imbalance. I'm not a hippy or super enviromentalist or anything. I do know though that or ecosystem and atmosphere is very fragile. Its the imbalance of teh gasses that causes the effect. Carbon dioxide and methane are at higher then usual concentrations. That is what is causing from what I learned in biology. :)
So the greenhouse gas water vapor is remaining balanced?

Seems water vapor, a known greenhouse gas, is largely ignored.
There's no money in water vapor credits or water vapor footprints or a water vapor cap. It's not politically viable either.
Rick W said:
So the greenhouse gas water vapor is remaining balanced?

Seems water vapor, a known greenhouse gas, is largely ignored.
There's no money in water vapor credits or water vapor footprints or a water vapor cap. It's not politically viable either.
Water vapor isn't the problem though. We aren't producing massive amounts of Water vapor, we are of CO2 and Methane.
Spectator said:
Rick W said:
So the greenhouse gas water vapor is remaining balanced?

Seems water vapor, a known greenhouse gas, is largely ignored.
There's no money in water vapor credits or water vapor footprints or a water vapor cap. It's not politically viable either.
Water vapor isn't the problem though. We aren't producing massive amounts of Water vapor, we are of CO2 and Methane.

Everyone stop passing "gas" , and that will solve the problem, wouldn't it ? :yes


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