- Aug 11, 2013
- 7,193
- 2,659
Please allow me to explain a little more of what I see concerning those verses.
First though I would like you to read a brief history of the life and work of Dr. Spiros Zodhiates presented here in order to see why I think you should take heed of what he wrote concerning Romans 1:20. His mother tongue was Greek and he is now recognised by many evangelical Christians as an authority in the Koine Greek language.
The apostle Paul then once wrote in his letter to the Romans... “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Romans 1:19-20 KJV, and these verses have been used throughout much of Christian history in order to teach many to believe and preach that all who will be condemned will have received enough knowledge and understanding of God for Him to justify condemning them to everlasting torment.
In his study helps on Romans 1:20, KJV however, Zodhiates wrote: “The word translated “Godhead” is not the Greek theotes (2320) which indeed would have meant the Godhead; but theiotes (2305) which means merely divinity, the demonstrated power of the Godhead and not the essence and the character of the Godhead. By looking at nature one can conclude that indeed God is all powerful, but not necessarily that He is an all-loving God of righteousness and justice. There is only so much of God that one can know from God’s creation (v. 19), but to know the essence of God as a triune Deity, one needs to receive His revelation by faith. The rejection of what knowledge a person does have of God is what brings condemnation on him.”
Also, the apostle Paul himself explained that before God moved upon him, his ignorance of God was so great that he began working to destroy God's church 1 Timothy 1:13.
Acts 22:4 NIV tells us that he actually “persecuted the followers of this Way to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison”. If then a Zealous Pharisee like Saul could be so blind to God's self-sacrificing love for fallen mankind and be so violently opposed to God, how can other Jews and Gentiles begin to rightly understand the true meaning of God if they have not first been carefully taught?
“By looking at nature one can conclude that indeed God is all powerful, but not necessarily that He is an all-loving God of righteousness and justice.”
Furthermore, when Paul wrote those words in his letter to the Romans there was no such thing as Darwin’s theory of evolution. As fanciful or as flawed as it may be, this theory that all life on earth began to evolve completely by chance over 3 billion years ago is now being taught by many intellectual and influential atheists involved in ‘science’ as though it was a proven fact. Consequently, it has not only allowed many lost souls to reason God out of their concept of reality but over the years it has also allowed them to indoctrinate a vast and growing number of children to do the same.
It is also now widely taught and believed that according to atheistic or secular science, the universe itself started over 13 billion years ago, and that it was also formed through a purely natural process without any need to include a creator God in the equation. What is more, this theory is also now being taught as fact by the media and by schools and universities to countless millions across the world. The so called evidence for evolution then which atheists and secularists keep gathering, is being naively accepted by more and more lost souls as evidence proving the Genesis account of creation is simply not true. It has therefore become all too easy for many to think it must be right to dismiss out of hand the creation story and the fall of man upon which the rest of the Bible stands as just another myth or fairy story. There are many therefore (agnostics, atheists, humanists, as well as pagans etc.) who are still living and dying never rightly understanding the good they ignored and offended. In which case, those who through no fault of their own were born to die corrupted never knowing the God of truth or never rightly understanding the good they kept offending, would never have been able to understand just how dangerous or offensive they really were. Condemning such as these to be tortured forever then would be like condemning dangerous and hopeless wild animals to suffer in the same way: it would do no good and would be eternally seen as an act of unnecessary and extreme cruelty to say the least.
...and nowhere in Scripture does God tell us every condemned soul will be kept alive and conscious in a lake of fire forever.
God willing, I will post my reply to smaller's Jan 12 comments later.
I know others have responded to this, especially as our good Theologian smaller, I'd simply like to respond to this statement of yours....
In which case, those who through no fault of their own were born to die corrupted never knowing the God of truth or never rightly understanding the good they kept offending
You just mentioned that the cosmos testifies of a creative God. Therefore this statement of yours is useless.