- Aug 11, 2013
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Very true. Studied it for decades now and I still do not have all that much of a solid sight on what will transpire other than I do know this, that the time of the devil and his messengers will have an ending. OF this much I am quite entirely certain. That ending for them will be eternal and it will be torture. Rev. 20:10. But even in this sight, I have had to take into considerations that I do not have a very solid handle on what exactly an anti-Christ spirit really is, NOR do I really want to know NOR do I think it's required to know. For all I know the LoF to an antiChrist spirit may be an inverse form of paradise, to them. These are not easy subjects. If we let our own minds trap us, it's not a good thing. I remain OPEN to what the Spirit shows me and I have changed a lot from where my studies began i.e. having had to extract my mind from certain propositions that certain camps made and that I bought into early in my faith, such as the various pre/mid/post trib postures, all of which I'd consider quite entirely LACKING today.
I actually have a far greater hope from Revelation and end time studies today than from where I started. See Rev. 5:12-13 combined with Isa. 11:9, Hab. 2:14 and Heb. 11:8 for pictures of my personal HOPE, which has grown quite strong in that direction. The days of Noah that Jesus speaks of in Matt. 24 for example is actually shown also by Isa. 54:8-10, and is a reflection of this same HOPE. But, just as those Waters of Gods Word are meant for OUR COMFORT, they are DESTRUCTION to Gods enemies, whom the devil and his messengers ARE. The Words of Gods Mercy are actually messages of DESTRUCTION to their ears. Do you catch the 'inverse drift' here? He's quite fascinating, this Living Word of ours. Far more than meets the surface analysis.
Again, agreed. I think all of us would concur that we ourselves have some losses to be incurred in judgment as well. And, I suspect we will be quite entirely happy about those losses. For example, I'm quite sure that Paul looked forward to ditching the evil present with him and this sin indwelling his own flesh. Romans 7:17-21. I am quite certain Paul looked forward to ditching the contrariness of his own flesh to the Spirit, 2 Cor. 12:7, Gal. 3:13-14, Gal. 5:17, 1 Tim. 1:15 etc. Get the picture of JUDGMENT here? I certainly do.
How this might play into the end time narratives, I can not say, other THAN I believe that to be 'caught up' in the flesh, IF we are still here, may not be all that pleasant of an experience with us, considering the above, but, on the other side of that polishing/firing it is likely we'll all see much better, tears along the way, notwithstanding. Do we really have any idea of being translated from mortality into immortality, 1 Cor. 15:42 to end of chapter? I simply can not imagine what that really entails. It's quite beyond my mind/experience presently, other than the occasional tastes I've received along the way of this present life to keep me going.
We also know that we won't be harmed by the second death, Rev. 2:11, Rev. 20:6, BUT to me that doesn't preclude some amount of "exposure" to same. Rev. 14:10-11 shows this "torture" to transpire in the "presence of the Lamb," so, yeah, do the math. IF we are in/with the Lamb, it may be very much as the E.O. describes. I do not discount their sights. I do discount "exclusive" arrogance of avoidance postured by any sect at the expenses of other believers.
My Son Skip and I have had to explain, as best as we could, folk who want to know about the final place of abode for the unsaved. There have been those who already had their minds made up as to what they believe but to start off, they acted as if they knew nothing. Some of these people follow TV Preachers like Joel Olstein (sp) sorry, and a bunch of others. So, over the years we've heard a mess of idea's.
The point I'd like to make about the thinking that the LOF will not be so bad is, I try and ask people to see hell or the LOF from God's perspective not man's. Since the Godhead is omniscient, I can't even begin to imagine the conversation that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit had to discuss in order to undue the disobedience of Adam that passed on to mankind a sin nature and death.
The Godhead knew what would happen to the One who would rescue mankind and to give each man, woman and child an opportunity to become a child of God instead of a disobedient reject-er of the plan of Salvation. I can't even imagine the thoughts that ran thru Jesus' mind when He knew that He would have to leave the matchless union of the Godhead, and incarnate into a human.
I remember when my older Sister went off to college. She really didn't like leaving the closeness of our home but knew she needed to advance her education. My Parents were very tearful, having to leave their Daughter away from home. This doesn't come even close to what the Godhead had to experience but it does give us a little glimpse into some of the feelings.
God the Father, had to let His only Son, Who had been with Him for all eternity backward, go from His presence and live for a time on what had become a stained and sinful earth. Jesus had His own feelings about leaving the union of the Godhead....Philippians 2:6 "Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped." (ESV) Or to be held onto and not leave.
Now, the fact that the Holy Spirit would not leave Jesus alone must have had a sense of relief that He wouldn't be all alone. For 33+
years God the Father gave instructions to His Son. Jesus was absolutely loyal to His Father to obey Him and honor Him as Jesus and His Spirit went about preaching His Gospel, healing the sick and casting out demons.
So, whenever we think of what the Godhead put in place for the good of mankind, to refuse the Gospel and become an enemy of God, the justice of God takes over and grace ends with that refusal. The justice of God demands punishment. No one but God knows what sin really is and what an offense it is to our loving holy God.