Imagican said:
I guess you go by 'your own' dictionary. And YES, I will offer you scripture that PLAINLY shows that Love IS Worship.
I have plainly shown that love is not equal to worship, since
God commands us to love others - and simultaneously commanding us to worship ONLY Him. I don't care what denomination you belong to or how much you claim to read the Bible. The fact is that you have God giving us a command that He later calls a sin...
Again, you offer a ridiculous statement based on YOUR reading of the bible. Does God command us to sin in other ways that you would like to point out???
Imagican said:
That your 'churches' have misguided you in an understanding of worship has no bearing on the truth. For the church would offer that there are 'different' kinds of worship. The only diffrerent kinds of worship are how they are offered. For to worship IS to adore.
The word "adore" has different meanings. I can adore my wife - but that doesn't mean I consider her to be GOD! Is a human so mindless that they cannot make the distinction between a creature and a person? I do not pray to my wife, I do not offer sacrifice to her, I do not thank her for my existence. Is this another case of arguing the ridiculous? Can we not have common sense here?
Imagican said:
I offer this; Christ was asked WHAT IS the MOST important commandment. One, period. He not only offered this; Love God with all your heart, mind and soul, but went one to offer MORE information than He had even been asked. His reply? And the second, much like the first, Love your neighbor as yourself. Didn't even stop here. For He continued with, 'And all the law and all the prophets hang on these two'.
Notice Christ said "LIKE IT". He didn't say they were the same thing. Thus, when we love our neighbor, we are not offering worship to them "with our entire hearts, mind, and body". It is you that makes the connection that doesn't exist.
Imagican said:
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that worship of 'a god' or that GIVEN to God is distinct in that what we love and adore, (worship), physically is offered directly to an 'object' that is physical by nature. But I do not believe that one can even worship God PHYSICALLY.
We are physical beings, so how are you going to obey the directive that YOU cite "with our WHOLE ...BODY" if God CANNOT be worshipped "physically? When I bend the knee as part of an act of worship towards God, I am utilizing my body in a physical manner in a sign of respect. My mind is directed towards God in a special way. I certainly do not worship ONLY with my body. However, since we are spirit AND material, and are TOLD to obey with our ENTIRE selves, it goes without saying that we are to worship God physically. Again, you have not really thought out your position very well -
since YOU have provided the citation to worship God with our WHOLE self.
Imagican said:
That is something that 'churches' teach and has no effect on a relationship with God.
Keep the tired cliches to yourself. You do not have a clue what you are talking about.
Imagican said:
NOTHING done for a 'reason' is acceptable to God. What IS acceptable is that which is done through the heart, (spiritual). This is WHY so many have difficulty understanding 'works'.
If I do something, anything, it has a reason. If I desire to please God, that is a reason. Again, you are not making any sense. The problem of "works" is when they do not have correct motive. The act ITSELF is meaningless without the correct motive. Thus, the works of the Pharisees, almsgiving and fasting, for example, were not condemned, but the MOTIVES behind the acts. If you care to read Matthew 5-7, Jesus does not condemn the action, but the reason behind the action. Correct reasoning or motive is what God desires - He desires mercy and love, not lip service that people give, a la Mat 7:20-22.
Imagican said:
fran, you WILL disagree with most anything that I have to state so far as 'TRUTH' is concerned from my perspective.
I also disagree with the "TRUTH" as concerned from the perspective of a Mormon. They are simply wrong, misguided. They believe their truth is correct. However, truth is not subjective on such matters. God is objective, outside of ourselves. You tend to think of God dwelling in you to such a point that every thought you have is attributed to God. Thus, any whim you have is the Holy Spirit speaking in you. Once you realize the fallacy of that position, the self-delusion that leads one into, you might come to the conclusion that your truth is incorrect. But as long as you think the Spirit speaks through you, all I can do is offer the logical pitfalls of your posts in the hope that you realize that everything you type is not inspired, nor are people "misguided" for not "understanding" the "truth".
Imagican said:
For you have chosen to follow a 'man-made' institution that has inserted it's OWN commandments in the place of those offered by God and His Son. You are 'bound' by the 'teachings' of your 'church' and pledge allegiance to this institution. So, in essence, you have 'chosen' to follow 'something different' than myself.
I have chosen to follow and obey an institution that was formed by whom I believe (and millions before me) was/is God. I am normally a non-conformist. However, when I came to the conclusion that the Catholic Church is the work of the Messiah, I subject myself to their teachings, realizing that they are guided by the Holy Spirit. That is my intent - to follow what I believe is guided by God. I am not so arrogant to think that I MYSELF am so guided. I know that self-delusion is rife in this field. As such, I prefer an objective truth outside of myself that is not tainted by self-delusion. I have rigorously tested the "wild" claims of the Catholic Church, and find them reasonable and worthy of my obedience.
You choose to follow yourself and your mistaken-ridden opinions. I choose to follow something outside of myself that I believe is guided by God. So yes, I bind MYSELF to those teachings.
Imagican said:
My allegiance is to God and His Son. I need no man to 'show me the truth' for the Spirit IS The TRUTH. Men are corruptable and back-bitters that have little in common with the TRUTH even when it stares them straight in the face.
I presume you are a man, as well, or at least human, and are subjectible to those same errors in interpreting the truth? Does God demand we be Scriptural scholars so we can figure out the original text's sense, the social backgrounds of the time, etc, all on our own, independently of anyone else, because "men are corruptible"? IF your allegiance is to God, you would follow what God Himself has established, not something YOU established.
Imagican said:
I offer sacrifice MOST EVERY TIME I offer my love to my brothers and sisters. I offer sacrifice to God and HIs Son in worship as well. If you do not understand this, then I can explain it no better than I already have.
Well, I do understand that and do the same thing. I have no disagreement with that. But it is more worthwhile to join together in public worship and add our worship with the Body of Christ to God the Father in heaven. It is difficult to get away from the fact that God has enforced public liturgy on both the Jews and the Christians during their individual dispensations. Nothing wrong with private sacrifice, but God offers us to do more with public worship.
Imagican said:
And here in lies MUCH of the problems in the Christian Community today. They are unaware of some of the basics that have been offered for their LOVE of ritual means more than a LOVE of God.
Generalizations. ALL liturgy does not lead to being unaware of the basics of what God offers THROUGH correct disposition that He intends when we are TOLD to "Do this in memory of me"...
I find it interesting that Jesus HIMSELF commanded us to "Do THIS in memory of Me". A public gathering to recall what Jesus did and a call to emulate that spirit of self-sacrifice.
Imagican said:
Your 'religion' would attempt to teach that God is some UNFATHONABLE DIETY that sits on high ruling with an iron fist. Only approachable through a 'select group of chosen men' that MUST make intercession for ME.
I will continue to pray for you - and I am not a "select group of chosen men" - priest - I suppose you mean.
Oops, well, maybe I better not, the Pope might come to my house and kick my door down... :P
Imagican said:
This sounds more like Zues or some mythological god than Our Father who LOVES us and wishes for us to understand that love and offer it in return.
The understanding of God has always gone through various ideas, swinging like a pendulum with the times and cultures of different people. The Jews also saw God in the same way, sometimes as a "terrifying" master, other times as a "one who loves more than any other mother". Your way is not the best way in the "correct" way. We should remember that God is BOTH, rather than emphasizing one and forgetting the other.
Imagican said:
fran, God IS Love. Period. There is NO love other than that 'given us' by our Creator. That we do or do NOT reflect that love IS our purpose. Not some silly ritual that has NO bearing on our hearts. Not some pagentry to try and 'prove' something to the feeble minds and hearts of men. That we DO that which has been offered US is ENOUGH.
Yes, God is love. No, rituals are not silly, nor do they have "no" bearing on our hearts! Rituals are expressions of the heart - at least that is their intent. Do you think that there is someone in the Vatican flipping coins on whether we should kneel or stand during the "Lord's Prayer"??? If you actually studied Liturgy better, you would know that there is a reason behind EVERY act we do in ritual - they are expressions of the heart. It is up to people to educate themselves on why we do what we do.
Imagican said:
I know, sounds too simply right? Wrong. I don't believe that there has been anything ever 'taught' that is 'HARDER' to understand than LOVE. For God has been trying for thousands of years and there are STILL few that will ever even TRY. Choosing instead to find 'other ways' to appease their consciences by 'creating' diverting ritual in it's stead.
People are always looking for shortcuts, to set themselves up as the almighty determiner of what is "correct" and what is not. How different are you by appeasing YOUR own conscience by your own "rituals"?
Imagican said:
God loves us. Period. ALL of us. Even those that will one day become 'separate'; He loves them. They ARE His children.
That was never under question.
Imagican said:
Your church would teach that those that follow IT are the 'lucky ones' and all others are to be despised by both the church and God. Please don't deny this for it is apparent that any church that would TEACH persecution of 'others' is EXACTLY what I have offered.
The Bible ITSELF "teaches" persecution of those who do not follow the teachings offered by God through the prophets and apostles. Clearly, you do not remember that the Bible has said quite a bit on such things - entire swaths of people wiped out by the Jews because God told them to. Even Christian evangelizers, Paul and John and Jude, condemn false teachers. They were ousted from the community. The Church has every right to remove people from its ranks, just as any other organization can expel members for particular reasons set down.
Imagican said:
And don't feel like the 'lone Ranger' here, for I speak of most EVERY church, not JUST the CC. But the CC Has and DOES 'ex-communicate' those that it deems unworthy. And simply denying that their teachings are TOTALLY TRUE is all it takes to 'become' unworthy. Nothing more than 'men' judging 'men'.
So did Paul. Paul also tells us WHY people are excommunicated. Interestingly, the Church uses the same reasons - for disciplinary purposes in hope of bringing the person back to faith. The Bible is FULL of "men judging men". What sort of utopia are you imaging?
Imagican said:
So, I mention these things in effort to 'show' that I understand very well how hard it would be for you to accept what I offer concerning worship. You practice a 'religion' that teaches that it's ok to bow to a 'carved' representation of an entity that the makers had NO IDEA of the TRUE appearance of and PRAY.
You have said a lot off topic, but you have not really shown me why God contradicts Himself IF love = worship. All you have done is rant about organized religion...
Wearing the cross is an excellent evangelization tool that expresses one's belief in the crucified Lord. We continue to evangelize Christ crucified, just as Paul did. You prefer that we don't. That is not surprising that you would hide the center piece of the Gospel. You have already made your stance well known that Jesus is not God. So why not hide what God did for us at the cross???
Your "truth" is not the Gospel.