I will let PUMB2 answer this, but just wanted to add to what I looked up today.
Moshiach ben Yosef in Jewish eschatology , Mashiach ben Yoseph or Messiah ben Joseph, also known as Mashiach bar/ben Ephraim, is a Jewish messiah from the tribe of Ephraim and a descendent of Joseph.
chabad.org What is the Jewish Belief About Moshiach (Messiah)
The Rabbis believe in two Moshiach (Messiah), one exalted and one suffering. It's not two Messiahs, but one Messiah, first time suffering, the second time exalted.
The word Moshiach in English means a savior or a hoped for deliverer. The word Moshiach in Hebrew means "anointed". In Biblical Hebrew the title Moshiach was bestowed on somebody who had attained a position of nobility and greatness.
For example, the high priest is referred to as the kohen ha-moshiach.
In Talmudic literature the title Moshiach, or Melech HaMoshiach (the king Messiah) is reserved for Jewish leader who will redeem Israel in the end of days.
One of the principles of Jewish faith enumerated by Maimonides is that one day there will arise a dynamic Jewish leader, a direct descendant of the Davidic dynasty, who will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and gather Jews from all over the world and bring them back to the land of Israel.
All the nations of the world will recognize Moshiach to be a world leader and will accept his dominion. In the messianic era there will be world peace, no more wars nor famine, and in general a high standard of living.
All mankind will worship G-d and live a more spiritual and moral way of life. The Jewish nation will be preoccupied with learning Torah and fathoming its secrets.
The coming of Moshiach will complete G-d's purpose in creation for man to make an abode for G-d in the lower worlds, that is to reveal the inherent spirituality in the material world.
In Christianity we believe Messiah (Jesus) has already come as Isaiah prophecied in Isaiah 9:6, 7 and fulfilled in the writings of Luke in Luke Chapter 1.
Jesus came to teach us of God's mercy and grace as He calls the unrighteous to repent, Luke 5:32. Jesus suffered and died as Isaiah also prophecied in Isaiah 53:1-9. He paid our debt for sin by laying down His own life that we can have eternal life with the Father, John 10:167, 18; John 3:16. On the third day God raised Him from the dead, Acts 13:29- as now He sits at the right hand of God, Romans 8:34, until He returns on the last day as He will be exalted by all that are His own, Isaiah 40:3-5, Revelation 1:5-8.