Pretty good example concerning the actual point, which was that the servant was "wicked," as manifested by the way he disrespected and mistrusted that his master's money could be of any use. We could also assume the "master" here represents Jesus, who knew Judas would use his apostleship for evil when He called him to it.
Also I think noteworthy is that "talent" represents opportunity for gifts and nothing to do with effecting salvation, it just demonstrated Judas was not saved:
"By these talents, special grace is not meant; for the parable speaks not of what was wrought in these servants, but of what was committed to their trust, and of what might lie useless by them, and be taken away from them; whereas special grace is internal, something implanted in man, and is an incorruptible seed, that can never be lost, or will be taken away."
- J Gill (