follower of Christ said:
I'm certain that isnt his point, but *IF* he tries to use that 'logic' against the protestant, asking us WHY letters like Philemon belong, then we have to ask him WHY the CC felt it belonged. They CERTAINLY DID feel that it was INSPIRED in order to include it.
The difference between you and me is not our acceptance of the Word of God as found in the NT, but how we get there.
You presume that God vouched for
your "decision", while lying to Mormons, Muslims, Hindus and others. I come to believe the witness of the Catholic Church that she has been founded by Jesus Christ for the purpose of spreading the Gospel to all men, universally, thus, the name... As such, being divinely instituted, I believe her claim on the contents and its cutoff of what is Scriptures and what is not. I do not believe the Book of Mormon is from God. Why? Not because of some voice, or because I a priori circularly argue that the Bible is the ONLY Word of God (not shown internally, as you have shown). But because I believe men's witness.
Just as I believe historical accounts from men who lived hundreds of years AFTER Alexander the Great died. Just as I believe that Julius Ceasar existed. I believe the witness of men. And in the case of Christianity, I believe the witness of Paul and Peter and so forth that a man rose from the dead for the purpose of saving mankind.
Not because "
God told me"! Not because the
integral components tell me it is part of Scriptures. I believe because I believe the men who told me. Just as the Corinthians believed Paul. Just as the Thessalonians believed. And so forth. I believe because the Church told me, and her life witnesses to her truth...
Now, you have said "God would preserve His Scriptures". That is a fine assumption based on special pleading - since the Bible itself doesn't make that claim. In actuality, the Bible claims that God would preserve His CHURCH!!!
Quite ironic that you attempt to tear down the Church -
what God has promised would endure for all time, while pretending that God would "preserve Scriptures"
without the use of external witnesses. This special pleading is of no avail to the thinking man.
Bottom line, this is why you refuse to accept my argument.
Not because it is illogical or lacking of explanation. You are afraid of the implications - that if God protects His Scriptures,
it follows that He ALSO protects the Church that vouches for those same Scriptures. And we BOTH know who put the NT Scriptures together and we BOTH know who said that God does not speak new Scriptures anymore. Both of these things were done on the authority given from above to the CHURCH. Not from Scriptures themself.
Thus, you must "invent" some ridiculous circular argument, or "voice in the bosom" argument to circumvent the reality of the situation. And any attempt to point out the logical fallacy you foist on us, that person must be tarred and feathered, called a non-believer in the Word, and any other such ad hominem's that come to mind.
If you are a true seeker of God, you will allow that to sink in and allow God's Spirit to take you where He wills.
If you are not, then you will ignore what I say and be content with being a hypocrite who pretends to be a 'follower of Christ'.
I leave you with the last comments and will only continue if you ask for clarification. I believe I have explained myself amply for any lurkers - and for you, I leave you in the hands of the Holy Spirit to work His conversion.