follower of Christ said:
Im sorry but AGAIN I am NOT confining myself to the NT OR to Philemon.
God preserved His WHOLE word....not just pieces of it.
Why stop there at the NT? How about the Koran and the Book of Mormon? Since God preserves ALL of His Word, then I suppose your sad arguments will tell us that the above are ALSO part of God's Word...
follower of Christ said:
If GOD wanted Philemon there then its THERE because HE made it so....for the SAME reason His law is there.
Don't you realize this is begging the question???
By this logic, we must admit that the Iliad is also the Word of God, since it has been preserved and it speaks of God within it...
God preserved lots of things, but that doesn't make it His written Word.
follower of Christ said:
And it doesnt matter if fallible mans sense of logic is offended...*I* trust GOD, not the Jew whom God entrusted with His words....or the church whom He did also.
You trust God but you stop at the Koran, when "God" speaks within the Koran...according to the very words of the Koran, "written" by God Himself... THAT is "trusting God"??? No, you use the logic of man to tell you when God speaks and when He doesn't speak, even if the words SAY they are God's Words.
Without saying it, you have been acclimated to believe that the witness of the Catholic Church is worthy of believing, since it is engrained within you that the Sacred Scriptures do not extend to the Koran.
follower of Christ said:
So *IF* I were taking MANS word as TRUTH, then ALL of those others claiming inspiration of God would have to ALSO be accepted AS Gods word.
I believe because GOD confirms to me, not because of the catholic church whom I DONT follow in the least.
God speaks to
you directly and tells YOU that the Christian "Bible" is the full and inerrant Word, while to the Mormon, God tells the same thing about Mormon Scriptures...
Either the Catholic Church is right or it is not. God is not tipping the scales in YOUR favor here over the Mormon, lying to the Mormon while telling you the truth... We are not interested in your subjective opinions about the voices you claim to hear.
follower of Christ said:
Denial of facts doesnt nullify them.
What facts am I denying? You have not provided any facts to even deny!!!
follower of Christ said:
yes, we all realize that without 'This is GODs Word' in the opening sentence that you cant believe it but WE DO because WE trust that GOD brought His word together into a coherent whole.
In the Koran? The Book of Mormon? The Torah? the New Testament? So many claims, it is so confusing to do this based upon that little "voice" inside your noggin... Further, it is begging the question that God DOES "bring His Word into a coherent whole" already. Again, where is there indication from the NT that there will be no further Scriptures???
follower of Christ said:
francisdesales said:
Since it was claimed long ago that the Bible is the Word of God of its own accord and is the highest authority, this issue is VERY pertinent to the discussion - what IS the Bible, then?
Pick up a KJV. There you go.
Circular argument alert!!!!
That might impress your buddies, but not here...
follower of Christ said:
Again it is ABSURD to demand that EVERY letter Paul wrote must contain some specific phrase you are demanding of it.
I don't demand anything from Paul. However, there are particular rules of thumb that one would expect to see to call a letter "self-acclaiming" to be God's Word, as you pretend.
Heck, we don't even know WHO wrote some of the NT letters. Take that into court and see where that will get you. Paul clearly worries about some of his letters being forged. Again, by INTERNAL evidence, we cannot clearly make the call that some may be forged. To say "God preserves His Word" again relies on an external witness, not the writing's existence, since the Shephard of Hermes also exists. Thus, we require an EXTERNAL source to vouch for the veracity of the writings.
follower of Christ said:
And I dont care if it is or not, the principles are the same. GOD preserved His instruction and words to the JEWS and He has done so with His words to the CHURCH.
That entire concept is a presumption that a priori that the NT is indeed the Word of God to begin with. You begin with the first part of the circular argument, then argue using it as your source of information.
If I was Jewish, I would say "the NT is not the Word of God, God has already preserved it entire".
Is this sinking in yet???
follower of Christ said:
Ask your church why they chose to put them in there. THEY considered them all inspired, apparently, so your argument is with them, not me.
My argument has never been about what I believe, but why YOU believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I rely on an external witness, the Church. You rely on a circular argument and "voices". You have yet to give an explanation for your circular argument, which you arrogantly claimed was self-evident and conclusive.
We are finding out that it is NOT self-evident, nor is it conclusive...