The Ascetic Crusader
Re: reason
99% science theory, 1 % science fact. You are defending the untenable. Period.
ArtGuy said:The Ascetic Crusader said:Science is 99% crackpot theories, 1 % scientific law. I stand by my claim. Period. Science has done absolutely nothing for God´s people. Nada. Zip.
Science = Smoke n mirrors.
Neglecting for a moment the facts that you pretty clearly don't know what "theory" and "law" mean, and your curious obsession with large fonts, consider this:
Science brought us the printing press. The printing press allowed for large-scale dissemination of the Bible.
Science brought us the printing press ? Wow! Let´s rewrite history while we´re at it.
Science brought us television. Television allowed for Christian speakers to reach a wider audience.
Hmmmm...what in Pete´s name has TV done FOR Christians. I would say it has weakened Christrian communities more than anything else.
Science brought us the internet (which you are using right this very minute, you heathen, you). The internet allows Christians from across the world to discuss their faith.
Dido for the internet
See? Your ridiculous claims don't even stand up in the face of your own twisted form of non-logic.
Of course, you probably know this, since you're pretty clearly a troll. No actual human being could be this colossally lame.
99% science theory, 1 % science fact. You are defending the untenable. Period.