Of course the ICS breaks Geological Rok layers down the way I told you.
One list and chart is called Chronostratigraphical Classification:
They list every subdivision from the bottom up, indicating the age of each of the rock layers by using a suffix like eon, (billions years old), era, (million years old), periods, epochs, etc.
The other listing which corresponds to the "six days" is called the Geochronological Classification:
As the ICS link below explains, "
The geologic time scale provides a system of chronologicmeasurement (i.e.; time) relating stratigraphy (i.e.; the layers of rocks) to time that is used by geologists, paleontologists and other earth scientists,...
Here is their link and their Chart constructed as a wheel:
(Notice that the ICS refers to this as the CLOCK)
Also note that your resistance to this correspondence emphasizes the enormous impact of this Theistic Evolution observation.
Equating what is read in Genesis as six "days" to what science has only recent discovered to be factually correct is really a theological H-bomb tht certifies Genesis as factual.
Most people whether they are educated enough in the facts, which your are gradually becomingas you google and google, find this correspondence alarming whether they are atheists or confirmed Funsamentalist 6 day creation people.
Few attempt so futily to deny the truth here as do you, most merely avoid further examination because this one verification of Genesis 1 is supportive of the divinity of scrioture.)