In another thread, I read that some perhaps, either, do not believe in Angels, or possibly that they just may not believe that Angels visit people and help them...
So let's toss this around a little. Do you believe in Angels? Do you believe that they visit and or help people? Have you ever seen an Angel/ spoke with one? Do you think it is few and far between, more/less than biblical days, etc.?
Let's try not to make this so much of a debate thread than just What you believe/know in general, ok? Any and all other info is welcome, expound to your hearts content.
Personally, I do believe in them and think they're active as much or more than biblical days. I have never seen or had a vision of an Angel, in Angelic form, but I do believe that I was visited by an Angel in the form of a man once. (I had just been handed my 3 day notice for being two months behind in rent, so when he left, I immediately prayed and closed up my garage sale for the day, went into the house, and got a phone call, "I seen your ad for a garage sale and work all day, can I come look at it after I get off of work?" (Of course) When he showed up, he didn't act like a garage saler. He said "How much do you need?" which tilted me so to speak, and I gave no answer. Then he says, "How much for everything on that table over there?" I immediately went into salesman mode and began telling him about the items, he barely looked at them and asked again, "How much do you need?" I didn't answer and kept talking about the items. So he said "How about 1900?" (Tilt

) I looked at him quizzically and gave no answer. (This is not how garage salers act or talk!) so he says, "How about $2400?"
So I said yes just in case he wasn't joking. He wasn't. He whipped out a big wad of cash and counted me out 24 hundreds...I asked if he'd like help loading them into his pickup and he said yes. But then, he began pointing things out to me, "keep that, I don't need it, I have no use for that, keep it..." and so forth, and he just bought the stuff!
He was fit looking, bearded, well dressed, and didn't talk like a man with more money than brains, and drove a nice truck. Long story short, I had my 2 months back rent, my utility shut off notice payment (300, due the next day) and 100 bucks for groceries within 2 hours of praying. I believe this was a ministering Angel come to help me. Praise the Lord!)