Where are you getting these strange ideas from? People are not striving to become archangels or whining about it. And even if they thought they would like to become archangels, it would simply be wishful thinking. Angels and humans are distinct from each other and will remain so for eternity.
And what does Jesus not having sinned have anything to do with where you started at the top? Of course He did not sin. He knew no sin. He did no sin. He could not sin. He would not sin. He hated sin. He died for the sins of the world.
For the person who was wondering how many archangels there are, although Michael is singled out as an archangel in Jude 9, if you go to the book of Daniel, they are called "chief princes". Gabriel is also considered an archangel, but many of them are not named except in the Apocryhal book of Enoch (Enoch is not Scripture but is quoted in Scripture at Jude 14,15). Instead they are generically at the top of the angelic hierarchies mentioned as thrones, dominions, principalities and powers (Col :16).
God never intended us to focus on angels, worship angels, or pray to angels (as many do). That is idolatry. Our focus must be strictly on the triune Godhead and the Lord Jesus Christ.