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The APOSTASIA in 2 Thes 2.3

You had asked *me* about whether Christian towns should be bombed. Though at this point you were asking others, as well, the question remained on the table, and your discussion with another person continued the topic.

Why are you afraid to answer? And why do you fearlessly slander Netanyahu?

This is what you asked earlier of *me*:
"Do you like watching netanyahus army bomb Christian towns?Is that what you call the right thing?"

So when you continue to assert the same kinds of things with others I have every right and responsibility to answer, particularly when they are public posts.

I'd like others to know you have no answer to what I said in reply. And they should know that you are slandering others without proof--just surmising what you wish to believe, based on those politically hostile to Netanyahu.
I asked the other person about Jesus,who you know almost nothing about.
You had asked *me* about whether Christian towns should be bombed. Though at this point you were asking others, as well, the question remained on the table, and your discussion with another person continued the topic.

Why are you afraid to answer? And why do you fearlessly slander Netanyahu?

This is what you asked earlier of *me*:
"Do you like watching netanyahus army bomb Christian towns?Is that what you call the right thing?"

So when you continue to assert the same kinds of things with others I have every right and responsibility to answer, particularly when they are public posts.

I'd like others to know you have no answer to what I said in reply. And they should know that you are slandering others without proof--just surmising what you wish to believe, based on those politically hostile to Netanyahu.

You can continue your cheers for netanyahu while he kills more christians and saints in the coming years.It will only show others who you support.
You can continue your cheers for netanyahu while he kills more christians and saints in the coming years.It will only show others who you support.
I support Netanyahu, and the Jewish People, as they try to defend themselves against those filled with hate for them.
When the lawless one is revealed you won’t have to ask anyone if he has been revealed.

Revealed means made known.

The mystery of lawlessness is already at work, and is building at a fever pitch the closer we get to his revealing, as he will be revealed in a time of unprecedented lawlessness.

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

  • the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

The lawless one will be revealed at a time of unrestrained lawlessness.

This time is at hand.

Notice is verse 8, the LORD will destroy the antichrist Himself by the BRIGHTNESS of His coming.

The problem I see with your explanation is that the most often used function of the Definite Article (as in THE apostasia) is to point BACK to the topic previously introduced. This is its most basic and common usage. With your explanation, you are using the Definite Article to point FORWARD, which is a very rare usage.

The most common use of the Definite Article is that of Previous Reference. Your position must hold to a very rare usage of the Definite Article. Whereas, the Pre-Trib position uses its most common use. Just food for thought
So, you wish to slander me, as well? I think that should inform others about your *opinions* about others.
Slander you.Rediculous.

I asked someone else about Jesus commandments because you don't know any .
And you answered with not one command of Jesus.My goodness,You believe Benjamin netanyahu is a good leader for Israel .That is how much you know about Jesus.Nothing.
John 12:13
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”
I support Netanyahu, and the Jewish People, as they try to defend themselves against those filled with hate for them.

The christians netanyahu is bombing have not done anything against Israel.
But you sure want those christians to die.

How would you have netanyahu to kill christians,by beheading them or crucifying them?

Or just keep bombing them?
Slander you.Rediculous.

I asked someone else about Jesus commandments because you don't know any .
And you answered with not one command of Jesus.My goodness,You believe Benjamin netanyahu is a good leader for Israel .That is how much you know about Jesus.Nothing.
John 12:13
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”
I need not go any farther with this. We are not supposed to be hostile if indeed we are both Christian brothers. Like you, I have strong convictions, and I'm just letting you and others know my views.
I need not go any farther with this. We are not supposed to be hostile if indeed we are both Christian brothers. Like you, I have strong convictions, and I'm just letting you and others know my views.
The question was about what Jesus wants us to do.What does Jesus command christians to do ?

The answer is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The question was about what Jesus wants us to do.What does Jesus command christians to do ?

The answer is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I'm not a baby Christian. I know the Bible. Been in Bible Studies since I could walk. I'm now retired.

Not really bragging--just letting you know that simple answers do not supply answers to complex questions. We all know that Jesus commands us to love one another, and to even love our enemies.

But if we look at what "love" is as God defines it, we will have to study both testaments. They contain the history of God's work with people who believe in Him and who try to follow Him.
The problem I see with your explanation is that the most often used function of the Definite Article (as in THE apostasia) is to point BACK to the topic previously introduced. This is its most basic and common usage. With your explanation, you are using the Definite Article to point FORWARD, which is a very rare usage.

The most common use of the Definite Article is that of Previous Reference. Your position must hold to a very rare usage of the Definite Article. Whereas, the Pre-Trib position uses its most common use. Just food for thought
The definite article referd the Apostasy back to what had been earlier taught in Dan 7, that the "Man of Sin," aka the "Little Horn," would rise up to take control of the 10 powers representing the last days of the former Roman Empire. He would boast before God in the time just before the Son of Man would return and set up his Kingdom.

Paul identified him, therefore, as the "Man of Sin" who, taking his seat in God's place, would claim to be God, hindering the rise of Christ's Eternal Kingdom. As such, he is THE Apostasy. Paul was indicating that the "Man of Sin" is THE Apostasy mentioned in his previous iteration, which of course had been based upon the teaching of Dan 7.

I'm reading, BTW, the book you recommended, and am astonished that the book, discussing 3 views of the Tribulation, are all based on a false definition of the "Tribulation." It's no wonder they cannot come to any firm conclusions or agreement! ;)
The problem I see with your explanation is that the most often used function of the Definite Article (as in THE apostasia) is to point BACK to the topic previously introduced. This is its most basic and common usage. With your explanation, you are using the Definite Article to point FORWARD, which is a very rare usage.

The most common use of the Definite Article is that of Previous Reference. Your position must hold to a very rare usage of the Definite Article. Whereas, the Pre-Trib position uses its most common use. Just food for thought

I never mentioned the tribulation.

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15

According to the word of the Lord we see the resurrection and rapture occur at His coming.

First the resurrection then the rapture in which both are caught up together.
I was reading the news earlier,The man of sin said he had talked with the beast Sunday on a phone call .The beast was asking advise on how to deal with its enemies. The man of sin said he replied to do what you got to do.
I still expect the man of sin to give the beast his armed forces next year.Then the mark of the beast will be given to them who have followed after the beast.
I never mentioned the tribulation.
I mentioned the Pre-Trib view, is that what you mean?
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15
I agree but his coming is the Rapture in the Pre-Trib view.
According to the word of the Lord we see the resurrection and rapture occur at His coming.
First the resurrection then the rapture in which both are caught up together.
I mentioned the Pre-Trib view, is that what you mean?

No sir.

I just quoted the scripture that shows us the resurrection and rapture occur at the coming of the Lord.

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15

Do you see that.
No sir.

I just quoted the scripture that shows us the resurrection and rapture occur at the coming of the Lord.

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15

Do you see that.