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The Battle of Armageddon The Other Theory


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Here is the story in short of the book of Revelations. The sixes Satan and his crew cast out of heaven and they are provoker of wars of the nations plus the lgbQ what ever they call them self's unclean spirits(note USA and Great Britain) The two witnesses are attacked by nukes the first woe. the fives witnesses cry out God sends pestilences second woe. The fours Babylon destroyed dead in Christ rise should I go on.
I can count too.

7 is when the dead are raised
7 has not taken place yet.
Cool then count his number then. That is 666, that is Satan. Sixth seal, sixth trumpet, and six vial related that of him.

Revelation 13
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The reason many don't and can't understand is because they don't read their BIBLE and ask Jesus how earth was populated what where why. Not just Adam but others. They also limit God that HE is unlimited. When people don;t understand they go about making up crazy story's and have NO UNDERSTANDING in the things of GOD. Not long and yet you will see that planet and that destruction. Then earth will be next because of the overflowing transgressions. Then the bride will be ready to go. Jesus will destroy both these planets.


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