And you have proof there was no ‘before’ before time or are you simply waving your hands again?
It is a consequence of BB cosmology, which you have recently expressed your familiarity and lack of problems with. Perhaps you would care to explain how you imagine there was a 'before' when there is no means of locating reference points for the coordinate system we call time?
Elementary, my friend - the universe came into existence from matter created by God.
From nothing or from something, my friend? Would you care to explain how God allegedly 'created' and what he 'created' from?
No bluff to call and you never answered the question - are teapots and unicorns the pinnacle of your philosophical expertise? Those who can only present unicorns and teapots as a defense against God are self-relegated to the ‘hack’ category.
I think we can all see that you have a very idiosyncratic idea of what constitutes a counter argument.
Wasn't that what you were trying to say in your "energy potential" spiel? Maybe you can expand/expound more about what you thought you were trying to say. Please include a little science this time.
You seem to have a problem with the idea of a singularity, despite stating that you have no problems with BB cosmology. Can you tell us what your understanding of a singularity comprises, or is this yet another question that you prefer persistently to dodge?
Lol – what do you think you are trying to say here? Before BB singularity there was God who created the universe.
This appears to be an unsupported assertion, but let's grant your assumption for the sake of argument: is it within the bounds of possibility, in your opinion, that God 'used' a singularity to create our part of the Universe/Multiverse and thereafter allowed creation to proceed naturalistically and, if not, why not? And again, in terms of BB cosmology, there was no 'before'.
If we are to know anything before singularity we must make an appeal to God. Hawking appears to agree...
I was interested in the question of whether there had been a Big Bang singularity, because that was crucial to an understanding of the origin of the universe. Together with Roger Penrose, I developed a new set of mathematical techniques, for dealing with this and similar problems. We showed that if General Relativity was correct, any reasonable model of the universe must start with a singularity. This would mean that science could predict that the universe must have had a beginning, but that it could not predict how the universe should begin: for that one would have to appeal to God. (Origin of the Universe)
Making an appeal to one imaginary supernatural deity is, in and of itself, no more meaningful than appealing to another. What makes your version of God preferable to Odin, Zeus, Amun or any other imaginary deity? What makes any version of a supernatural deity a more valid hypothesis than appealing to an alien technology from a highly advanced and distant future? When it comes to handwaving, I am surprised that you are so ready to engage in it yourself when you are so prompt to criticise it when you imagine you see it in others.
ETA Apparently Hawking has changed his mind about the need to invoke God just because some things might remain beyond our immediate understanding:
'It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.'
Quoted here:
Your dammed lake appears to have crashed and burned. Poor analogy at best. Does your energy potential have anything to do with power crystals?
Why is it a poor analogy? Please elaborate with something more meaningful than scoffing. Perhaps you can offer us a better analogy to describe an energy potential?
Perhaps you might also like to return to those points from my post that you have chosen to ignore, as well. I try to do you the courtesy of at least acknowledging and responding to the entirety of your posts; why are you disinclined to extend the same courtesy to mine?
Or, alternatively, perhaps you would prefer to get on with supporting the substance of your assertion that is relevant to this thread, i.e. that the phrase 'stretched out' as used in the Bible corresponds directly with the currently held theory that our part of the Universe/Multiverse expanded and is countinuing to expand from a singularity?