The Book of Eli

Can't remember exactly. Here's what Plugged In said.

More than a dozen f-words and half-a-dozen s-words. God's name is paired with "d??n." "B??ch," "b??tard" and "h???" are said.

It shoud be noted though that it was only the villians not swearing, and not Eli. Everything that was sin in the movie, Eli rejected.
I saw it and thought it was a very good film. It had a nice central morality to it which culminated in a message of hope at the end. Id give it 4.5 out of 5 :)
Just saw this movie. I have to say that I enjoyed it very much. Yes, there is swearing and some graphic violence, hence the 14+ rating, but the end really leaves one thinking. And the soundtrack is quite good too.

Definitely not one of your typical post-apocalyptic movies.
Loved it! Swearing, violence and all :D

I think that swearing is not a sin so that is why it does not bug me. :thumb
I liked it-any movie with Denzel and Gary Oldman has to be awesome.It was kind of violent-but in all fairness he did tell that guy not to put his hand on him again
Great movie. I was definitely disturbed by a couple scenes, but that was obviously the point of those scenes. I would recommend to anyone who can tolerant a little mature content :)
I want to see it because Mila Kunis is a very fine Jewish girl. Plus, she can speak Russian, which is very attractive.
Plus, she can speak Russian, which is very attractive.

It is? :confused I'll take a southern accent over a speaking Russian any day :thumbsup

Is this movie scary? Or shocking? Keep in mind the newest Indiana Jones movie scared me...:o
It is? :confused I'll take a southern accent over a speaking Russian any day :thumbsup

I am teaching myself Russian, so maybe that has something to do with it.
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It is not scary. But it is an excellent reminder that God's ways are not our ways, and that we should put our faith in God.

You will like it.
I loved this movie. My pastor actually was the one who turned me on to it. I usually ignore all movies that aren't romantic comedies lol.

My one warning is watch the volume! I don't know who did the sound editing but the dialogue scenes are very low in volume which makes you turn the volume way up high and then comes an action scene and well you can imagine...
This was an amazing movie. The message of trusting God and listening unconditionally no matter the circumstances was what we all need to hear.
i watched the movie 3-4 times, there are deep facts in this movie. It's very original and the actors are 5/5. Overall is one of my favourites movie. Worths for any christian to give it a try.
the movie is really inspirational and there are lot of lessons in it .
a must watch movie .
Oh my ferging garsh!!

I just watched the end of the movie for the firs time! Wow!

I've watched pieces of this movie before, but not enough to get the whole story. The end of it, revealing the purpose of Eli, really is very cool! :thumbsup

Here's wishing it didn't have so many profanities that I can't have my 15 YO son watch it. :gah