ChevyRodeo said:
There is a cancer on this board. It is this idea that demons and angels can have children with humans.
Show me the evidence for this, show me in the Bible. This is a Christian forum and if you cant back up what you say with the Bible there is no point in posting it. :mad
Here is a post from several years back when I went by John, and I think Bolts is still saround here someplace? See if it fits? If not? just deleat it! ;) --Elijah
Amended, please see addition on 'giants' on the earth at the bottom of the page.
The sons of God verse of Genesis 6 has been botched up in 'History' (See the Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15) in many different ways. Ancient Jewish commentators, and early church fathers (Revelation 17:5) and today's Jude 1:12 'wind' ones have these 'sons' to be angels. Comparing them with Job 1:6, Job 2:1 & Job 38:7.
But, this is not the Everlasting Gospel! (Revelation 14:6) Notice Genesis 6:2-4 "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose. (even more than one, huh! wives.) And verse 3 tell of the death by flood. These ones were not human angels stuff! The Striving of the Holy Spirit had long gone been over for them of heavens rebellion. And also was soon to be over for even Seth's 'ex/son of God' apostates! And these ones were to die by the flood. (drowning angels??)
Verse 4 says: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the [sons of God came in unto the daughters of men], and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
Again: This has to be rejected as having no merit, because the punishment was for the sins of human beings and not angels. (there time will come after the 1000 years of Revelation 20:1-3 are up!) And Christ has documented that angels do not marry in Matthew 22:30. Ask yourself, when God asks us to come and reason together, who would benefit by this satanic teaching, Christ or the devil? Christ is immortal and there has never been a time that He was not Christ/God of the Godhead! (and satan is a created being for just a short time more. Obadiah 1:16)
No. Adam was a created Son of God, and a Born Again son of God by faith in the Genesis 3:15 Everlasting Gospel. It was CONDITIONAL! And as one can see that Cain was saved by faith until he did the devils thing in full mature 'sin against the Holy Ghost' in rejection. (See Genesis 4:7) At this moment the devil has his first convert! This is the first son of man. If one follows on, we see that Seth did not come on the scene until approximately 120 years later.
Also take note of Exodus 4:22 & Deuteronomy 14:22 where Moses called the children of Israel as 'His first born son' & 'Children of the Lord your God'. These others were the ones who disobeyed God that were from the lineage of Seth and became the sons of men. (lost ones) See Deuteronomy 7:3-4, Joshua 23:12, Ezra 9:2 & what is new?? See 2 Corinthians 6:14-15!
One more thought on the execution of 'mankind' by a flood. 'I will destroy man' Genesis 6:7
The Hebrew expression means literally "I will wipe off" or "blot out" or "erase" (see Exodus 32:32-33, Isaiah 43:25) Surely the flood did this to all of mankind who were not inside the ark! And notice that the antediluvians Christ has compared to His human race at the [end of time]! Matthew 24:37-39
And the giant thing? Well, most before the flood lived around a thousand year period of time. Books were not even needed much surely, for everything could be passed along from the aged, to far into his descendents. Even today, we do not see the total death of mankind's physical & mental capacities that God created them with. But when one reads some of these forums threads, sometime I wonder? (and no, many do not give the credits to God)
Giants on the earth. Genesis 6:4 "There were giants on the earth in those days: and after that, when the [sons of God] came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
OK: Notice first that these were son's of God. His creation which were from the start, that were obedient. When Adam was created God pronounced that he was not good, but Very Good! (PERFECT!) Think what that means? His memory was flaw/less. No need of books! Everything was perfectly remembered. And yes, after sin, these ones 'decayed' (sin does that) much less & slowly than that of the sons of men who followed Cain's (satan) rebellion on earth. Now when one thinks of these two groups with one following God & one following satan's first convert Cain, ask yourself the question of the height of man? Which of the two groups are blessed of God, and which of the two would die the quicker without God's Blessing them? And how tall was Adam when created? The Word of God just stated that there were giants on earth 'in those days: and after that'! But not all, huh? Why?? We will get to that. (and if not? diet had and has, a lot to do with life)
Now notice that it continues on with 'When the sons of God came unto the daughter of men'. And notice that the thought is still being the sons [of God] and the descendants of satan's convert Cain as.. 'daughters of men'. Got that?
We do remember that God did not want this to happen! (the yoke of God with the bondage of f satan) 1 Corinthians 6:14-18 & the REASON WHY as seen in Deuteronomy 7:3-4. Yet, that is exactly what happened over & over again. If you do not think so, then why do we see this 'post' of needing to tell these ones here, that their thinking is woven in with the 'son's of men mentality'?
But, lets continue on? Seth (Adams son of God) obeyed God until his descendents began starting to apostasis. And even then the children still carried on the 'strengths' that God gave unto them in Obedience, be it mental genius, or physical strength, + giant structure. But surely, God 'sa PERFECT Creation were [all] this way when created! Sin deteriorate's . (notice the life span of the pre/flood ones as compared to after the flood! See Genesis 9:5
Again notice the two groups of Gods creation above, both seen with free ones choice, to Obey God or to obey satan.
But what about angels?
Do you see angels? (God can & has used angels in bodily form) Yet, He tells us that they are.. Hebrews 1:7 "And of the angels He saith, Who maketh His angels spirits,.." And in Psalm 104:4 the Word of God says again.. "Who maketh his angels spirits; .." And we did notice that the Genesis 6:3 verse said that it was the sons of God that came to the daughter of men and it was they who 'bare children to them'. (women angels? Hardly!) And surely Christ's Word tell's us flat out that angels do not.. "marry or give in marriage" Matthew 22:28-30