This one seems to have been overlooked:Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
If tongues (glossais = language) -- supernaturally spoken foreign languages -- have not ceased,
someone should have provided us with definite, objective, incontrovertible documentary/audio/visual evidence that Pentecostal/Charismatic missionaries are actually exercising this supernatural gift, and interpreters are proving without the shadow of a doubt that people are exercising this genuine gift within the churches today. What is needed is clear objective evidence (as courts required).
Not a single Christian would mind speaking a foreign language supernaturally, effortlessly, and fluently to minister to the Chinese, or Indians, or Albanians, or what have you. The truth is that these languages are having to be painfully learned. The truth also is, that you will not see this objective evidence, therefore the claim shifts to "prayer language" and "angelic language" etc.
which is not at all what Scripture shows as "tongues" (an archaic way of saying "languages"). The honest admission that genuine tongues have ceased is yet to be made from the proponents of tongues.
As to the above passage (1 Cor 13:8-10), there is deliberate eisegesis in introducing "the perfection of Christ" into this passage.
The context does not allow it, but who cares? "Since only Christ is perfect, and He hasn't come, therefore tongues are valid". You can repeat till you are blue in the face that "perfect" (v. 10 KJV ) is more appropriately "complete" (Gk
teleios) and
"complete" speaks of a complete canon of Scripture (just as "perfect" in 2 Tim 3:17 speaks of a "complete" or mature Christian), because all three gifts which would cease (prophecy, tongues, knowledge) are really
direct supernatural revelations from God. Once the Bible (revelations from God) was complete there would be absolutely no need for these gifts, and God already told us through Paul. It is only in the early 20th century that false "tongues" were revived (apart from the Montanists).