Chanting slogans they indoctrinated into you won't help. Most research is funded by businesses. Did you really not know that?
The United States is the largest performer of research and experimental development (R&D), with $806 billion in gross domestic expenditures on R&D in 2021, followed by China, with $668 billion. While overall funding of R&D in the U.S. continues to rise rapidly, the share of basic research funded by the federal government has fallen in the previous decade. Business funding of U.S. R&D surpassed federal funding in the 1980s and now dominates the U.S. R&D enterprise. These are among the findings in Research and Development: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons published today by the National Science Board (NSB).
NSB governs NSF, develops Science and Engineering Indicators, and advises the President and Congress on S&E policy, research and education issues.
Don't be so trusting. Those guys lie to you, and if you just accept what you're told, you'll be theirs to use.
God could have created the universe last Thursday, and faked all the evidence the way you suggest. But that would require an appalling dishonesty on the part of God. So not a very plausible excuse, if you believe in the real God who created all things.
Your fellow YE creationists who are familiar with the evidence, say you're wrong. Would you like me to show you?
You have that a bit garbled. The supposed "man tracks" were in the Paluxy River bed in Texas. And the story was debunked by YE creationists from Loma Linda University.
Comments from YE creationist John Morris:
The main problem of geologic origin for biblical catastrophists stems from the fact that underlying the Paluxy River basin is nearly eighty-five hundred feet of sedimentary rock. According to the catastrophic model, this must all have been laid down by the flood of Noah's day. The problem is how could man and dinosaurs witness such massive deposition at the beginning stages of the flood and survive long enough to leave their prints so high up in the geologic column?
Creationists, by citing examples of fossils that are supposed to be in the wrong order for evolution, often try to prove that the geological time scale is in error.