I enjoy coffee, preferably decaf as explained above, with or without cream, hot or iced, spiked with a little Irish Cream liquor, and spiked with a good bourbon or Irish whiskey with a splash of cream.
One thing that I haven't understood is that I like coffee both hot or iced but room temperature is a no-no for me. Yeah, that's weird.
I had to go to Germany once for my employer and while there I fell in love with the coffee. I don't know how they did it but it was very strong but for some reason it was not bitter. I've tried making strong coffee at home but it always gets bitter. We have a Bunn coffee maker, a Keurig single serve maker, and a French press. I've used various roasts pre-ground and fresh ground beans and no matter what I do, I just have not been able to duplicate that German coffee.