- Oct 20, 2012
- 954
- 7
Thank you for the Aaronic blessing. I love this prayer and it greatly blessed me.As I said, there is nothing wrong with this teaching and it highlights who and what the circumcision group were trying to accomplish. It puts the texts back into the context of the issues facing the first century believers. As I said, good, solid teachings grounded in the scriptures. There is nothing there that highlights these false allegations you are asserting. I dont believe you can provide the exact time when they say one must be a Jew or be circumcised as you stated. And the link I provided, again there is nothing that is unscriptural in that article.Thank you. I will watch it when I get home and respond later. As well, here is the link I found on a teaching on circumcision on their website. I am posting it blindly and have not yet read or studied it.Please view this clip from there website that they posted on you tube.
The conclusion of the matter in Acts 15.
[/img] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih1Hhuc-Ypw# [/img]
I'm glad I was baptized on the weekend because this is directly related to circumcision. Could I have lived the rest of my life and not been baptized, and would my eternal destiny have been altered if I didn't? Likewise with circumcision. Could I go my whole life without being circumcised and would my eternal destiny be altered if I didn't? You know the answer, and the article addresses this very point. And for the record, the answer is no to both questions.
I am glad you were baptized as well. You followed the prompting of The Spirit and obeyed. That is awesome.
It just doesn't get any better that that.
May The Lord bless you and keep you. May The Lord make His Face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.
I would rather leave on a high note, then a low note JLB. So I will. This Jerusalem Council organization of Messianic believers is NOT the governing body of Messianics worldwide. They are a very, very small group who I believe have some suspect interpretations of the Good Word. When they say I MUST be circumcised, that raises eyebrows and flags. I have to make that clear.
Messianic Judaism is not the enemy. We are fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Why can't we all learn from each other instead of our hackles being raised when you or I have a different interpretation of the scriptures? I did not come on to debate scriptures as we have already done that once or twice, but merely to correct some misinformation about Messianic Judaism as a whole. Are there fringe groups? Sure. But as a whole we have the same Messiah, same Rabbi, same Savior, and we are all saved the same way as the next believer.
Blessings and Shalom with you